[Enchanters] 8 Days - Are you attending the IRC?

Discussion in 'Casters' started by silku, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. silku Augur

    If so, do you have specific ideas you're going to be pushing? I've seen some very interesting ones and think a few of them I will be attempting to share. We definitely need 'something', with the lack of dual wielding charm mobs in RoF (not to mention that many don't want to charm anyway.) Any of you chanters going to be representing?
  2. Camou the Persistent Augur

    50:50 id say.

    I am not really sure about the result of a chat in that form. I am mostly concerned about the quality of those demanding changes to our class or at least about the demands itself. I am afraid that most of the opinions shared and used for demanding a change are more or less based on very personal experiences and are only covering personal weaknesses.

    I have read a lot, posted or answered only to very few posts and i can tell you, that my personal experience of being an enchanter is so what of different to the things posted here, that i see my position often as a defending one of the class as it is.

    The demands of ".. more DPS .." and ".. this and that is impossible for enchanters .." are simply weakening the fun on the game. Less challenge, less effort, more easy, and so on. I personally think that Everquest has been made much too easy to play, allthough Rain of Fear really hit the signs of time and spreaded the grade of difficulty much wider than any expansion before.

    Especially on the raids Enchanters now have much more to do than ever before. I love that fact. I would not request any change based on the "we had that, and now we have lost it and i want it back!" like the discussion about the loss of Mesmerization Mastery on AoE spells since for my own expeirence and proven in dozens of trials and tests, there was no change at all.

    I would welcome new ideas about skills, like the discussion of sharing mana to group/raid members or simple goodies like to project illusions on pets, mercs and familiars. Those are the reason i might attend to the chat. But if it is only complaning and whining i will have most likely better things to do.
    Qest T. Silverclaw likes this.
  3. Thufiir42 New Member

    AA Active::
    Turn Lurch into an AA and up the levels
    Create 2nd Lurch AA that pulls all mobs to target mob. Call it Black Hole or something.
    I have posted previously about an AA to give our pets/charmed pets some procs.
    AA to stun self and give mana to group

    AA Passive
    AAs for shiny bob to improve his performance
    AA that puts debuff on mob with 2 counters anytime a stun lands on a mob. When a player not flagged as main tank damages the mob and that player is over 80 on agro scroe, remove a counter from debuff and reduce hate on target player by 1000.

    For fun/group appeal
    turn Learners Aura into AA line and add more ranks to improve it, that can stack with our other Auras bringing our auras up to 3 [2 regular and 1 AA aura]
  4. Cakvala Augur

    I am going to try and attend and I want to push the following.

    - An AA mana Balance simular to the Cleric Version (Yes i know we have asked but will ask again and again)
    - An AA that will give us a Crit Chance to return mana to us or the group.
  5. EverChanter Augur

    I had wanted to get a list together, but work has had me busy. If someone would like to get all the ideas arranged go for it. I'd like to make the IRC, but I won't know until closer to it if I can or not.
  6. silku Augur

    I heard an interesting idea last night while talking to someone, a spell that allows us to 'equip' our pets. Similar to the 'grant' spells that mages get, but with a component (maybe tiny daggers), and pet only. That could be very handy.
  7. Mythose Journeyman

    Cakvala, I'm not sure about a mana balancing AA. If you have people in your group thats conserving mana like a healer and the mages and wizzy in your group go oom and you suck the healers mana there is going to be screaming. Likewise lets say the group member gets summoned and dies for whatever reason. Do you think the wizards, healers etc etc are gonna want to lose a massive amount of mana to bring an unbuffed toon to an average manapool?

    When looking at healing the neat effect of the cleric balancing hps is nice and can be followed up with heals to put all to rights. This is not the case with mana. Your robbing Peter to pay Paul and wizard/cleric Peter may not want his mana touched.

    I would prefer an outright mana burst AA that gives a 3 too 1 mana ratio to the group.

    ie: Lets say my base mana pool is 65k. After an early burn and into the raid im at 45k the rest of the group of 1 druid, 2 mages,1 paly and a wizzy are at various stages of mana placement but of course the mages and wizzy are much lower because of their heavy nuking.

    I click an AA and boom for every 1 mana consumned from me 3 is produced and evenly distributed to the group.

    You could stagger the amounts with AA tiers like:
    tier 1 - 6 AAs converts 15k your mana into 45k group mana
    tier 2 - 12 AAs converts 25k your mana into 75k group mana
    tier 3 - 18 AAs converts 40k your mana into 120k group mana

    Now this may seem like a lot but 120k / 5 is 24k mana... since you dont return any to the chanter. But thats in line with a mod rod effect, harvest yada yada yada. Some of the folks wont even benefit from mana if they happen to be in the group (bards,etc etc) Making those wizards,clerics, mages etc prefer to be with their new bestest friend.

    Now in a raid your utility is there... your excess mana goes to fuel higher ADPS from the others in your group.

    You can then add Hastened AA timers to speed up the times between use letting you become the mana battery you were born to be.

    And I havent even talked about the once every hour 20:1 MGB that just uses ALL your mana and gives it to all the people in your raid. Lets say manapool of 75k x 20 = 1.5million mana / 53 other toons in the raid = like 28k+mana useable only to mana using toons. A large number of folks Wars,rogues,zerkers yada yada wont get a benefit /em shrug.

    Now your watching mana consumption, clicking those mod rods before clicking the AA, using/buying those mana regen/gather mana AA's and the Vet replenishment AA.

    This is all scaleable with the regular numbers of the game.. as manapools go up so does the cost of the spells so a ratio number can work unless I am missing some secret technique that would make this uber powerful.

    Just to prevent people from yelling I'm an idiot, I dont know if the above numbers are high,low or whatever.

    I dont know if the mechanics could even be implimented/coded to work.

    An idea like this could develop new lines of AAs to buy,new strategic playing that makes a chanter have to think and adds value to an enchanter in a raid.

    This was a just off the cuff riff. I didnt study the idea I just threw something out there. I just dont think that an AA/ability to "Average" all in a groups manapool would be loved by anyone dependant on mana. Unless you place 2 nuker types in a group and fill it up with a chanter and 3 others that use mana and are under orders not to so that the nukers can suck that mana up. But I cant/dont see that being well received.

    Hell scrap the above stuff and just expand/make new an AA like second spire with some REAL MANA RETURNS. and make it MGB-able.

    Does it fix content thats pro enchanter...no. Does it make us stronger soloers? Nope. Does it get us more groups? Perhaps with a benefit like this and some ADPS value.

  8. Mythose Journeyman

    BTW the above post isnt ment as a shot dig etc at Cakv. Its just my take on the balancing thing. Which may be a good idea if tweeked and there was a balance followed by an infusion above and beyond the averaging.

    Hell, what do I know?

  9. Camou the Persistent Augur

    As i am the class leader in our guild for Enchanters i have posted a link to this thread here in our class forum of our guild. We will collect information, ideas and wishes there and provide them assembled in one posting to here. Hopefully this will be accomplished by start of next week.
    EverChanter and silku like this.
  10. Camou the Persistent Augur

    To answer the idea of a mana balancing AA: An absoltely NO to it.

    This would only help if mana of group members can be healed like Clerics then share a group heal after they balanced health. Intensive mana users like wizards mages or clerics would immediatly veto if an enchanter can use their mana to fill up freshly rezzed group members for the benefit of having an unbufferd fresh new member whose chances are good to die in a few seconds again in an AoE and takes with him the mana percentage you just have shared from other group members.

    And just as a sidenote: At least in our guild there are few fights were single toons run out of mana - in most cases mana is needed when there was something that made a lot of members die. In this case sharing the few percentage of mana a freshly rezzed cleric who used quiet miracle and distribute it to ther members in group of which maybe 2 are pure melees will just bring more troubles than benefits.

    I wouldnt want this ability.
  11. Lily Augur

    Some of these have been suggested already, some dismissed, but here goes:

    - Yes, I want Mez Mastery returned for AE mezzes :)
    - A mez trap similar to rogue Smokescreen
    - AE slow
    - Cancel magic
    - More auras
    - Charm immunity similar to necro fear immunity
    - Mana heal
  12. Nenton Augur

    Adjusting outdated spires doesn't seem completely off the table this year (rangers are getting one of theirs changed although it's due to a short-sighted mechanic). 4500 mana returned on 2nd spire over 90 seconds is 1 wizard nuke at this point. The point of Eli using number values instead of percentages is so he can easily control the power but when the values go unchanged for years the age starts really showing.

    An updated group mana regen AA and/or a mana-only (single target or possibly group) version of cleric's Quiet Miracle would be really great to get this year.

    We really need something like Bard's Lure of the Siren Song AA for "summon to" positioning if the level restriction nerf to Compliant Lurch is going to remain in the group game and not get changed to just a restriction against raid mobs. The justification for Eli isn't that they have it and we want it but rather we had a version first and it got nerfed into uselessness so now we need something to fill that movement adjusting role again. The only way for us to reposition a yellow con mob now is with BDB and that's just not feasible most of the time.

    An invis recourse on the Self/Friendly stasis AA's would be super too for the rare times they're actually used as a fade and not a pulling/splitting tactic.

    The best middle ground presented when this nerf was being handed down was making the spell duration 2 ticks with an 18 second recast instead of 1 tick/12 seconds so a single enchanter still couldn't perma PBAE mez but you had longer to get things under control after it was cast. That's an Aristo thing though so no chance.
  13. Zinne New Member

    Not sure if I'll be able to catch the IRC. Regardless, here are a couple ideas I had that I haven't seen suggested anywhere.
    • Passive AA line that reduces the nerf to charm pets (it would accomplish the same thing the haste component of charm, but to a greater degree). The oow nerf was overkill imo and charm pets have been too weak for too long. Not sure why when there are work-arounds that effectively let us achieve the pre-nerf dps. The only problem being that such work-arounds aren't really group friendly.
    • AA that lets us target a group member with Gather Mana/Mana Draw
    I also like the following ideas proposed by others.
    • Ability to run more auras simultaneously
    • Increased aura duration
    • Reduced cooldowns on self stasis/friendly stasis
    • Stronger shiny bob
  14. Naldithar New Member

    I really like these ideas, some which have been mentioned already:

    - Passive AA line that improves twincast aura. Maybe a 15-20% increase to the current version
    - 1 or 2 more ranks of Auroria Mastery
    - Passive AA line that gives our nukes a chance to return mana to the group. Or make it activated with a short duration, a much higher proc %, and more mana return.
    - Activated AA group buff that gives a very large mana cost reduction on all spells. Short duration.
    - A boost to 2nd spire. Or a new similiar AA that returns a certain % of each player's mana pool.
    - Targeted mana draw.
    - Hastened AA's that reduce self stasis/friendly stasis cooldown to about 3 minutes. Then put them on the same timer.
    - More hastened Mental Contortion
    - More ranks of Deep Sleep
  15. Lily Augur

    With regard to Mesmerization Mastery, I was also referring to the wave and stare line. I hate to see a 1 minute mez override a 1.5 minute mez.
  16. Mellifleur Augur

    • Add enchanters to EM items
    • Targetable Mana Crystals 1 charge 2500 mana
    • Lurch totem
    • Stronger Mana Sieve
    • able to Illusion Pets / Mercs
    • Targetable Collaberation that uses Target's - Target's faction.
    • Actual Doppleganger effect similar to Warriors / Necro FD "Stand In"... OR
    • Displacer Beast similar Ability that creates 2 copies of Enchanter with 100 aggro + Shadowstep
    • Enchanters are masters of Memory and the mind. Short Duration Passive Charm that Allows them to control other PC's ..2 ticks.. 3 ? ... Can only control them as a pet with the added ability to see through the pets eyes ( Bind Sight ) and control the characters movement...and Target must accept the charm via clickable box similar to Necro Sacrifice.
    • Enhanced Mana Regen over all classes when in a meditative state, out of combat.
    • Aura similar to Bard Aria that raises damage of all classes.
  17. Camou the Persistent Augur

    Here are the suggestions from guild Darkwind of Antonius Bayle.

    We didnt involve timers and such, but we are aware that this should be tuned very careful, so that it does not impact the balance too much, as we are concerend about the games grade of difficulty which turns out to have become too easy for our personal taste lately.

    If possible we are going to attend to the chat. If not, we hope that our ideas can be mentioned somehow.

    Something like: Illusion of Insanity (0/3)
    Class AA, triggered, grouptarget. Shares a group illusion for a limited time, that provides overhaste 100%, dualwield +50 skill and increases agro of those using it. Additonal ranks increase the time for 1 tick.

    Something like: Impression of Berserk (0/1)
    Class AA, triggered, single target. Provides an illusion to the selected group target for a limited time, that provides overhaste 100%, dualwield +50 and increases agro significantly.

    Something like: Gift of the Tranquil (0/30)
    Class AA, triggered, single target. Transfers 30% of the enchanters available mana to the selected target of which the target wil receive 5% of the mana transferred. Additional ranks increase the amount of mana transferred by 5% per rank up to a maximum of 150%.

    "I'd love to see a better enhancement of this that converted the mana to endurance for melee, as their are loads of classes that provide Mana to classes, but nothing for endurance.The +50 dual weild skill might be better as something all melee could use. Not just dual weild classes." stated by a guild member.

    Something like: Illusion of Victims (0/1)
    Class AA, triggered, group target. Stuns the enchanters group for 30 seconds, clears agro immediatly and calls an illusion of each group member that overtakes the agro and lures the mob away for 12 seconds, then vanishes. Considerably weak and common creatures (no nameds or raid mobs) will be confused when the victim illusions vanish. (Enchanter form of evac)

    Something like:Projected Companion Illusion (0/1)
    Class AA, triggered, pet/familiar/mercenary target. Provides the enchanter the possibility to project Illusion spells on his companions.

    Something like: Persistent Companion Illusion (0/1)
    Class AA. Illusions casted on pets, familiars and mercs will stay on the companions until removed and even through zoning.

    Something like: Projected Hypnotize (0/1), reuse timer 15 sec.
    Class AA, triggered. Binds the targeted mob hypnotically to his actual target even upon death of his target.

    Something like:Illusionary Roots (0/1), reuse timer 15 sec.
    Class AA, triggered. Binds the targeted mob hypnotically to his actual position.

    Something like:Alluring Idol of Drooling (0/1)
    Class AA, triggered. Generates an idol that is so alluring to surrounding creatures that thoise immediatly run to there and admire the idol for a brief time, ignoring all actions around them.

    Something like:Phantasmal Hero (0/1)
    Class AA, triggered. Generates a doppleganger of the selected group member and draws aggro of the group members target until the creature is taunted again or the doppleganger vanishes.

    Cu ingame
  18. Trevise New Member

    I find the schedule a little odd. He has Bards with Berserkers and Chanters with Mages. Mages and us have very little in common. Mages are a dps / pet class. We are not. Mages should be with Necro's and we should probably be with Bards. Just my opinion.
  19. Vegus New Member

    -Group mana draw
    -More ranks of reduced mana draw timer
    -Grant improved twincast (same timer as improved twincast aa, castable on others)
    -Group veil of mindshadow
    -Hastened Beguilers Directed Banishment (1 second off per rank, 1 to 3 ranks)
    -More ranks of total domination
    -Quickened charming (3 ranks up to 50% reduction on charm cast time)
    -More ranks reduced veil of mindshadow recast timer
    -Time warp castable aa (highsun and memblur)
    -AA blanket of Forgetfulness
    -Quickened fog of memories (would to see it on same cast time as UF belt but I believe 50% off is the max quickening, so down to 1.3 seconds)
    -Hastened fog of memories (3 seconds per rank, 3 ranks)
    -Hastened Mental Contortion (2 more ranks down to 18 min)
    -More ranks of Deep Sleep (increase probability of occuring)
    -Mind infusion (The enchanter's damaging spells have a chance of proccing a group recourse which increases spell damage/crit rate/twincast rate? for 1 minute) Ranks increase likelihood.
  20. Sancho Elder

    Improved Shield Block - requires max shield block - blocks all melee hits with a shield for 6 seconds.
    Nuke resist mod aa - lowers resist modifier on evocation-based nukes by -X resist per rank.
    Ability: Focus Mass Runed Spellcaster's Empowering Essence - why not? Not like anyone skills up research anyhow and enchanters have traditionally been better at this than other silk casters.
    Skull Implosion - Only works on mobs flagged immune to charm. Nuke that does more damage than our regular hard hitter. Not sure what the recast should be.