Fabled spawns

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Roartyger Smoot, Apr 13, 2019.

  1. Roartyger Smoot Elder

    Since we are getting a reduced time period of Fabled spawns compared to years where they started spawning on the first day of the anniversary maybe we could get an increased chance of the named spawning. Others may think that fabled only spawned for a month but they used to be up for close to 2 months before if not longer. Kind of having some dry spells here with regular named. Not gods or or raid targets.
  2. Cragzop Cranky Wizard

    No, it's been the same schedule for several years now. You can look at Allakhazam's anniversary page to see that nothing has changed at all in the last 3 anniversaries (2017-2019).

    People complained that the fableds broke too many quests so that why they are only up for a month instead of longer (easier to just inconvenience for a month than try to make workarounds for longer). And fableds were never up for more than 8 weeks I think at any point in history. Most consider them a waste of time and space on Live servers (I like the fact that they are there personally). since there are maybe a handful of items that are desired.

    I'm not sure what brought your complaint, but really the only thing I can think of that is kind of a pain every now and then is the fabled earring from Warsilks. Sometimes that bugger doesn't want to spawn for several cycles (I hope you are killing the fort area and then the goblins to the west if that's what you are after). You may have to spend a day or two if you are trying to get for a bunch of alts.