Erudite Exalted Impressions Book Poof

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Nalluas, Nov 29, 2023.

  1. Nalluas New Member

    After killing 40 Darkmold Shaman and 20 Adult Mammoths, I was psyched to hand in the last book for the cultural armor. I went to the NPC (in Paineel as I am a Necro) and handed it in. He took the book, but never returned anything nor was the quest updated. I petitioned, received a new copy of the book (twice more) and the same thing happened every time. This was the only Cultural Armor quest for my series that I have had an issue with, but it was frustrating to not be able to finish the quest. Fo now I am holding onto the last copy of the Exalted Impressions book I received from the GMs until I hear its resolved. Thanks for your kind attention.