Event server (not TLP based)

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Monkman, Feb 25, 2019.

  1. Monkman Augur

    Thoughts on a server that folks can /copy to for a limited time to compete against others for a prize/reward ala Quarm. Really enjoyed the community on beta because everyone from every server is funneled to one for a limited time.

    Let’s face it.. with the two new TLP servers there’s plenty of options for folks who wish to “level” through the old game.

    What about something that those on live can take advantage of without having to restart from scratch?

    Just spit balling, I assume there will be folks who feel this is unnecessary/swipe at the TLPs.
    Sancus and Astral64 like this.
  2. Astral64 Augur

    Quarm was a lot of fun.

    Something like this would very cool.
  3. Aurastrider Augur

    For live maybe a selo 2.0 but starting out in TSS with 51/51 characters? The code is there for Selo already and 51/50 is there already so they would just have to change the starting point. Of course TSS is just one idea since its roughly the halfway point and what I consider the expansion that brings us into more of the modern era of EQ. Maybe the starting point would be much later and starts after HH is over and will end in TBL before the next expansion release to provide "filler" content for those who have nothing to do but instead of 51/50 characters give HC characters for the server. I have lots of other bad ideas haha....

    A rotating event server that never ends but the objectives change. Each event lasts x number of weeks with different objectives to complete. It would start out in classic through x expansion. The next event would start off where the last event ended and to through y expansion and just repeat until it has managed to make it to current end game and then reset. Each event cycle toons will be reset so its a fresh start and the rewards would carry over for characters on live. Maybe the rewards are a new form of currency that can be spent on a new merchant of sorts. Again I have bad ideas for days :D