Epic Titles [Oakwynd]

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Doranur_Aleguzzler, Feb 18, 2024.

  1. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    This weekend I, with the generous help of my friends, finished off the last few things to complete my epic. Yeah, I know I'm a bit behind, but not long after Kunark opened up my laptop fried. I was on the road, and unable to immediately get a replacement. So I missed Kunark and all but the tail end of Velious. And besides, the shaman 1.0 isn't a huge priority.

    Back on track, I discovered that I didn't have access to the epic title, and when my friends of different classes checked, neither could they. I couldn't find that there was a bug preventing it, but I do seem to recall on Mischief I had access immediately, though again, on my wizard it was post-Kunark, and when I main switched to cleric, it was after PoP had started. So my multi-part question is this" is there a bug, if not, is there a set time in the life of a TLP that the titles become available? It's not a gamebreaking issue. I'm just curious.
  2. Gialana Augur

    Bonzz has a page on Everquest titles:

    For the various epic titles, he has a note that says if you have the epic but not access to the title, take your appropriate epic to Kraylor Nalsiv in PoK up by the library in the NE corner. I don't know if that will resolve your issue, though.
    Yinla likes this.
  3. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    I guess we'll have to wait til that NPC has populated on Oakwynd, he's not there.