
Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by lolans, Dec 15, 2020.

  1. lolans Master

    Seems the non stat familiars that either summon a familiar or change your pet illusion is broken. If you are a non pet class and want to summon a familiar for show u get the message that this can only be used on summoned pets, and no longer summons the familiar.
    Porm likes this.
  2. Soulbanshee Augur

    Should give a list of clickies this is happening with.
  3. lolans Master

    Metamorph Totem Murkglider
    Metamorph Totem Cernerder 'EH M
    Fear corrupted phase spider Meta
    Erollisi's Aceheart Hare
    Erollisi's Proudheart Hare
    Erollisi's Freeheart Hare
    Erollisi's Trueheart Hare
    Metamorph Totem White Werewolve
    Metamorph Totem Aviak
    Metamorph Totem Cliknar
    Erollisi's Boundless Heart Hare
    These are the few that I found already for examples that I have on my Toons. I assume this is happening for all types of this nature. Non Stat Familiar that either summon familiar or change pet illusion. If u are a non pet class the click says Only works on summoned pets.
  4. lolans Master

    I tried to click them from inside bags, to outside bags, and the familiar keyring. always the same results.
    This was on FV server.
  5. lolans Master

    New detail on this bug, I tried the Erollisi's clickies on other servers since they were free and I have some on other toons on other servers. To my surprise they worked, So i went back to FV server and tried them again, Failed saying only works on summoned pets. So it seems it is a FV server bug on Familiars to the best of my knowledge.
  6. Malbro Augur

    The metamorphs are the ones that change a pet to look like the familiar. The others I don't know.
  7. Soulbanshee Augur

    Petamorph is the one that only changes a pets appearance, and I think I may remember a patch that retro changed clickies to act as metamorphs.