Everquest Trivia #625

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Verily Tjark, Oct 17, 2019.

  1. Eggolas Augur

    Reklon Gnallen?
    Verily Tjark likes this.
  2. Verily Tjark Augur

    No, this dude was for the paladin epic.

    The NPC that I'm looking for is part of a quest from Original EQ. You have the right race of NPC though...
  3. Player Two Augur

    Verily Tjark and Eggolas like this.
  4. Eggolas Augur

    Good one.
  5. Zaray Augur

    Kordian Keshalian
    Verily Tjark likes this.
  6. Grove Augur

    Is the quest NPC found in Erudin?
  7. xmPradah Not a dude

    Verily Tjark likes this.
  8. xmPradah Not a dude

    I think I'm the winner!
  9. Verily Tjark Augur


  10. Verily Tjark Augur

    You have declared yourself correctly!

    In honor of the new Progression server named after the man himself, Miragul!

    Your turn xmPradah!