Everquest Dream

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by jordune, Feb 10, 2016.

  1. jordune Augur

    like to see them completely redo the graphics of Everquest. make them look Nice like eq next. but leave the rest of the game alone.
    release the game in classic ( yep. on the shelves )
    run the entire thing like a tlp system but u got to Buy the games all over again. willing to bet that eq, if it looked as good as wow or even better but the UI / gameplay remained the same, it would sell like Hotcakes.
    then if so.. redo kunark, then velious etc etc

  2. Ducreux Augur

    Daybreak doesn't even have the resources to release 1 "expansion" per year without it being a bug ridden mess. Who is going to essentially recreate an entire game in a new graphical engine?

    SOE/DBG announced a new Everquest game back in 2012. https://www.reddit.com/r/EQNext , looking at how dead that community is basically sums up any expectation of EQ getting any more than bare minimum attention going forward.
  3. jordune Augur

    let players who have the required exp on an engine such as the unreal engine.
    that way the labor cost is zero. theres enough folks out there who Can do it who play the game. let one or to devs oversee and add / subtract imput from the group.
    they allow p99, lets see what they can do with the unreal engine
  4. Venthos Augur

    Ugh. The raid targets on Forum Quest are evolving. It's like each new thread is part of a Forum Quest Ring Event that's more mind numbingly bizarre and insane than the last. My sanity healers are running low on mana. I'm just gonna Feign Death on this one and hope it despawns.
    Jaymond1037 and Azbaelus like this.
  5. Rhiyannon Augur

    quit the asshattery venth, there is nothing wrong with the idea other than it's not practical. qas the title suggests it's a dream. no need to prove what a jerk you can be.

    jord, nice idea, it really is and would probably make them some money if they could find a way to do it... and here is the but... it would be blasted by older players who cannot stand the changes to FP what 10+ years later? etc... and even with a graphics update the playstyle is old. I would love to see it updated and sure I have some of the skills to do it, but would it be worth it? no.
    Drexll likes this.
  6. Accipiter Old Timer

    Unless they spent a LOT of time abstracting the graphics from the gameplay code (which I doubt) this probably isn't practical. The gameplay and graphics code is likely intermixed and switching to Unreal would mean rewriting big parts of the game.
    Venthos likes this.
  7. Nolrog Augur

    The popularity of EQ was never in the graphics, it was in the game play. Plus some people enjoy the graphics the way they are or even the way they were (I know quite a few people like to play with the original character models still.)

    If you went and redid all the graphics, you would push away a lot of people who enjoy things exactly the way they are.
  8. jordune Augur

    Might gain 2 million New players as well