Expansion ideas

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Salcolen, Jan 8, 2016.

  1. jiri_ Augur

    As always, I'd pay $40 for a massive quality of life patch.
  2. Frornul Journeyman

    This sounds ok, if said armies are after our home cities, they need updated anyway.
  3. Triconix Augur

    Just revamp Planes of Power. Change up the events so they aren't the same as they were. I'd enjoy that immensely more than 90% of the expansions out already.
  4. Darkark Augur

    Still want to see:
    - an E`ci appearance / Everfrost revamp / Permafrost revamp
    - Ssra 2.0
    - Open world HAs (where instead of every group getting an instance, loot tables are set based on the task your group has), which should see some busy zones once again. Can allow /pick if necessary.
    - City of Mist / Seb / Karnor's HAs.
    - PoGrowth / PoSky / PoMischief revamps à la PoFear / PoHate (more work on pathing needs to be done though).
  5. Triconix Augur

    Chelsith! I thought Chelsith was a very well done zone. The raid may not have been ssra 2.0 like, but it was a fun raid nonetheless.

    I very much agree with just about everthing on your list though. A PoGrowth revamp would be spectacular. Nothing would please me more than slaughtering that dirty hippy tree huggers.
  6. Darkark Augur

    Agreed, Chelsith was awesome through and through, and the Roman Gladiator style raid is no exception. We did it quite bit during last year's pick-up raids, and they've just started back up again so I'm looking forward to doing it some more :)

    Maybe I should say Ssra 3.0 then. But more than just the mob type, I had in mind the blue, gold and bone coloured pyramid in the desert style, Emporer making a comeback in some way (if Lanys and Mayong can do it multiple times, damn straight Emporer can do it once), a heavy CC type raid, an awesome mount that could drop. I just really liked that place, and I wouldn't complain if they re-used the zone :)

  7. Grundged Lorekeeper

    I'd like to see The Working Expansion as the next one.