Error updating Jaggedpine Forest Hunter Achievement

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by YourJobNotYourLife, May 31, 2021.

  1. YourJobNotYourLife Elder

    Recently, I was on the last rare need for the Jaggedpine Forest Hunter achievement. Lameriae the Alluring. I spawned her today around 2pm CST and killed her. There was no message in the zone or in guild chat about completing the achievement but the achievement itself showed as completed (see attachment). However, my total points did NOT increase. I was at 13020 before I killed Lameriae the Alluring and remained at that same number after. Sometimes, I've experienced lag in achievement updates happening, so I gave it 10-15 minutes. Nothing. I zoned and I relogged and still nothing updated for my score.

    Also, interestingly, the achievement says I completed it yesterday, which is definitely not true. However, looking at my logs, yesterday at that same time, I did get my second to last kill (Myraephe the Pure). So, something appears to be buggy.

    This is one of the more brutal achievements because of the rare spawn mechanics of some of the mobs and it's pretty deflating not to get credit (especially since I'm in a neck and neck race with someone else on the server for the top spot!). My character is Lemerian on the Mangler server. Would it be possible to get this fixed or have some resolution besides being out of points forever? If there's any additional information I can provide, I will gladly do so.
