Enchanter Self Buffing Video / Important Statistics

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Dandin, Dec 29, 2013.

  1. Dandin Augur

    In this video I discuss rune stacking and the proper way to self Buff your Enchanter!

    A few things to note.

    1. Runes fade in the order they are cast (IE In the video i put VOMS Epic Brimstone ect ect)
    -- The order damage is calculated makes them fade in the order they are cast!

    2. Geomantra Clicks DO NOT STACK with your Spell Runes. In fact, they will BLOCK them from landing, Your spell runes will NOT overwrite them. So. tell your freinds.. Geomantra is BAD

    3. The exact numbers for Rune damage can be found on Allahkazam/ Lucy
    (I'm not going to look up specific rune damage numbers for you @ your level)

    In this video I also talk about spellsets, flipping spell gems and sets, and how to make hotkeys for this, in addition to some tips on maximizing your sets.

    I also talk about important statistics to focus on and "In my opinion' The best statistics for an enchanter to focus on.

    I also debunked the mystery about ENC Epic! IT IS still viable @ 100!

    What other topics can I cover for you?
    What do you want to learn about the Enchanter Class?

    Post below, I will deliver!
  2. Vizier Augur

    130 mobs in CoB in 30 mins. Deliver that. I will film it. Set a date an time.
  3. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    NEVER use Ward of the Mastermind with a damage shield!

    The DS will immediately break the mez and negate the function of Ward of the Mastermind! All you'll do is get all the pets to back off.


    Also, VoMS at the front may make sense if you're solo, or with a healer merc, but if you have a real healer in the group, I suggest putting it last. This way the healer has time to notice you taking damage while VoMS is limiting that damage to small amounts, rather than suddenly start taking full damage when your runes fall.

    Rather than leave myself completely vulnerable while buffing, I use multiple sets for buffing:

    * A full set of buffs similar to what's shown in the video for use only when it's safe.
    * A very limited buff set that has most of what I need to do my job that I use for group buffing, so Haste, Foresight, and little/nothing else.
    * A mostly buffing set for when it's probably safe to buff, but you're not certain. I keep single-target (chaotic) mez and Poly-rune up and the rest is buffs. If I didn't have Tash AA yet, I'd also keep Tash up in this set.
    * Another possibility I don't personally currently use is to load half your buffs at a time from two sets while keeping your basic spells memmed for when you need to be combat ready.

    By keeping your spells in the same place in all of your sets, switching sets happens faster as not all spells need to be replaced, and you get used to where your spells normally are.
    silku likes this.
  4. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    I want to explain Chaotic mez here. Obviously, I have no nukes in this set to take advantage of the secondary effect of chaotic mez. The reason is that I use chaotic mez almost all the time as my single-target mez, so it's faster to swap sets if I don't bother to switch it out. I find this extra speed in switching sets outweighs the would-be advantage of replacing chaotic mez with long duration mez.

    I have a lot of AA abilities that give me functionality like Tash, Edict of Command (Charm), and Dreary Deeds, but even without those, I can spam poly rune to protect myself and obtain AE aggro to protect others, who are probably also vulnerable while buffing, while I go down the extended target list mezzing.

    That reminds me, Dandin, I realize you play on a low-rez laptop as I do, and I'm with you on using the standard UI; however, I strongly suggest that you make room for the entire Extended Target Window. I think I'd give up my Group Window before I shrank my Extended Target Window as you have.

    As you so eloquently put it, without a complete Extended Target Window, your UI...
    It also bears repeating:

    NEVER use Ward of the Mastermind with a damage shield!
  5. Dandin Augur

    Well Qest. As you see in my video, I already stated not to use Ward of the Mastermind while using pet tanks, however, stating that you should never use WotM with a damage sheild is simply wrong.

    Yes, Ward line causes issues with pet tanking, I agree with you there, however consider this.

    A NPC is hitting you, proving the mezz, and the DS is breaking it. Two things are possible in this senario
    1. Deep Sleep has a chance to proc, due to repeated mezz
    2. innate rune procs have a chance to fire, granted you have the AA that makes it possible (Class tab -- Passive.. Name escapes me.

    Saying NEVER use it is wrong,

    What if you need to tank? Mezz + Rune procs are agro + a Deep Sleep chance so that's a slow + other debuff.

    On the topic of my UI. It's what works for me. You don't have to like it, I do.

    If I could figure out how to make Windowed mode have better resolution... I could do a bit better. But you know what? I'll play with it tonight. See what I can come up with

    Don't make blanket statements about our spells. Because there is always a situation to use them in.
  6. Dandin Augur

    VoMS doesn't fade after runes fall when you put it before your runes. It absorbs more damage and it only absorbs a %.
    Meaning your runes last longer. And when your runes do fall. Your still getting the VOMS for a % drop on incoming damage.
    This still gives your healer time to push heals on you, before the hits get big. But a good ENC is gunna ride his runes instantly when they do fade. So I don't see what the issue is? Longer rune effect = longer absorb. When they do break, VOMS is still on, and you have a second to throw your runes back on

    I do this. If you noticed in the video, I have a set called Combat buff, that drops my nukes, and replaces them with my self buffs. My mezzes and stuff are still up, in the same place, but I just can't DPS for a second. This is not a big deal, because DPS isn't out primary role.

    I also keep all my spells in the same place on my bar. Just as you described. I even talked about it in my video...

    Did you even watch it?

  7. silku Augur

    Using ward + damage shield = stupidity. That is all. No need to try and defend it. If you have a damage shield on using ward to proc deep sleep works, sure.. but it also means your getting hit for no reason. You could easily just stasis proc it, and never step in combat. The purpose of ward is to proc mez.. damage shield breaks that mez.
  8. porky Augur

    I have heard other enchanters say this. However boxing an enchanter and a druid both toons always have DS. I have used my enchanter to ward-pull tight spots(especially indoors) and I have never had this happen.

    Is there something I am doing different that this isn't a problem for me but is a problem for others? Or, have the game mechanics changed(like at least a few years ago) and this is no longer a problem for anyone, but the older chanters still think it is?
  9. fransisco Augur

    I agree Qest:
    1. VoMS should be in back. Not only will your healer get more lead time to heal you, but VoMS has a 10 min recast time (if hastened). Runes can be recast at will. In the end, an equal amount of damage will have been absorbed for either order, but recast times dictates runes in front.

    2. Always leave a mez up, even in a buff set. Died way to many times cause I didn't have a mez loaded when I thought things were safe.

    3. Keeping the same spell in the same spot in every spell set. This lets you change spell sets faster.
    silku likes this.
  10. Dandin Augur

    I'm going to respectfully disagree with your main point that using Ward and DS is a bad strategy. I assume by your response that you don't tank, or play an aggressive stance.

    Now I'm not saying Enchanters are amazing tanks, or that this is our main role. But we can step in and absorb damage when required.

    Consider that mezz has two innate procs when cast (or procced in the case of Ward)

    They are as follows
    1. Deep Sleep.
    2. Rune

    Now. Using that. If you apply Ward, and DS, sure your breaking your own mezz, but you are giving the mezz proc a chance to proc both of these things.
    Consider that both mezz and rune provide you with agro.

    Especially rune

    If you are getting struck, (IE tanking) you are proccing runes for agro. And Deep sleep for slow and %Chance to hit reduction.

    Innately providing defensives, agro, and slowing. Just by being struck.

    As an enchanter. You shouldn't fear damage. You should embrace it, and learn to expect it.
  11. Dandin Augur

    Read in my post above. I already explained this, and also covered it in my video.
  12. silku Augur

    Don't make assumptions. I have stood in when the tank is dead and I was able to hold aggro.. but I'm an enchanter, so no I don't tank. I play a very aggressive role in that I will jump in and take hits. Damage shied + ward = bad mojo. Shrug, I'm going back to not commenting on your posts, you can remain wrong... shrug.
    Silv likes this.
  13. Mary Poppins Augur

    Believe it or not, the back and forth is helpful. Different preferences/opinions on styles and strats are providing really good info and a ton of options to try out.

    Also, the drama adds entertainment value for me. I encourage all of you guys to keep going at it (I think I heard Dan insult one of your mothers near the end of his latest video).
    Sinestra, drkoli and silku like this.
  14. EverChanter Augur

    I'm glad someone finds decent information (and entertainment) out of all this nonsense. The problem with it all is; at the end of the day people will leave the class over things like this, and have.

    When you have someone who main changed to one class from another and within 2-3 years of doing so is of the mindset that they are the all knowing, it creates a LOT of misinformation and general disarray between those who worked to get the spells/aa into the game, and those who are seeking knowledge on what's best for what situation.

    Dandin, you were called out and you posted a video that did nothing of what you claimed. You were served, admit it and move on. If you plan to continue putting out these "know all help guides to play just like Dandin and "the Mindfire Method"" I encourage you to ACTUALLY show up to the chanter AA chats like you claimed you had and put in the time to mold the class, not just sit on the sidelines and call yourself the captain.

    Forgive me if my typing is slow, I'm currently driving through a tunnel

    You still have much to learn young grasshopper, we all do.
    Silv likes this.
  15. Silv Augur

    Well, surprise surprise... Dandin is wrong AGAIN. The following is a repost, originally posted by Mykaylla in multiple threads over the past few months about Rune/Mitigation/SPA order and stacking. I take NO credit for this, it was all done by Myk, probably one of the most reliable and accurate sources of mechanics in EQ.

    Post follows:

    Order does not matter for Shield of Fate or Veil of Mindshadow compared to normal runes.
    Runes are a very old SPA- 55. They are used up in order of your buff slots (as pretty much all enchanters know).

    Veil of Mindshadow is not a rune, and so does not use that SPA. VoM uses SPA 168. This is the "vie" SPA- it is used by cleric vies (the first spells that used it) including Shining Bastion, by paladin and shadowknight mantle, carapace, and armour mitigation discs, by warrior Ridicule, by the knight reprove line, by the protective mimic familiar, paladin Protective heal line, druid Adrenaline heal line, shaman Ancestral guard, wizard Arcane Destruction, paladin Demand for Honour, Armour of Experience AA, shadowknight Cascading Theft of Defense.... the list goes on. This spell type follows a simple rule- it does not stack, the highest mitigation percentage of its' type takes effect, buff order does not matter, and the earlier rune spell type is takes precedence, regardless of buff slot (knights, and especially paladins, are very used to this, as they have multiple vie abilities- paladins are not fans of the recourse on their Demand for Honour because it does nothing if you're discing or have a cleric, druid, or cleric merc out... or are healing yourself with their own Protective spell that has a superior vie). This means that if you have Veil of Mindshadow on and Bastion of Vie, Bastion of Vie does nothing, because it is a 10% mitigation, and Veil of Mindshadow, in CotF, is 95%. If you have Polyiridescent Rune on and Veil of Mindshadow, Veil of Mindshadow is doing nothing until that Polyiridescent Rune is broken through, at which point it is mitigating your incoming hits by 95%.

    I am aware that this goes against the consensus up until now. It's also really, really easy to prove that it is the case that the vie SPA does not care about buff order with a cleric.
    Bastion of Vie is a 10% mitigation vie with a base duration of 72 minutes and an absorption limit- in the case of Rk. III, that limit is 41874. When it reaches that 41874 point threshold, it casts Light of Vie III on the recipient, which is a 4532 pt heal.
    Shining Bastion is also a 10% mitigation vie, with a base duration of 4.5 minutes and no absorption limit- it is limited by duration. It has a defensive stun proc, and when that stun proc fires, it also triggers a heal on the recipient- in the case of Shining Bastion Rk. III, that heal is 2681.
    When the slot was changed to prevent mercenaries constantly overwriting and then blocking the superior Shining Bastion, I determined to test whether or not there was a buff order priority on this spell type. I cast Bastion of Vie first, then Shining Bastion, and maintained Shining Bastion over the course of approximately 2.5 hours (the duration of Bastion of Vie) of killing mobs without refreshing Bastion of Vie. I then cast Shining Bastion first, then Bastion of Vie, and once again, maintained Shining Bastion over the course of approximately 2.5 hours killing mobs without refreshing Bastion of Vie.

    In neither case did Bastion of Vie break and disappear early. It ran its' full duration and faded on the character in question in both cases. It never once fired the additional "Light of Vie" heal.
    This SPA does not obey a buff order priority, only which version is considered "superior," which is decided firstly by percentage of mitigation, and then by amount of absorption, level, et cetera.
    Runes are 100% mitigation and an earlier SPA, and so take priority.

    Shield of Fate is not SPA 55 or 162, which makes sense- it's a new mechanic, a threshold rune, which is on the shiny new SPAs 451 and 452 (451 is melee damage, 452 is spell damage). As a newer spell type, it takes effect after both regular runes AND vies.
    Shielding will reduce your hit before it reaches the rune, but neither Veil of Mindshadow nor Shield of Fate will.

    ---end Myk post---

    Therefore, VOM order, before OR after runes, does NOT matter.

    Moving on...

    In almost all cases, using a DS with Ward is counterproductive. Ranger, Mage, Druid, and self-buff DS will instabreak a mez proc from Ward in all of my experiences. I suspect the mechanics are more complicated but it is likely due to the "order" in which things are proc'd/hit much like how there is a certain order in which defensive abilities fire; in this case, it would have to do with ward procs and when DS lands. For the purposes of NOT mezzing, Ward is great for Wild Ramp mobs and procing Deep Sleep. However, given the use of Stasis... I don't know how anyone would ever have an issue procing DS.

    A better question would be WHY would you run around with a DS on anyhow? Are you too lazy to buff block or click it off? There is no reason to be DS'd unless you're power leveling. But please, argue how the "DPS" gained from DS is so important :rolleyes: Just because you have a self-buff clicky or a class that has a buff, does not mean you should use it. Do you let Ferocity or Shaman Focus land? Mammoth Strength?

    Please keep posting more though. I love digging up posts that discount all of your claims from the months you were away from the game.
    silku likes this.
  16. porky Augur

    I was the one that asked about the DS. My chanter always has it on cause my main is a druid, they get buffed together. I always keep them in the same spot right under regen and above haste. It never occurred to me to remove or block it, I have been playing this chanter running around with DS on for seven years now.

    I do Ward-pulling quite often. I also use it to just run my chanter in ahead of group and break-mez multiple mobs at once, if they are tightly packed in a room. I have never seen his DS wake a mob, and mez breaks go to their own window on both toons. My question remains, that since I have heard other enchanters say DS is bad, how is this a problem for the rest of you but not me?
  17. Dandin Augur

  18. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur


    I too have had DS not break the mez on occasion, but I figure it's due to latency, randomness, distance, or buff order. Obviously, we don't want to rely on latency, or randomness. Distance is not always controllable. Unfortunately, WotM is a 20 min buff (group focus) so is reapplied often, and the downside of getting them out of order far outweighs the benefit of having the combination of DS and WotM.


    We've found an enchanter tactic that's uniquely yours, so I think I speak for the majority of the enchanter community when I say we'd be willing to name it after you. The Mindfire Method is to use a DS to intentionally break WotM mez in order to empower the enchanter, while saving time that would otherwise be wasted having to debuff.

    I imagine The Mindfire Method has the additional effect of causing your group mates to run, screaming, from the group allowing the enchanter using it to get back to soloing.
    silku likes this.
  19. Silv Augur

    Dandin- I'm confused exactly what your point was in quoting my post with some of your responses. You said the exact same thing that I did for many of them except it goes completely against what you said earlier, which was why I made the post.

    Also, I don't know what version of Stasis you are using that you can't spam it even when getting pummeled.

    For your argument of DmgS + Ward still procing DeepS and potentially runes to increase survivability: So does letting mez ward mez... and much more effectively as the mob stops hitting altogether. That is a poor argument in this case. We have lurch and different versions of punt if you need tools for managing a Ward mezz'd mob.

    Porky- I'm not sure what the difference we are seeing is due to in regard to DS + Ward mez breaks. I've essentially blocked all buffs with a DS component so it rarely happens now. The only one I don't is Ranger AC (Spurs?) and I have consistently seen that one instabreak. Perhaps it's something to look into - the different damage shields. I'll probably get bored sometime soon and screw around with this. :p

    For the purposes of breaking large rooms/pulling as some described, I find Color Shock to be more effective if you don't want to have Ward mez everything. You can have it up 60% of the time. Guess it's a matter of opinion and playstyle. /shrug
  20. Dandin Augur