Feb 15, The day all SHD became eunuchs.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Unpleasant, Feb 13, 2017.

  1. Unpleasant Journeyman

    At least, that is about how this patch feels. Now I realize and likely know better than most how to get by with MC and SHD 2.0 nerfed this badly, but the whole thing just puts a whole damper on the future of the entire game for me. Could actively get all stat boosts, every little aug tweak, every damned piece of EoK raid gear, hell, raid gear 2 expansions from now, and not even come close to where my SHD is in strength at this moment.

    I don't expect part time SHDs, just another box SHDs to understand, and certainly not flavor of the month type players. Any who know me at all know I am certainly not that, main has been a SHD since 99, and will never be any other class in this game. However, others who are that dedicated to their class may understand my pure disgust at this lazy, knee-jerk reaction of a fix.

    The class has been built around the ability to melee leech, and melee leech off ripostes for a really, really long time now. To suddenly remove something that defining this much later shows a serious disconnect between devs and their players. That said, I no longer see this game as being much of any fun any more, or having any potential to get better in the future. Stole fear kiting from us in the past, now this, and I imagine tank 2her dps will be soon to follow.

    Tank 2her DPS is why swarming is so possible by the way, the surge in damage had an unintended side effect to making it much more viable again. However rather than do something clever to fix that, just outright destroying the last thing that made SHD unique was the plan instead. Slow claps for you, DB. You have once again taken the easiest road.

    So go ahead, take it away, give it back, whatever. I might raid awhile more, but these sorts of near-sighted decisions remove pretty much all desire to continue wanting to progress. Waiting around to see how you nerf the game next isn't my idea of fun.
  2. Bigstomp Augur


    I disagree with the nerf for the record, and think it will hurt SK's (and by extension raids that depend on SK's) but you're going a little over the top aren't you?
    Thancra, Elricvonclief, Tucoh and 2 others like this.
  3. yadiman Journeyman

    Our Overlords DEMAND we play ONE way. Dps this mob for 2 min till it's dead (CC any adds), Now Dps the next mob for 2 min... CC any adds, and the next, and the next.

    TBH I'm wondering why I play this boring game.
    Dre. likes this.
  4. Millianna Augur

    Your wasting your breath posting here. The "elite" that post here only care about themselves. This whole thing was a setup from the get go. Nothing in the group game is a challenge for a real group of players, and hasn't been for years. Go ahead and nerf SKs some more, it's not going to stop rampant decimation of group content.
    Sasquach of Maelin and Yimin like this.
  5. Aghinem Augur

    Do you just go through life hating people who are better than you, or is this just pathological. Your remark is nonsensical and adds nothing to this situation. Just about every person I have spoken to who plays an SK in both the group game and raid game are very angry over this change. It essentially castrates how the SKs are meant to be played.

    Here is food for thought for you. Not everything has to be an attack. Maybe if you take that Akhaven and all four of its arms buried up your rear out, and get to know these "elite" people, you may discover they are pretty nice and are more than willing to go out of their way to assist others.
    MrMajestykx and IblisTheMage like this.
  6. Millianna Augur

    It's an absolute waste of time to post here about the changes. Doesn't matter if it's a 180 degree class change or not. Only raiders should be allowed to tank multiples, and if argue against it? Tough luck. Oh, and Have to listen to "EoK gear is too close to raid gear" and tanks do too much dps over and over again. Good luck to you.
    Sasquach of Maelin and Yimin like this.
  7. Aghinem Augur

  8. Millianna Augur

    This nerf is political theater. I just cannot believe the developers did not know the current state of the game. SKs were the unfortunate ones to take blunt end of the nerf bat here. We all know this isn't going to fix the problem, so here comes the DPS nerf. Why don't they spend more time preparing for the upcoming level change (clearly EoK failed) and perhaps update the mob templates to make some of the content more difficult. The only good news is the merc tank update. Maybe it will be usable.
  9. IblisTheMage Augur

  10. Drogba Augur

    Those were the days!
    Yimin likes this.
  11. Thash Zoner

    I may have missed the shakerpaging boat, but that set sail long ago. In what way is this different? Serious question.

    I have the impression that tank 2h damage is now intended to be high, and the devs don't seem to like swarming.
  12. Badhand Elder

    Exactly. This is what happens when Superman is forced to eat Kryptonite.
  13. Thraine Augur

    to the OP, this nerf was a long time coming (rangers hail of arrows used to hit all targets with headshot also, they nerfed that way back in like omens) so you guys got a good 10 years out of your thing .. and to be honest its pretty weak as far as nerfs go, SKs will still be the beastly DPSing tanks they were.
    Sasquach of Maelin likes this.
  14. ShadowMan Augur

    Except they are leaving the abilities that allow warriors and paladins to swarm alone. This tank problem will be addressed later down the line and more than likely shadow knights will get hit again. Or they could just fix the real issue now and not mess up shadow knights leech effects.
    Vrinda, Gyurika Godofwar and Thraine like this.
  15. Thraine Augur

    Well i think the thing pallys and wars have going for them atm is they dont have a idiot at top of their class posting videos of overpowered stuff.

    As far as DBG doing the right thing and fixing the real issue? hehe im not going to hold my breath :)
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  16. Millianna Augur

    How can anyone defend a nerf that change the core play style of class without even exploring an alternative? Again, this isn't just an SK problem nor tank problem. I was correct with my post about the attitude of this forum. This game is being destroyed by people who care only about themselves.
    Sasquach of Maelin and Yimin like this.
  17. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    Am I the only one who is ok with that?
    If you look at the "con-description" it is hinted that a single white-con should be considered your equal in single combat, and that a yellow-con should be considered "risky".

    EQ was never meant to be a "power-fantasy"...:)
    TheQxx and fransisco like this.
  18. fransisco Augur

    Wow the drama!
    You'd think SKs were losing the ability to wear armor or something!

    Though this isn't quite at the level of shakerpaging drama. No one can throw down drama like warriors can.
    Yimin and TheQxx like this.
  19. Cleaver Augur

    Exactly how did EOK fail ? I barely read anything negative about this expansion compared to the previous 4 or 5.
  20. Fohpo Augur

    I think what people are referring to is power creep and class balance, DPS tankiness relative to tank DPS.
    Sasquach of Maelin likes this.