ETA Account to Account Transfers

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Tizim, Feb 20, 2018.

  1. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    The trick to trying to use an alt account to support your argument, is to actually logout and login with the other account before making the second post.
    Dythan likes this.
  2. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    At least he got it right when he liked his own posts
  3. Sollronni New Member

    Well now that is interesting to hear. One has to wonder how stable the company is at present. Perhaps it would not be such a good idea to pay subscriptions too far in advance.
  4. Sloggoth New Member

    We'll know the end is near when they announce the Everquest New Game Experience and playable classes will be downsized to only 5 ( 0.0000035 of a krono to those that get the reference)
  5. Hadesborne Augur

    Thank god I haven't paid for a subscription on my other account while waiting for this transfer process to be fixed. I almost did...almost.
  6. Kujoe Lorekeeper

    This was posted Feb. 20 2018. It is now April 30 2018. Any updates?

    I am sitting here waiting to transfer a character, or face the fact i will never be able to, and the thought of re-leveling under the current state of Coirnav exp makes it a hard no.
  7. Fohpo Augur

    Something tells me the company is having some bigger issues they need to tackle first.
    Metanis likes this.
  8. Kegwell Lurker since '99

    willing to burn kronos on a third account if I can move a character.
  9. High Voltage Augur

    If, by any chance, you think about this some more - you might be able to realize "they" have absolutely no interest in you using your kronos.
    Hording kronos is like stockpiling pay checks - the risk is all yours.
  10. Kegwell Lurker since '99

    It's the best I can offer for the state of the game, and sort of sarcastic.
    Krono are a $15 liability on the balance sheet, so, it does matter to them.
  11. Plato New Member

    I hate a denial of service.
  12. Discord Ocean of Tears Conservationist

    Any update?