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End of Subscriptions kicks task

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by NeverPayForLag, Oct 5, 2020.

  1. NeverPayForLag Augur

    It may be used by some but I HATE it:

    If a subscription ends, EQ kicks either into login or sometimes simple hangs. Why is it not possible to simply get a message or remove all abilities to be able to activate again with Kronos if necessary. In the middle of an action when a character goes LD is simply sometimes more then nerving.

    It is possible to activate the Gold features ingame, why not deactivating that or at least give a warning if it ends?
  2. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    I just want to be apart of this thread.
  3. NeverPayForLag Augur

    Since last patch somethings seems very borked, it feels like playing a beta of a game.
    It would be also cool if the subscription time would be again visible somehow.

    I know this has been mention in other threads more then enough, but the activation/deactivation or the information when subscription ends is sometimes really at the most wrong moment.