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Expansions you never visited

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Traxen, Jun 22, 2021.

  1. Traxen Lorekeeper

    What expansions have hardly ever or never set foot in?

    1) Prophecy of Ro. A huge letdown after the amazing OOW, I never bothered.

    2) The Buried Sea. Other than visiting merchants in the Barren Coast I never spent a minute in there. Couldn't tell you why, either.

  2. Windance Augur

    HoTT - Only expansion I've never actually finished.

    Took a break after getting feed up with the changes they made during underfoot. I came back for VoA and just never went back except for key hot zones like the freerott and grounds.
  3. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Ironically, that's the only one I've ever finished (merc/partisan/mission-wise, and hunter). Good expac.

    For me, the least used are PoR, GoD, LDoN (not a comment on the expac, just didn't play hardly at all when new, and since it's not conducive to solo/molo, never went back there). Only reason UF isn't on that list is because I went back and did shawl quest. Then also TBL/ToV/CoV, just haven't gotten there yet.
  4. Ninelder Augur

    I got caught up on all expansions when they became soloable. But the worst by far was LDoN. At least for the druid class. At that time they had this completely worthless Dev who made half the druid spells not work indoors because he thought it "added flavor to the game." Then they sold them Lost Dungeons of Norrath an expansion that was entirely... ...indoors. On my server alone we went from over 2000 druid mains to less than 200 in the span of one expansion. For every one that main-changed, 3 or 4 quit and never came back. Probably the largest single class exodus in EQ history.
  5. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    I remember that. For several years, there were design decisions that hinted at one or some devs who really didn't like druids. It's what got me to finally start boxing, since I would never main change (the druid IS who I identify as my EQ character). Have to say, if they didn't finally get around to making it a decent class to play, I probably would have quit several years ago.
  6. Accipiter Old Timer

    I remember that guy. Brad something.
  7. Accipiter Old Timer

    Expansions I dislike include LDoN, DoN, and PoR. I can't say much for ToV but I don't know if I really hated it. Just didn't like it much.
  8. Gnomereaper Augur

    EQ was based off of Dungeons and Dragons home based campaign setting. Mayong Mistmoore was actually a character in their DnD campaign. DnD 2.0 heavily influenced the design of the game, however Everquest also basically helped to write the book on how not to design a healing class. WoW developers particularly stated that they did not like the direction of healing in Everquest and named the Cleric's design with Complete Heal not good. Eventually CH was phased out of the game, but the legacy of some of those early design decisions are considered how not to design classes.

    I will say though, that, from what I have heard and read about Vanguard class design is that the healing classes were fun and innovative.
  9. Skrab East Cabilis #1 Realtor

    Vanguard’s class design was top notch and integrated new concepts with offensive and defensive targets. Shame, it just couldn’t come together before being launched and suffered their mismanagement.
  10. Nolrog Augur

    Playing through Phini gave me the opportunity to spend time in every expansion. We finished most of them but they did get harder as time went on.
  11. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    In release order:

    GoD: Wasn't playing when it released, came back during OoW. Eventually went there and did some soloing in the open world. Zoned into a dungeon, got overwhelmed, feigned, and left. Never really saw any more of it.

    DoN: I've maybe been to Broodlands once, but not sure. No real memory of this expansion, other than something about different faction currencies in Lavastorm.

    PoR: I remember buying the expansion, but wasn't sufficient level to go there. Did some of the instances though, since they scaled down. Fought a bear in the open world once.

    TBS: I don't think this expansion actually exists ;) , I know nothing about it. Isn't this the name of a Luclin zone?

    RoF: Been there a little, more than most of these others, but for some reason when leveling up I did VoA and CoTF, but not much RoF.

    TBL, ToV, CoV: Left during RoS, having barely played in it, came back and picked up where I left off. So TBL will be next after checking some more boxes in RoS. Did go to GMM last night for the first time though, fun zone.