EverQuest Trivia #855

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Yara_AB, Jun 30, 2022.

  1. Yara_AB Augur

    Sorry gang - got sidetracked at work the past few days :(


    Not that I am aware of
  2. Grove Augur

    It is nice to be needed. Welome back.
    Is the quest giver found in a "home city"?
    Yara_AB likes this.
  3. Yara_AB Augur

  4. Verily Tjark Augur

    Can you equip it?
    Yara_AB likes this.
  5. Yara_AB Augur

  6. Grove Augur

    Is the quest giver found in any zone with Karana in the name?
    Yara_AB likes this.
  7. Verily Tjark Augur

    Equipped in a visible slot?
    Yara_AB likes this.
  8. Yara_AB Augur


  9. Grove Augur

    Alla divides original EQ world into four areas: Odus, Antonica, Faydwer, and The Outer Planes.
    Is the quest giver found in Odus?
    Yara_AB likes this.
  10. Yara_AB Augur

  11. Grove Augur

    Is the quest giver found in Antonica?
    Yara_AB likes this.
  12. Yara_AB Augur

  13. Grove Augur

    Is the quest giver found in Faydwer?
    Yara_AB likes this.
  14. Verily Tjark Augur

    Does this item do something if you click it?
    Yara_AB likes this.
  15. Yara_AB Augur


  16. Grove Augur

    Then, is the quest giver located in "The Outer Planes"?
    Yara_AB likes this.
  17. DaciksBB Augur

    Yara_AB likes this.
  18. Verily Tjark Augur

    Is the item obtained from a Plane of Sky quest?
    Yara_AB likes this.
  19. Yara_AB Augur



  20. Grove Augur

    In looking at the quests starting in Plane of Sky, almost all of them are directed at specific classes.
    Is this quest directed at a specific class?
    Yara_AB likes this.