[feedback] wizard AA: improved twincast

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Jumbur, Mar 3, 2022.

  1. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    Target: Self
    Duration: 2.5m (25 ticks)
    Max Hits: 21 Matching Spells
    1: Increase Chance to Twincast by 100%
    2: Limit Effect: Current HP
    3: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker
    4: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
    5: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
    6: Limit Type: Detrimental
    7: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Twincast Chance' and < 150
    Improved Twincast IX, when activated, allows you to twincast up to 21 damage spells for 2.5 minutes.

    I find it difficult to use all the charges in group situations before it fades away due to the short duration, especially if each pull takes a few seconds before it arrives in camp.
    Can we extend the duration to match frenzied devastation and arcane destruction?
    Note, Im not asking for extra charges at this point, but just a duration extension.

    Second suggestion:
    When we cast normal twincast(or receive it by a claw-proc) while improved twincast is active, then the normal twincast gets blocked and is wasted.
    Can we have normal twincast add charges(4-6) to the active improved twincast in that situation, instead?
  2. Biltene Kingslayer

    I'm a little surprised that you're having issues getting through all the charges. I feel like the only time that happens to me is that I pop it, we kill a mob, and then the puller/tank/healer needs an unforeseen AFK that puts the kills on hold. I spose it would be nice to extend the timer for these types of situations.

    If you have a high DPS group, then you should be pulling in mobs and mowing them down in a quick fashion, and having no issues getting through the charges. If you have a slow DPS group, then you should be able to use up all your charges on 2 mobs at most. And if you aren't pulling mobs in fast enough to kill 2 mobs in 2.5 mins, there are other issues at play.
  3. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    Well, I have grouped a bit in ToV zones where mobs die fast, and where we were a bit slow at pulling(the rest of the group were careful as they were low-level).
    But should efficient chain-pulling be a requirement for using all the charges?
  4. Cicelee Augur

    I am not a wizard, but I don't see an issue with extending the timer on ITC from 2 1/2 minutes to like 3 minutes.

    I disagree with twincast adding charges, though. What should happen is that ITC not block twincast, so you have both spell icons on the buff bar. Use up ITC first and then it goes to twincast. And if you were dumb enough to cast twincast when you have 9 charges left on ITC, then you deserve to be locked out of twincast until it refreshes. And I am referring to "you" in general terms, not to anyone specific.