Filename for /output inventory

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Imukai, Nov 5, 2018.

  1. Imukai Augur

    Good morning.

    /output inventory creates a filename Charactername-Inventory.txt in the root EQ directory. The issue (for me) is that I reuse character names from server to server, so this file will get overwritten.

    Is it possible to change it to be like other character files and include the server name? Charactername-Server-Inventory.txt?
  2. Zamiam Augur

    iirc you can name the file anything you want .. so when you /output inventory just characternameserver-inventory txt .. might not be that exact format but should be close .. i'll check around and see..

    Update: ok so i just tried it .. /output inventory (filename.txt) where filename is Imukaibertox.txt or whatever server your on .. worked on my toon i just tried it

    also if you /output .. it gives you a list of commands for which you want to output guild, real estate, inventory etc.. then at bottom of list is optional command for filename otherwise it will default to the basic dump file name
    moogs likes this.
  3. Lyquid New Member

    or you could save the files elsewhere yourself and not waste the dev's time on something useless.
    smash likes this.
  4. moogs Augur

    Zamiam is correct, you can just name the file as a command parameter.

    I think my hotkey says something like /output inventory c:\moogs_luclin_inventory.txt and the same for output realestate and so on.
  5. Evurkvest Augur

    A default separate folder for output files would be nice.
  6. Tatanka Joe Schmo

  7. segap Augur

    Open the EQ folder and sort by file date. It will be one of the few files that was recently changed. It's not hard to find if you don't specify a name or know the name of it.
  8. Dzarn Developer

    A very reasonable request, I'll ensure there's a ticket to address this sometime in the future.
    Yinla, Brohg and Thunderkiks like this.