EQ - Hardcore Survival Server

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Deux, Mar 30, 2021.

  1. Windance Augur

    It does sound like you want the original EQ using the "original" rule set. The only difference is the amount of XP lost is about 8x worse. That would need to be balanced by gaining XP much faster.

    In the original EQ the fights took much longer and often you had 30s+ to think "this isn't going well, maybe I should run away ... "

    I remember many fights in Frontier mountains/overthere ending with "Run, Run to the hills, Run for your lives ... "

    The game loses something once the fights start becoming twitch healing or die in 2-3s. I don't think many would find losing 80% of your XP under those conditions would be "fun".

    There is also the 80/20 rule. 80% of the players are casual players that aren't likely to be interested in a "hard core" server.
    Nennius likes this.
  2. Vizier Augur

    Thought experiment: A heavily moderated "Project M / this type of thing" with the following roadmap caveats:

    The moderation is intended to be extremely heavy penalties for griefers early on, then back off and let players handle players once the system becomes stable. Ark does this for new PvP servers. Thoughts?
  3. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    What exactly is hard core about any of that? All I see it doing is make players want to take fewer risks and are less likely to go to places where it might be difficult to get their corpse back.
  4. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    It's exactly like the thousands who have claimed to have been in beta, thousands more than in fact ever were in beta.

    I know I wasn't in Beta, but I was following the game avidly in the gaming press after hearing some word of mouth from an American buddy who was in beta, at that point I was just hoping I would be able to play it from the UK.
  5. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Ill tell a little story of my time in beta. I only just got in the last week. Dark elf necro and no idea what I was doing. Think I made it to level 9. Last night of beta I was running around Neriak and in the library was another dark elf with a red name - Innoruuk. I scoffed. Howd he get that name? If it wasnt last day theyd probably make him change it. I probably could have flagged and killed him but I let it go. An hour later it was announced to meet up outside Neriak for a final event. Tons of people. Out comes Innoruuk in his real form. Then he grew and grew till he was 50 feet tall. We all went to battle Mithaniel Marr over by the bridge. There was some smack talking, and then they both raised their hands to battle. So much Lag with a capital L. And then..... You have been disconnected.

    I still kick myself for passing on the chance to be the first to kill Innoruuk when he was in the library.
    Skuz likes this.
  6. FranktheBank Augur

    Was it really only a weekend? Man, I must have played it all weekend. I remember being a fire beetle in qeynos a couple times. The highest level mob I got was a shark in Lake rathe. I waited for so long to see another player to gank them, literally no one came through lol
    Skuz likes this.
  7. Strawberry Augur

    It would work on a cloud server where players don't have access to the client and can't cheat.

    On a regular EQ servers players would just bring out their ****quest and cheat, so what's the point.
  8. uberkingkong Augur

    I don't recall losing 640% xp or 6 levels. But I do recall losing a ton of xp.
    No it wasn't fun losing a ton of xp, it made getting a rez very valuable.

    Having to get the gear back on your corpse. There is no corpse summoner. If you fell into a trap, well it's going to be hell getting your corpse back, hope you made friends or have good reputation to convince people to help you get it back. Or maybe nice people to give a rez if they stumbled upon your corpse. Getting your corpse back from a trap or unfriendly zone is the hard part

    There is no corpse summoner on this server like I mentioned. Also no mercenaries like I mentioned. Even after SoD is unlocked.

    I wouldn't mind some friendly buffs instead of all negatives on this kind of server.
    Say triple xp when in a full group and all is present in that zone. Have to make this server playable in later expansions and no mercs or corpse summoners, got to make it enjoyable, well triple xp does that. Full group need so, encourages grouping. Win win while being hardcore and classic. True classic EQ. No corpse summoners no mercs, you lose about 80% xp on death, your gear/inventory is left on your corpse on death. Stays this way even after SoD. Seeing corpses littered everywhere, thats classic EQ.

    Classic, true classic EQ is hardmode compared to today's EQ.
  9. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Repeating the same things doesn't answer my question asking what is hard core about that. As I said before all that will do is reduce the risk that players are willing to take. There is a reason that gear loss like this was removed from EQ and isn't in any other MMO that I am aware of. Players in general don't want to keep multiple sets of gear so that they can retrieve their body when they die.
  10. uberkingkong Augur

    hardcore anything usually is reducing the risks people are willing take, especially hardcores were you die its game over. That's the point of hardcore, lots of risks. Some people enjoy playing with these risks too, hence why would anyone play Diablo2 hardcore with all the risks involved? It's fun thats why
  11. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Things like gear loss and higher xp loss don't make a game hardcore, just make it annoying. Making downtime take longer also doesn't make it hardcore just makes things take longer. It appears you are confusing making people less likely to take risks or take longer to get things done as making it harder.
    HowDidIEndUpBackHere likes this.
  12. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Makes me recall it raining in PoFear while listening to:

  13. Vizier Augur

    Gear loss / no corpse summoners would make every situation in EQ dire. This is exactly the type of hardcore sandbox some people would enjoy. Not a ton of people, but some. Maybe even enough to populate a server in a healthy way.

    I think making some zones open PvP and some zones voluntary PvP would be interesting as well.
  14. uberkingkong Augur

    Yes, I think no mercs too even after SoD. I guess they dubbed this, True ruleset EQ server. Since they have terms like Truebox, this and that.

    To make it even more hardcore, no maps.

    To sum,
    No maps
    No mercs (even after SoD, maybe a voting system, maybe by time SoD comes people want mercs or can vote on it, actually put the in game feature POLLS to use)
    No corpse summoner NPC
    No gear getback on death (have to loot the gear off corpse)

    Nothing like the good ol days, I can't find my corpse, have to have necro summon it because I have no clue where it is at, its at the bottom of the lake in DC somewhere. I'd like to recover the gear, even though the rez xp timer is gone.

    Velious is unlocked, Kerafyrm is awakened, so basically your lvl 1, still trying to level up and not ready yet and Kerafyrm is already wreaking havoc.
    Nice to haves, berserker, unlocked. If the gear you is not so good because no BER gear dropping, tough, but at least you can play it now

    If possible, Velious not unlocked but Kerafyrm is awakened.
    I suppose this question is based on if EQ code is loosely coupled, as in a Berserker can be played without its expansion, Kerafyrm can be wreaking havoc without Velious.

    These are just nice to have, makes things more interesting, however the no maps, no mercs, no corpse summoners, no gear getback on death, I'd like that ruleset.