Few newbie questions, on new Phinigel server.

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Deano, Dec 27, 2015.

  1. Deano New Member

    First, is there a way to show Targets, target, target? I made a Cleric and i have tank targeted most of the time to heal them. But i would like to see who his target has targeted. That way if the mob aggros someone else i can just click on them to shoot them a heal. Otherwise i feel like as a healer i'm just forced to stare at the party/group box to watch peoples HP bars instead of the game so much.

    Second, i feel like the chat windows options are limited. I would like in one window just my stuff. Example, playing a Mage i would like to see just MY spell damage, just MY pet's melee damage, just MY pets damage shield damage, etc. i don't want to see the misses, dodges, etc. i don't want to see everyone's pets melee damage, etc.

    Third, is there a website that will show me different UI layouts that are good for each class? Or cool UI layouts that other people have? I just kinda moved my windows around and would like to see if there is a good "science" behind the layout that might make things better or easier for me.

    Fourth, can i increase the font size or HP bar size in my other windows? I know i can change the font size in chat windows but i'm talking about like group/party window. Some peoples names are hard to read, and when i want to send them a /tell i have to put my face up close to the monitor to read it.
  2. CrazyLarth Augur

  3. Gundolin Augur

    Q1) First, is there a way to show Targets, target, target? ...
    Not that I know of. I spend a lot of time on my cleric staring at the groups life bar, you can generally see whose about to get agroe from the hate indicator. But hopefully have a good tank who can taunt off fast, and a quick heal loaded - or your casters are gonna die.

    Q2) I would like in one window just my stuff.
    Right click on the window and adjust the filters anyway you like. Also you can download the latest Parser from EQ Resource (http://gambosoft.eqresource.com/gamparsegettingstarted.php) and see what is working and what isn't. May want to go that route as even with just your pets hits etc its going to be scrolling pretty fast.

    Q3) different UI layouts.
    I generally just ask people in my guild or people that I raid with to post theirs some place. A lot of people are happy to share.

    Q4 see above?
  4. CrazyLarth Augur