farming AC augs on Mischief

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Zinth, Apr 27, 2021.

  1. Nickatropolis Augur

    I mean it really comes down to when they release another server after Mischief, that is usually what maims a TLP.
    Skuz and Machen like this.
  2. Zinth Augur

    honestly most of those "tlp players" aren't very good... not even the raiders... and that is why they fall apart after pop where things get even the tiniest bit harder and require a minimum of skill and knowledge about their classes abilities to perform well
    Lanffear and code-zero like this.
  3. Gio1999 Augur

    Sounds like every good idea is ruined by: "What about ___?"
  4. Gio1999 Augur

    It also gets incredibly grindy past Vel/SoL.

    Edit - also unrelated, but back in the day charms broke a lot more than they do today. Groups were also squishier. Most enchanters flat out didn't charm (and they weren't nearly as popular).
  5. Accipiter Old Timer

    Why are you talking to me about COS? I was the one that said it was a right of passage. Learn to read.

    As for charming, I didn't say no one did it, I said very few enchanters did. It was more dangerous, yes, but that's only part of the equation. Most pickup groups wouldn't allow it. I even got pushback from guild groups. And finally, a druid charming is easier because the mob is always, always snared. If you plan to come back with a, "You must not have been much of an enchanter" just save it.
  6. Laronk Augur

    Everquest to me is a lot less grindy when I focus on getting the quests and such I want done instead of grinding out my AA first. I feel a lot of people who find it grindy Max their level/aa first then go do the other things they want to do and then they're not really getting experience while questing so that bit feels more like a grind as well.

    Then help your friends and guildies do the quests and stuff they want to do, get in voice chat on discord with them. Pull more than your group can handle, if you don't die every once in a while you're likely playing the game too safe and not pushing yourself.

    If you're the guy that does the quests with other people and helps other people all the sudden people want to hang out with you. Very few people in the EQ community are leaders and most of the players want to be followers. Instead of it being grindy you login and hang out with your friends and do things while bsing about what ever it is that you talk about.
  7. Machen New Member

    Not sure I agree with this. Having just spent 3 months in Luclin, I spent way more time grinding aa's to max there than I had to last time through on the 75+ expansions. In Luclin, I very quickly ran out of things to do other than just grind. Yeah, there are a lot of aa in later expansions, but they come a lot faster and you generally have quest lines to work on, etc while getting those aa.
  8. taliefer Augur

    but it really doesnt get any harder. gates is not what is used to be, and while i love omens of war, anguish is by far the easiest end game raid zone there is on TLPs.

    the only thing that really changes is there are a handful of events sprinked around that you have to pay attention and hit an emote. but even very few of these I would call crucial for everyone to get right.

    people just dont have the nostalgia for post PoP EQ and thats really the reason people fall off imo, not because the game gets harder. it actually get easier on the whole up to the level 70 era.
  9. Tweakfour17 Augur

    Keep going, the game doesn't end at PoP and the game doesn't end in OoW either. Beyond the events getting harder and more emotes and phases being added you have a severe drop in quality strats from ZAM or other places and a big drop in players who have previously done this content multiple times.
    Skuz likes this.
  10. taliefer Augur

    My only point was difficulty is not why a section of the TLP population stops playing around the PoP era as claimed in the post I replied to. The game continues to be faceroll easy well past that point.

    I dont think there is any significant challenge to TLPs until Underfoot, and the game changes dramatically in ways that has nothing to do with difficulty by that point.
    Tweakfour17 likes this.
  11. NImxat Elder

    Do the augs drop from rare mobs? If not it won't matter. I only collected ac augs through level 80 or so but I don't recall them being rares.
  12. Greebo Journeyman

    Agree 100%. I'd go further and say I predict this will be the most popular TLP ever. FV loot with AOCs, yup. I hope they have the server capacity for this or the problem will be queues. Hopefully the new company brings a big tech budget.
  13. FranktheBank Augur

    GoD ac augs are from a rares, OoW ac augs are from rares, DODH ac augs are from rares, etc...
    I have doubts about your last sentence.