Enchanters and 'The Darkened Sea" (new xpac)

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Silv, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. Silv Augur

    I realize some of this was covered in the giant post already here but that turned into 4 pages of... um... yeah.

    If you just watched the live stream of the EQ panel, no Enchanter represented one of our major issues:

    The limitation of the +3 level cap on Mez and the -1 level cap on Charm.

    Yes, this now makes us completely(almost) viable in all content from COTF and below in terms of our abilities (Lv. 105) but we will run into the same issue again with the level raise.

    Assuming (yeah I know that's bad) there will be mobs +Lv 108 (>3 mez cap) in the end zones of this expansion, the same issues which have caused us problems in the past.

    I know *some* of you who post who will already argue and say 'oh well, deal with it, that's just the challenge' but lets be honest, there is no logical reason for this - at least on trash. Raid? Sure, definitely limit our abilities (aka Tower of Rot comes to mind).

    I sincerely suggest that Enchanters speak up. Charm, I can deal with (although having TWO is just a waste). The mez cap? No. Please post, PM (Elidroth, Aristo); bring attention to it.

    However, we've got to keep it constructive and on topic. We have 2 1/2 months to get a potential change implemented before release. This all is my opinion of course but I've seen it come up so many times.

    EDIT: This may come up in the Q/A panel which I don't think it streaming live so if this does get brought up, please post this info here or in a new thread specific to the issue.
    Jordis likes this.
  2. silku Augur

    I see no reason why we should be limited in mez ability since mobs are mez, root, and charm immune in some of the end zones right now. (not all mobs sure, but enough to make it evident that they can flag mobs to be immune to them.) I also see no logical reason why we, the masters of charm, cannot charm things that we can mez. We should be able to mez anything we can cast on, after all that's what resists are for right? And charm anything that is yellow to us at least.
  3. Silv Augur

    I've run into mobs in COTF1a mobs too high for mez. Other zones had some issues as well. I'm fine with 'challenge' but lets not forget previous expansions in the discussion (ROF comes to mind). I also semi-agree with the charm sentiment. The mitigation nerf is at a level such that it would be a minor change as you said. Personally, if it's yellow con I think we should (have the possibility) to charm it. Level con is a clear indicator whether or not you can charm. It's a crowd control tool and a DPS tool.

    Here's a prime example of how this could be balanced for example: If you are at the *very* end of the Void raid you lose the ability to PBAE Mez but can still use AE Mez (such as stare). Another- Tower of Rot2 blocks re-Mez/Charm/Root until a mob dies then you can use it again. Mez again, can't mez.. Hmm... mechanics are there... they should use it. THAT is what I consider challenge. Wow, I just found a reason to use the mega-low resist mez in my lineup because I can only mez once.

    I am seriously about PMing devs. Give SPECIFIC details, why, and a suggestion. It's like a work e-mail; keep it short, concise, and follow up after a rationale amount of time. Even if you don't get into beta, you will often get a response or help (even if it's a 'no').
    Jordis likes this.
  4. Vance Vargson Lorekeeper

    I find it interesting on test that some paladin stuns are not level capped at 105. Perhaps this is a good time to at the very least give us a +5 level cap stun and a +5 level cap mez while we're at it. Why not? Allowing a class to use its core abilities can hardly be unbalanced or game breaking can it? Healers can always heal, tanks can always tank, dps can always dps. FD isn't level capped. Fading memories isn't level capped.

    If monk and bard MAIN abilities are not going to be disabled, why should the enchanter MAIN ability which is mez and stun be disabled. We are the ONLY class who has their MAIN ability turned off on certain mobs. I capitalize "main" because while monks and bards get mez, it is not their primary ability unlike with enchanters. Mez and stun are our bread and butter and is THE reason we get groups. Charm is the added spice that makes things more enjoyable. Nukes are ok but we rolled enchanters not wizzies and magicians. ADPS is meh because of all the stacking issues that make them not as good as they seem on paper.

    I'd be happy with being able to mez and stun everything that is not a named. I mean EVERYTHING. Not one thing that is not a named should be immune to our abilities or else they should see through FD and Fading Memories too. Doesn't that seem fair? Seems fair to me but what do I know. Our competition are pulling classes like Bards and Monks. Our abilities should be just as powerful and never disabled unless theirs are too.
    Jordis, Silv and silku like this.
  5. Elainiel New Member

    I wonder if this AA spell foci business could be used to our advantage. With proper AAs, we should be able to boost our mez and charm caps. That seems reasonable, doesn't it?
  6. Ratbo Peep Augur

    This post was NOT a nerf call. And it was right on the money.
    Jordis, Wyrdyn and silku like this.
  7. Silv Augur

    /feedback, /bug, PM, post... they DO read this stuff. I know from personal experience because I've received responses from dev PMs on a few occasions. Now... it's a tricky game because you need to know who to talk to about what but for all the people who whine that they ignore the players... well look at the new Xpac.They added a lot that players wanted (granted some requests have been for YEARS, but they did it).

    Examples of happy player requests: All content available from day 1. The HA/staggered system which slowly integrated with ROF and then went full force with COTF fell on its face and seems scrapped. Yes, there is a vocal group on the forums who disagreed and liked it but when I pay out 40$+ for an expansion on 4 accounts I expect a complete project.

    I want to know the date that Argin Hiz ACTUALLY started to be worked on... not conception... but when they actually made it. I have a feeling it wasn't at launch. Personally, that seems like a horrible concept when you can't manage to keep up with developing your own content.

    Again, the main point should be that classes with Mez or Stun abilities suffer the most with level increases. If you want to balance classes a little better then make Enchanter mez +6 levels, Bard mez +4 levels, etc. (This is an example NOT asking for a nerf to Bards)
  8. silku Augur

    I've seen very little evidence that they read what people submit recently. In the past sure, back when Piestro was here I actually remember seeing not just responses, but interaction and even private mails back and forth. Today I don't see that much, even just looking at the boards you can see that the amount of SOE posts comes in spurts, and it's sporadic what they respond to.
    Jordis likes this.
  9. Wyrdyn New Member

    It's sad that Enchanters have such a difficult time finding groups. And, I must say, it is because their Mezzes and stuns just aren't up to speed. They need to be fixed and the devs need to chill with the nerf bat. For example, when something doesn't work right we hear, "Working as intended" and when something actually "works as intended" out comes the nerf bat. Play fair with the chanters, Devs. I miss grouping with them!
  10. segap Augur

    That only helps the enchanters at max level with max tier content (the ones likely to have their AAs). Part of the problem is the enchanter leveling up that just happens to be in that gap where the current mez is at the last level. While leveling up, it's doubtful that people will be focusing on AAs. This also makes it hard for an enchanter than is 2 levels below people to get a group with them. HAs really exaggerated this with the scaling to the highest level in the group. It might be less an issue with the focus away from HA style content. But it does still make it difficult for an enchanter leveling up to join higher level groups. A group of 105s going for end tier content could grab nearly any class of a lower level to join them and have them contribute their class strengths (although not as well as another 105). Enchanters (and likely tanks) are gimped in those situations. Raising the hard cap or switching to a soft cap with increasing resists would help keep enchanters of a reasonable level range be relevant with any group in the current content.
    Qest T. Silverclaw likes this.
  11. silku Augur

    I sent a message, let's hope that we do get responses from them.
  12. Silv Augur

    Thank you.

    Let's see if any Enchanter-ish questions make it into the Q&A that is scheduled for today. The transcript will probably get posted somewhere relatively quick so we should know soon enough.
  13. silku Augur

    That is the one aspect of SoE live that I dislike the most. It turns the game into "those who can afford a ticket have more of a voice than those who cannot."
    Jordis likes this.