EQ on Linux Mint

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by sriraxa, Mar 14, 2018.

  1. sriraxa New Member

    Anyone running EQ on Mint? If so, could you share how you got it installed and running?

  2. phaeril Augur

    Use wine. I have not used it on Mint but it should work the same across all distros, I know that it works the same on OSX and Ubuntu. Basically just run the installer using wine. The patcher does not function so you have to patch manually (either write your own patcher or patch in windows and copy everything over) but then it runs just fine by running "wine eqgame.exe patchme".
    xxGriff likes this.
  3. sriraxa New Member

    ok, will give it a shot. thank you.
  4. sriraxa New Member

    No luck with Wine--ran into DirectX install problems, and I can't find the old list of DLL Overrides to overcome this manually. The Crossover ap seems to be working, but it is at least $40 =/
  5. phaeril Augur

    Try installing wine-tricks and installing directx9 from there if it is failing during regular install.
  6. Gidono https://everquest.allakhazam.com

    Use playonlinux.
    1. Click on Install a program.
    2. Click on Install a non-listed program.
    3. Click next on the manual installation, then Install a program in a new virtual drive.
    4. Click next and then click on the Show virtual drives box.
    5. Click on the virtual drive you created and hit next.
    6. You shouldn't need to click any boxes on the next screen, just click next.
    7. Choose 32 bits windows installation and click next.
    8. Then browser for the launchpad.exe file in your EQ directory.
    9. This should run the launchpad so you can patch and play.
    This works on ubuntu. I'm not sure about your OS.
  7. Razorfall Augur

    does this violate any terms of the EULA? and is the performance difference noticeable?
  8. Gidono https://everquest.allakhazam.com

    Wine/Playonlinux helps Linux OS's run windows based programs on Linux. It doesn't violate the Eula because it doesn't modify the game in any way.
  9. phaeril Augur

    On my macbook, the game plays better via wine than it does in bootcamped windows. I don't even get that trademark choke in the nexus (on agnarr where it's full of people) that I get when playing on windows.
  10. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    The blurred lines between Virtual Machines (which are forbidden) and running EQ on Linux/WINE make this sketchy at best. While I don't think EQ management has said anything about WINE/Linux specifically, it does do all of the things they don't like about Virtual Machines (obfuscating your OS environment so they can't verify what 3rd party software you are running). I believe the only thing that keeps it from being banned outright is that EQ management doesn't understand what it does.
  11. Gidono https://everquest.allakhazam.com

    I doubt EQ management wants to ban an entire OS from being able to play their game. While yes there are people that probably do use banned 3rd party software while on Linux, the same can be said for those who run 3rd party software within virtual machines on windows.

    I use Linux mainly because it has all the tools I need for development and doesn't cost me a penny to run.
  12. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    There are all sorts of great reasons to run EQ in a virtual machine, which go far beyond trying to run "banned 3rd party software". But that doesn't stop it from being a violation. Linux is not a supported OS and never has been.

    I'm not saying you shouldn't do it, and I'm definitely not saying that you shouldn't be able to do it. I'm just saying that it is as much against the rules as any other 3rd-party software, based on their vague rules :)
  13. sriraxa New Member

    appreciate the suggestions, but I think I am just going to set up dual boot windows/mint.

    i still can't get directx to work in mint.