Enchanter Perma-Stun Video

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Qest T. Silverclaw, Oct 9, 2012.

  1. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

  2. Xorn New Member

    This was cool...might have to break out the alt chanter! Like the new video look on forum too!
  3. Iadien New Member

    Nice, I use to love running AoE stun groups back during Kunark in Seb.
  4. Dandin Augur

    This guy is rather slow... But a good video, nonetheless, Its possible to twist in more then that, but, good video regaurdless
  5. shiftie Augur

    I don't understand the point of this video.
    EverChanter likes this.
  6. silku Augur

    Most of Qest's posts seem to be geered towards either nerfing the chanter class or at least stagnating it. For me I think that it should be pointed out that without this type of stunning, chanter charm soloing would be impossible. Well not impossible, but very much not worthwhile. I seldom use the stuns in a group setting, unless the tank loses aggro, then I"ll stun it once or twice while he regathers it.
  7. fransisco Augur

    I use stuns on harder mobs to keep the group going longer (save healer mana).
    I partner with a mage and a wizard. My friend's mage pet is tanking. In Fear itself (we are only 90) the yellow mobs (Amygdalons) are bruisers, so I frequently stun them to keep the merc in more mana.
  8. Dandin Augur

    Regaurdless how stun is used, It should be left alone.
    Lonye likes this.
  9. shiftie Augur

    This sounds like a line of reasoning that can't be argued with. Then again, I'm not entirely sure this is working as intended.
  10. doktartp Augur

    I always thought there were lock outs/cast times/effective stun durations to keep this in check.
  11. Keise Elder

    Its not wortking as intended, it should be fixed sooner rather than later, or change the wording on it to where it is working as intended (put in the spell description that the stun time lasts as long or longer than the recast) this will save many lazy enchanters the heartbreak next year
  12. Synthemesc Journeyman

    It IS working as intended, there is nothing to "fix", there is nothing to "nerf". Enchanters have had the ability to do this with their color lines since day one. I can't really see where the "lazy" part comes in, unless you're one of those players who still think things like /melody and /autofire are "lazy".

    So... video is nice for those enchanters who've never experimented with their color lines at all and are just now learning about it, with just one mob it's rather boring but for demonstration purposes there you go.
  13. Woodgar New Member


    When I first watched the video I was at a loss as to the point it was trying to make, and even now I still can't see what people are getting excited about. Enchanters have had the ability to perma-stun whole groups of mobs for over a decade.
  14. Keise Elder

    No its not working as intended, read the spell description, the cast time, the cooldown, and the recast, add it up, and it hasn't always worked like this, before you couldn't even perma stun with our AE and our single cast simultainiously (by yourself)

    Heres how it will work down the road, the enchanter class will become a merc only wanted class or a bot caster only class, or solo class, however you want to look at it, or by a up and coming tank that doesn't deserve to tank (will need the stun every fight just to survive) for the many tanks that can tank stuns will always be a novelty that isn't needed...why not add some real dps

    And i'm sorry about the lazy remark, i couldn't come up with a better word, but if this is this spell is the reason you have a handful of chanters saying we're overpowered, and we don't need any upgrades anywhere, AND they do decide to fix it, maybe even a couple years from now what does this spell do for any of us.....other than make us lazy, and non skilled, if this is our new purpose
  15. Synthemesc Journeyman

    Pretty much this, Keise.

    This is a non-issue, has been discussed ad nauseum in years past, is working as intended, and requires no further action.

    It's a good thing these forums are not binding contracts, otherwise that vocal minority would have us all over a barrel, huh?
  16. Keise Elder

    Ok whatever, i'd like a little more of a challenge, maybe have an NPC to hail for xp, or just let the class evolve, and for the ones that it does insult to change anything you don't need to load any other spells other than stun and tash and nothing changes for anyone who prefers to xp like this

    Just remember when and if they do change it, its not a nerf, its a fix...and good luck acually learning how to play the class
  17. Bloodymez New Member

    Why is it when I cast stun the mobs remains stunned for less time than it takes to recast stun? Am I missing something?
  18. Synthemesc Journeyman


    No, you're not. More than one spell in your color line needs to be woven to keep mobs perma-stunned. Back in the days of doing AE Seb runs (I would AE stun, other casters would AE nuke) I had 4 different spells to use on a rotation, so one or two were always coming off of cooldown right after casting the next one in the chain.


    Thanks so much for your concern. If they ever do decide to change anything involving the color lines, I guess I'm going to have to up & ragequit since the only thing we chanters know how to do (apparently) is AE stun, and it has made us all slack-jawed, lazy, know-nothings when it comes to our class. :rolleyes:
  19. Keise Elder

    I could care less if they fix it or not, if this is what you consider fun, great, i guess you could say theres more than 1 class with an "i win" mode, but if you consider the class overpowered and would like to stagnate us because of it, than i disagree with you
    As for stun being the only thing we know how to do i'll have to disagree with you again, but if this is the only way you xp i guess you wouldn't know we can do many things, the problem is many classes can easily replace us, or make us less desirable...stagnating us helps us how?
  20. Synthemesc Journeyman

    Not once did I imply that the class was overpowered.
    Not once did I state that I would like to "stagnate us" as a class.
    Not once did I state that this is the way I regularly play, nor did I state it being the "only way" to play.

    It must be the season for scarecrows - there's lots of straw men being erected in this thread that's for sure.

    Seems to me like my reply you quoted was a bit of snark in response to your invalid assertion, but I'm probably wrong about that too. I always roll my eyes while playing Sarcastaball, it means I'm being super, super serial. :rolleyes:

    How can you possibly know our skills at this class from the brief contact you've had with us in this thread?

    Myself, along with several others, have merely pointed out that this video is showing nothing new, and it's something that has been going on for a long, long time now. To reiterate:

    So, maybe, lay off the wild assumptions, and switch to decaf or something. It's reading like you're getting a little over-invested emotionally in your tilting at windmills.