
Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Bart, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. Bart Journeyman

    With people boxing and still grouping a fellowship is so nice, I wish we could have more in the fellowships, 12 just is not cutting it these days. the fellowship I am in has almost turned into the leaders alts and boxes. The leader now has 8 toons in it and 2 of mine and 2 others. I like to play with the leader a lot and do not want to leave but others wanted to join us and can not because it is full. I feel like a bump up to 24 would be nice.
    I Was also thinking that a 2nd campfire would be nice as well. Could just click the Fellowship Registration Insignia and a window could pop up for what camp you wanted to go to like you did for Feerott now, maybe even double the recast timer for 2 campfires and have it set to 30 min recast if 2 are up not to exploit it. Expand the fellowship window campsites to list Campfire X and Campfire Y and types like they are now but calling them Fellowship of Honor 1 and Fellowship of Honor 2 and so on for each type of camp in the drop down list. and for listed campsites could be like Current campfire 1 and Current campfire 2 would prob need a pop up when destroying campsites as well asking if campsite 1 or 2 is what you really want to destroy. The reason behind this is I do not want to leave my current fellowship but want to play with others in diff zones and have the conveniences of the campfire for that group as well. But If no 2nd campfire, would really love to see just the fellowship members numbers go up to at least doubled.
    Hazimil and Draego like this.
  2. Harris Augur

    Great idea. A few friends and I were just talking about this the other day. I didn't even think about a 2nd campfire but that makes a lot of sense too. We have to have 2 Fellowships for the group just for all our toons and a lot of times one character is in wrong fellowship.
  3. Perplexed Augur

    i would love to see fellowship expanded and setting campfires with only 1 person in the zone. in todays EQ i do not see that as a big game breaker, but sure would be beneficial to players.
    Draego likes this.
  4. Aeonblade Very Hungry Vah Shir

    A fellowship cap increase would be really nice. It stinks having to be picky and choosy which characters are in a fellowship with such a low cap like it has now. Some good ideas OP!
  5. Jmac Elder

    Whenever the last dev chat was, like a month ago or so, I asked if there were any plans to increase the fellowship cap. The response from one of the devs was "No, increasing the fellowship would be like having a small guild and thats not what we want to have." This isn't the exact quote, but it's basically what I was told.
  6. Piasa Journeyman

    Be nice if they could make the fellowships add accounts, not characters. So that all my characters on my account are automatically in the fellowship. (or could be added to the fellowship without affecting the counter further than 1).
  7. Riou EQResource

    It's silly because fellowship is nothing like a guild, the limited slots hurts people who box and people with a lot of friends or a lot of alts. It would be cool if they could make the limit account based or something instead of character.

    I can create 14 characters by myself on 1 account on the main server I play on, why can I not have them all tied into 1 fellowship with the rest of my friends.

    No fellowship on alts means I can't take advantage of fellowship benefits which makes less likely to play them which is less likely to play EQ when bored on main toon :p
  8. Makavien Augur

    Mine is mostly people that run to raids and 2 alts but I do agree it needs to be 24 people . Because that way we could have the dedicated raiders in them plus our own boxes and friends we like to group with.
  9. Sinestra Augur

    They should up the amount allowed in the fellowships, remove the rejoining time (currently if you join a fellowship and then decide to go to another one there is a 24 hour wait which discourages grouping with multiple friends that might have different fellowships), and bring down the requirement to set the the campfires to one or two players.
  10. IGiveYouCash Lorekeeper

    Great Idea, in our fellowship we keep removing and adding toons. ATM we have each have min of 6 we play all the time and is 5 in fellowship, that is 30 for 5 people at minimum. I like to play all my classes as does the rest of my fellowship and it is why we made a fellowship with one another. I do not see a mini guild made up of 5 people with alts, i see 5 players that like to play with all classes with each other and we are all in the same guild as well, clicks in guilds will always happen just like in real life, why should we suffer because we all like to group with all our toons? I mean that is what I pay for is isn't it? to have fun?
  11. Marshall Maathers Augur

    If they aren't willing to increase the cap, I would 100% be in favor of switching it to 12 different accounts. That would be amazing.

    Unsure on how possible it is to do though.
    Pirouette likes this.
  12. Greniog New Member

    I think it is time for a change to fellowships, they do not have enough slots to join, I also have to switch characters in and out of our fellowship.
  13. Furro Elder

    Fellowship Alliances!

    Players within the same group get a temporary, limited option bond to other existing player fellowships within that group.
    • Limited to basic campfires only
    • No /fs chat options
    • No firewood options
    This would allow for formed groups to plant a campfire for others who join to port to and utilize etc.

    To keep it simple and avoid potential abuse, maintain the existing one campfire fellowship rule. For example, three different players, all in different fellowships join a group. To drop a campfire, each player must not have an existing campfire already. This avoids having to code a solution for multiple campfire handling via some sort of popup box/window option when the teleport clicky is used. This also addresses the abuse angle, as it limits the ability for a group to plant more then one campfire for the purpose of, for example, monopolizing rare spawn locations throughout a zone.

    Leader of Freelance - Open Raid Team - CT server
    silku likes this.
  14. blood & gufts Augur

    They have said that number of times, that is not the intention with FS Things, but for a small Group to join up, and already 12 is cutting that edge.
  15. Bart Journeyman

    It is a small group, but with alts.
  16. blood & gufts Augur

    Group = 6 persons, with 1 alt each = 12 persons.. Should be more than enough
  17. Bart Journeyman

    Maybe you only play one alt, i play 5 and box just me alone.. that is 6 just with me alone. I don't see a reason for them to give us so many at character select if they only expect us to play one alt.. silly really they don't expand it to more.
    Sinestra likes this.
  18. Corlen-Xeg Elder

    I think this is pretty much the solution all these posts are looking for. Any three members of any formed group can plant a group-fire which can be teleported to for all members of said group. Nice and simple.
    Pirouette, beryon and Yinla like this.
  19. Kelefane Augur

    I'd like to see the Fellowship cap increased to 15. That is a good number for it.
    Yinla likes this.
  20. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I like this idea, this or make fellowships allow alts on the same account to be members without counting as one of the 12.
    Feradach and Kelefane like this.