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Fellowship and Campfires

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Mythaniel, Feb 18, 2015.

  1. Mythaniel Elder

    Not a huge deal by any means, but would it be possible to make it so you can add more than 12 people to a Fellowship? Only allowing 12 toons does not seem to cut it anymore as several guildies and myself can't put all of our toons in the fellowship.

    Also, is it possible to make it so you can put a campfire up with 1 or 2 people instead of 3? It's not that common to have 3+ fellowship members on at the same time throughout the day to be able to make the campfire unless it's during our raid times which is pretty pointless.

    Not sure if others would like these things changed or not, but please chime in if you want...I think the changes would be pretty simple.

    Lisandra, silku and Galarian like this.
  2. Coronay Augur

    Campfires definitely need to be looked at. Lower the amount of people needed to create a campfire to two. Increase the amount you can have in fellowship. This will help people get together and do so much more content!
    Lisandra likes this.
  3. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    In the past they have said they would not change anything in fellowships and I don't expect that to change. And they have been asked many times. Cant hurt to ask again I guess. I would not change anything except maybe reduce the timer to 10 min instead of 15.
  4. Galarian Elder

    Agree with everything Mythaniel said. With the whole HC thing, a lot more alts have been created. I would be more than happy with even a 15 limit; it's not a huge boost, but it's still a help nevertheless. I'd definitely like to see a drop in the required number of fellowship members present to put a campfire down as well. I know EQ2's guild banner system isn't the best thing to compare this with, but the ability to have a single person place a rally point would definitely be appreciated. Even two people for a campfire would be awesome. I know there might be certain reasons as to why that wouldn't be viable for now, but IMO a maximum fellowship membership cap boost is long overdue.
  5. Ferry-Tunare Augur

    Yes. While Fellowship groups sometimes have 3 or more chars, there is really only 1 or 2 people controlling them. Reducing the number of chars to put a campfire would reduce frustration.
  6. Mintalie Augur

    ^^ Let's get this changed to better reflect the current state of the game.
    Lisandra likes this.
  7. Tolkeen Lorekeeper

    I suppose I don't see the point to this...

    If guild banners require X number based upon the idea that guilds are larger, then the same/similar ratio should hold true for fellowships. As the number of chars in a fellowship increases, so should the number required to drop a camp fire. Otherwise, at some point.. what point is there in a guild?

    A bit of an extreme example, and yes, adding another few members to fellowships won't break guilds, but one small change isn't often bad. It's the one small change done x10 over the course of a few years that is often terrible.

    What might be a better idea over all is to reduce the number of characters in a fellowship, and in conjunction reduce the number of players necessary to drop a campfire. Then allow fellowships to be named or given an ID of some sort, and then allow characters to join multiple fellowships. Link the camp fire timer to some sort of "primary fellowship", and on its refresh this setting cannot be changed. Players can of course chat in all their fellowships such as /fs1, /fs2 etc etc at any time, but it would allow players to maintain "alt fellowships" and open up more space for more mains to join fellowships with other mains and get people mingling and whatnot.

  8. RPoo Augur

    but then we wouldn't be able to share our exp with your alts
    Mintalie likes this.
  9. Melodya Journeyman

    Wouldn't mind seeing 1 person being able to make the standard campfire and requiring 2 people to make the more advanced ones.

    A 14-16 people Fellowship would be great as well! :p
    Dre. and Coronay like this.
  10. Coronay Augur

    I really like this idea.
  11. RPoo Augur

    yeah really... think IRL how many people does it take to start a real fire? And then how many ___ does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
    Mintalie likes this.
  12. guado Augur

    Just think of how OP if Frodo and Samwise just dropped a campfire on top of Mordor, then everyone campfired in.
    Lore priority guys. Lore priority.
    Caixaa likes this.
  13. Laronk Augur

    The problem is it's too easy and safe to get somewhere with just one person for a campfire, campfires really need to need 3 people. If you think a campfire should be placeable by one person you're dreaming. I box and trust me, a 1 man campfire would help me a lot more than it would help most of you but it's a terrible Idea unless you want to make the fellowship clicky cast a 20 second stun on you after you appear at the fire.
  14. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Same here Laronk and I agree. Campfires have their limits for a reason.
  15. Belkar_OotS Augur

    If they just made them account based I would be fine with the original 9 slots lol........
  16. Grummy_NB Augur

    I would like them to add Guild Rally items, say 3 different items the RL can drop at a raid. Many times the RL says "drop a campfire at me".. now drop another at me.
  17. Dre. Altoholic

    Group campfire > Fellowship campfire. And let one person set it.

    Requiring 2+ characters to campfire just means more running. This is counterproductive to the entire purpose of the system, which is to save travel time.

    Also for fellowship experience, I'd like to see the share mechanic replaced with following options:
    • Donate
    • Share
    • Receive
    • OFF
    Finally, let the leader designate 'fellowship managers' so I don't have to log in the same character to add/toggle members.
    Evercluck and Lisandra like this.
  18. Laronk Augur

    AHHH YESSSS group campfire where you only need one person to set /invite xxx /click /disband /invite aaa.

    The three character rule is there for a reason, you say ooo its just more running but you can get almost everywere in EQ in a few minutes. 1 person to drop a campfire would easily be abused in many situations and trivialize content.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  19. Mythaniel Elder

    The main thing with them that I'd like to see done is to allow more than 12 people in the fellowships. The "only needed 1 or 2 people for a campfire" would just be an added bonus.
  20. silku Augur

    If fellowships aren't going to be changed, which I hope they will.. I'd like to see them account based, or expanded to include many more players. I'm constantly having to remove my characters to make room for others just to get them to the same zone.. and guess what.. if you remove one? It's like 9 or 10 hours before you can add them back..

    So let's say fellowships are done.. we aren't going to change those..

    How about making a group campfire or group port system to where the leader of the group can set down a flag, read a scroll or something and boom a port to that spot is opened for everyone in the group. Not a permanent one.. make it semi expensive to use (200-300 pp) and make it good for only a few mins. Invite a new member? Open a portal.. they get there... we go on our way to fight.

    Or even make it to where it requires one item from each tradeskill to open the portal. A smithed casing, enchanted jewels, drops of a special potion, scribed runed scrolls, etc.. Even if it cost 1k to use I'd imagine it would be worth it to speed up the game.