Fear Fruit reward--what the hell does this do?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Thaargor, Feb 2, 2015.

  1. Thaargor New Member

  2. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Was hoping it would sub for a crimson potion, but that only works it your regen is less than the dot from fear fruit, eh? :(
  3. Brudal Augur

    500 point self dot for a base of 1 minute (extendable), good to use during the beguiler phase in Tower of Rot; also turns your screen purple.
    Yinla likes this.
  4. guado Augur

    It breaks a mez on yourself. Invaluable.
  5. Hayzeus Augur

    Seriously that's what it does? I agree.. invaluable. I had no idea it could be used to break mez. It's always just had a spot in one of my bags, but, to date, I have yet to use it other than the first time I clicked it. Then I forgot about it.
    guado likes this.
  6. Koryu Professional Roadkill

    It will break mez as long as you don't have any HP Regen buffs on. To check whether you need to click off a regen, while the Fear Fruit effect is running, open your inventory and check the Secondary Stats tab, on the left side all the way at the bottom is your In Combat Regen. If this number is positive and green, the DoT will not wake you, if it is red and negative then you are good to go.

    I have needed to use the Fear Fruit constantly in this expansion because there are so, so many enchanter mobs. They mez the first person who performs a hostile action to enter their hatelist, so if you have a puller then he's the one who usually has to deal with it. But sometimes a roamer or respawn catches you and as a tank you snap it up quick only to find yourself mezzed, so you need to learn the names of the enchanter type mobs to respond quickly.
    Axxius likes this.
  7. Tadenea Augur

    to turn off the color shading you see from it, turn Post Effects Off in display options (advanced)
  8. Esero Elder

    On top of the mez break, it's good for skilling up bind wound, though there are easier ways.
  9. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    The evolving cloak rare from tower of rot is way delicious for bind wound, too.