Evasive vs. Last Stand (warrior)

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Mistatk, Sep 6, 2014.

  1. Mistatk Augur

    Had read that possibly Phalanx of one (10% mitigation warrior) and Defensive Stance (25% mitigation) were possibly stacking or that maybe phalanx was not working at all. Elidroth commented they don't stack, but most commenters said it appears they do, or there is a bug with them. My main question is, would it ever make sense to use Evasive (50% avoidance) with either the 25% defensive stance or (35% if its stacking with phalanx) instead of using Last stand, for tanking current end game raid bosses. % mitigation is pretty straight forward to compute, but what 50% mitigation means for a end game raid boss with high strike through I'm not sure on. Was wondering if anyone had tested the combo evasive/def stance instead of last stand. Evasive can be used more often then last stand also, for more active time.
  2. Ravengloome Augur

    On anything with 100% Strikethrough... 50% of 0 is still 0.

    As for the Phalanx question, its more likely its broken (It was at one point, was fixed, maybe rebroken again?)
  3. Mistatk Augur

    That's what I wasn't quite clear on. Evasive "50% avoidance"- is that chance to dodge/parry etc. Which would get strike through from most current raid boss. Or, is that like the part of your AC calculated from avoidance, avoidance AC they were calling it in the post explaining how AC is calculated. Is Evasive more similar to having a higher Defense skill and gaining more avoidance AC, or is it just 50% more chance to dodge.
  4. Ravengloome Augur

    It doesn't function as Avoidance AC AFAIK. Its functionally like having a much better version of Talisman of Foresight running.

    Typically it was used on mobs (this is in the past, I haven't really kept on Warrioring) That you were so far above their ATK score (via high AC), the only real significant way to lower their damage output was through avoiding more.

    As an example: a mob/time it would have been used was say Shyra in DODH, or some events where you were so far geared beyond it, they were already hitting for Low DI's a majority of the time. Or I think it was in Txevu where the mobs had a very small DI, and a huge DB. < For the life of me I cannot remember what the name of the mob was!?

    ANYWAY their min hit was something like 1976 and max was like 2001? On a mob like that you were guaranteed a minimum of 1976, So you'd reduce their outgoing DPS far more by Just ignoring the damage (avoiding it).

    I cant think of any mobs in COTF raid content that fall under those 2 criterion.

    Perhaps I am missing something, I haven't played a warrior in anything resembling current content, But I cannot imagine Evasive being better (especially given HStrikethrough).
  5. Brohg Augur

    Just so, Ravengoome. There were mobs who by design (one mob each in Velious & Luclin) or by being outclassed tank AC-wise (your examples since then) had virtually no DI component to their damage. It was all base damage with a trivial 1-20*DI on top. Defensive, et al, only reduce the variable portion of mob damage, and so wouldn't help with tanking those.

    The strikethrough issue doesn't have a finger in this particular pie.
  6. Catriana New Member

    The question is whether the difference between Last Stand and no Last Stand (now that there is Def Prof) is larger than if you used Def Proficiency with Evasive. I'm not sure.