EQ Wont work on my Windows 10.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by jayrendar, Aug 30, 2015.

  1. jayrendar New Member

    I can get the game to load up, but as soon as I reach the character select screen, the frame rate is unbearably slow, it takes about 2min for the screen to register that I clicked a button. After about 10min (typically 15 seconds) I was able to log a character in, but was unable to move or type. This is all immediately after downloading Windows 10. No other programs run slowly.
    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    - Jay
  2. Weverley Augur

    I just upgrade from windows 7 to windows 10 and no problem here.Same framerate, same ping.Only time i had problem was when we were doing a raid on naggy and there was 250 in the zone.
  3. Ramstein_Povar Journeyman

    Make sure you reinstall directx 9 manually once you upgrade to windows 10. I had that problem on my windows 10 upgrade. Just go to Microsofts website.
    jayrendar likes this.
  4. jayrendar New Member

    Interesting. The problem must be something specifically on my computer, I don't have any updates or virus scans running, computers only two months old, I don't know what else could be slowing it down so badly. Going to try reinstalling EQ completely.
  5. jayrendar New Member

    Went to download Directx 9 and it says I am not running a compatible OS to continue with the Download.... lovely.
  6. Ramstein_Povar Journeyman

    That's weird - It worked just fine on my machine. There are a lot of game, driver and errors with windows 10 though. They really didn't have gamers in mind when they released it. Aside from video games having a few bugs and crashes, the OS is really nice. Hopefully they are on the ball with their patches and updates.
  7. Sarkaukar Augur

    Uninstall then Update your video card driver. If it was dx9c you would not be able to log into the game at all.

    For players (not just those playing EQ) who run into an issue with a game after updating to Win10, it has been the video card drivers. Since it came out, there has also been updates and your system, by default, is also downloading/applying the newer updates.

    Since we do not know what your system specs are, it is quite possibly the system is not recognizing the video card but running the system/game with the CPU's built-in GPU.
  8. Cone head Augur

    I did a clean install of 10 and installed EQ with out issue.
    Once you download the install client for EQ, right click and run as administrator. During the EQ install I was prompted to install DX runtimes. That's all I had to do to get EQ to work on Windows 10.
    Laptop MSIGT70
    Core i7
    GeForce 770m
  9. svann Augur

  10. Damoncord Augur

    I was having issues getting DirectX to install on Windows 10, I found an option to Troubleshoot compatibility and it worked.