[Feedback] Valentine Sale Announcement Reappears After Every Login

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Brickhaus, Feb 10, 2023.

  1. Brickhaus Augur

    The Valentine's Day Sale announcement will reappear every time a character enters the world, even if you've closed the announcement.

    Without going all postal, isn't there some type of template you use for these announcements ... and why can't you be consistent?
    Mukkul likes this.
  2. Toukan Augur

    I keep thinking its new email trying to sell me ED drugs...
    Mukkul, Nennius, Madeni and 1 other person like this.
  3. Randomwarclrth New Member

    i refuse to buy anything due to this Everquest Disfunction sale
  4. Nennius Curmudgeon

    That would beg an entirely new graphic.
    Toukan likes this.
  5. zleski Augur

    They're just really excited to let you know about it.
    Nennius likes this.
  6. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Being able to shut off notifications completely would be awesome.
    Mukkul, Moege, Andarriel and 2 others like this.
  7. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

  8. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Usually when this happens, the event/sale is long over by the time they get around to "fixing" it.
  9. Abbydog Journeyman

    Normally yes, yet this time they dont. They keep popping up over and over again.

    On a related note, why oh why do they think that those of us who play on live servers have any interest at all about new expansions opening on TLP servers? They can axe those announcements entirely as far as Im concerned.
    Mukkul likes this.
  10. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

  11. Nennius Curmudgeon

    They are trying to sell. Ads suck, but they do work...for some people. Must resist, must resist...
  12. Alnitak Augur

    Why resist? Embrace !
    I've bought level 100 Heroic, level 85 Heroic, over 120 slot increase of my Tradeskill Depot capacity and enabled Ornamentations on one of my alts. I've spent everything I had in DBCs.
    I am in love with Enrollisi Days discount!
  13. Herf Augur

    You mean like a Heart on something? :D
  14. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Uh, yeah. That's the ticket.
  15. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Yea they get annoying especially when a TLP server unlocks to another expansion or something very annoying. Its like Whoopy Doo! lol