Enchanter/Magician AA Chat

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by silku, Dec 20, 2012.

  1. silku Augur

    Session Start: Thu Dec 20 06:22:16 2012
    Session Ident:#EQAAChat
    [06:22] ->> You joined channel #EQAAChat
    [06:22] ->> Topic is: Wed - Wizard & Necro
    [06:22] ->> Topic set by Elidroth on 12/19/2012 11:57:30 AM
    [06:22] ->> 71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com resolved to
    [06:22] ->> Channel Modes are: +tnr
    [06:22] ->> Channel created on 11/30/2012 6:41:29 PM
    [06:49] * KyleReese (ImaAnt@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Ping timeout )
    [07:55] * Locutus is now known as Kraymerica
    [07:57] * Aither (Aither@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [08:28] * Crystilla (41c0b902@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [09:02] * Elenwyyi (Elenwyyi@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Ping timeout )
    [09:03] * Xeo (Xeo@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [09:14] * Chaldene (Chaldene@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [09:22] * Chaldene (Chaldene@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Quit: )
    [09:25] * Flow (Flow@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAACHAT
    [09:37] * Nylrem (Nylrem@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [09:58] * Forcallen (Forcallen@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [10:05] * Darrkin (Darrkin@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [10:17] * Elenwyyi (Elenwyyi@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [10:29] * Pan (bdamron80@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
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    [10:38] * Kucaniz (Kucaniz@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
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    [10:41] * ryino (ryino@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
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    [10:58] * Xeo (Xeo@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Quit: )
    [11:00] * Pan (bdamron80@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Quit: )
    [11:00] * Pan (bdamron80@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [11:06] * ThanasisTM (ThanasisTM@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Quit: )
    [11:06] * ThanasisTM (ThanasisTM@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [11:12] * Pan (bdamron80@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Quit: )
    [11:26] * Petto (479f1516@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [11:36] * Chaldene (Chaldene@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [11:45] * j (632c7e84@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [11:49] * Filatal (sthallimor@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [11:55] * Cyrz (Cyrz@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Ping timeout )
    [11:59] * Nillaien (Nillaien@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAchat
    [12:00] * Elidroth (Elidroth@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [12:00] * ChanServ sets mode +o Elidroth for #EQAAChat
    [12:00] * Tharkis slaps Elidroth around a bit with a large trout
    [12:01] <@Elidroth> Not sure where Ellyra is today
    [12:01] <Aither> well good morning elidroth how are you?
    [12:01] * Chaldene waves
    [12:01] <Tharkis> she's probably being evil to haflings
    [12:01] <Jehmal> Morning Eli, thanks for doing this for everyone.
    [12:01] <Tharkis> this morning was the best, watching Ormus have to disect a halfling for this quest =D
    [12:02] <@Elidroth> lol
    [12:02] * ChanServ sets topic to: Thursday - Magician & Enchanter
    [12:03] <@Elidroth> So.. we come to this.. the final day of the AA chats (and the world supposedly)
    [12:03] <Filatal> whoever did CH deserves a pat on the back, you have no idea the amount of fun I'm having teasing all my guildmates about being gnomes
    [12:03] <@Elidroth> Normando did a lot of that
    [12:03] <Tharkis> the haflign disection quest has to have been Ellyra
    [12:03] <Asmadeus> wooo
    [12:03] <@Elidroth> he doesn't get much attention, but Norm is a great designer and comes up with really funny stuff
    [12:03] <@Elidroth> no.. that was all Norm
    [12:04] <Mykaylla> It's the 21st here aleady- 5am. So you know if I disappear and don't return, how much time you have left.
    [12:04] <Tharkis> sweet, remind me to buy him a drink next fan faire =P
    [12:04] <Tharkis> though he tends to hide at fan faire it seems
    [12:04] * BJ (bdamron80@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [12:04] * Mykaylla is the future warning system.
    [12:04] <Aither> yes elidroth it's the last day, so feel free to give enchanters and mages all they request, since it wont matter tomorrow....
    [12:05] <@Elidroth> I don't think Norm even went to FF this year
    [12:05] <Tharkis> yeah he wasnt there this year
    [12:05] <Tharkis> but elegist was (he was there the year before too, but went incognito as Jumbotron instead)
    [12:05] <BJ> Hello all! I made it :)
    [12:05] * Asmadeus cheeeeeeers
    [12:05] <Tharkis> though ellyra kept pointing him out in all the crowds saying "get him, he's a dev!"
    [12:05] <@Elidroth> Elegist doesn't like public attention at all
    [12:06] <@Elidroth> I'm giving Ellyra a few minutes before we get started
    [12:06] <Tharkis> I only briefly met Augur at this last one too, he was busy manning the computer area all weekend
    [12:08] <Tharkis> I think Rtugok the new coder is the only eq dev i havent met now at this poitn
    [12:08] * Cyrz (Cyrz@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [12:09] <@Elidroth> he's a good guy
    [12:10] * Ngreth (Ngreth@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [12:10] * ChanServ sets mode +o Ngreth for #EQAAChat
    [12:10] * Tharkis slaps Ngreth around a bit with a large trout
    [12:10] * Beezy-iphone (a6899c1c@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [12:10] <Aither> Morning ngreth
    [12:10] * Chaldene waves
    [12:10] * Poac (Poac@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [12:11] <Poac> Chanters: We need all of the things
    [12:12] * Syylke_EMarr (Syylke_EMa@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [12:12] * Darrkin (Darrkin@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Quit: Stratics Java IRC User )
    [12:12] <@Elidroth> auto-correct fail is ALMOST as funny as texts from dogs
    [12:12] <@Ngreth> morn. I am not really here... just a general annoyance to Elidroth from time to time.
    [12:12] <Chaldene> lol
    [12:12] * Darrkin (Darrkin@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [12:14] <@Elidroth> from time to time?
    [12:15] <Tharkis> http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr03/2012/12/18/15/enhanced-buzz-28419-1355861286-1.jpg
    [12:15] * Ellyra (Ellyra@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [12:15] * Tharkis slaps Ellyra around a bit with a large trout
    [12:15] * Apex (Apex@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [12:15] <Ellyra> Such a warm welcome Tharkis, thanks.
    [12:15] <Aither> Good morning Ellyra
    [12:16] <Darrkin> Hi Elly
    [12:16] <Tharkis> you're welcome, oh evil one
    [12:16] <Tharkis> You should have been on luclin this morning Ellyra to see Ormus agonizing over disecting a halfling in chapterhouse =) it was glorious!
    [12:16] <@Elidroth> http://textfromdog.tumblr.com/image/30814112274
    [12:17] <@Elidroth> so good
    [12:17] <@Elidroth> OK.. so now that Ellyra is here.. we can get started
    [12:17] <Ellyra> *grin*
    [12:17] <@Elidroth> So.. you know the drill by now
    [12:17] <@Elidroth> AA stuff.. use complete ability names
    [12:18] <Ellyra> I don't though. It's my first AA chat. Be kind.
    [12:18] <@Elidroth> No class warfare
    [12:18] <@Elidroth> So.. Ellyra is here because she has been doing most of the work on Enchanters and Magicians this year as we're trying to train her up on the AA foolishness
    [12:18] * Ismel (535c00d5@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [12:18] <@Elidroth> BUT.. if you get mean with her, I will still stomp you down. :)
    [12:19] <@Elidroth> lol
    [12:19] <@Elidroth> Oh.. and when a question is asked.. give us time to look things over and respond before you flood us with more questions
    [12:19] <@Elidroth> OK..
    [12:19] <@Elidroth> GO
    [12:19] <Filatal> Ench: Mass AE Hundred Hands Effect with Fade/IVU recourse
    [12:19] <Poac> Q: Mages - Can we get an ability that allows us to coth people outside the group, but in raid. Or group coth, or the ability to twin/triple cast blur pet...for maximum giant fire pet spam?
    [12:19] <Filatal> figure get hose out of the way now
    [12:19] <Aither> mages yield the first question to enchanters
    [12:19] <@Elidroth> Wow.. 0-ridiculous is 0.2 seconds
    [12:20] <BJ> - I'd like to see an AA with a name like Innate Splendor - A charisma cap increase that is specific to Enchanters, similar to the archetype INT cap increase "Innate Enlightenment" that is specific to all casters.
    [12:20] <Chaldene> Hi Elidroth, my first one too, Here is my request, Doppleganger effect similar to Warriors / Necro FD "Stand In"... an Effect with a few hit counters maybe, that will pop a Doppleganger to take hate when it falls ?
    [12:21] <Tharkis> slow down people lol
    [12:21] <@Elidroth> ok.. so clearly NONE of you read the part where I said to give us time to look over things and give an answer before we move on
    [12:21] <@Elidroth> please tell me this isn't going to be one of THOSE days
    [12:21] <illa> ok, won't tell you
    [12:22] <Beezy-iphone> Lol when he said take it slow, he really meant take it slow
    [12:22] <@Elidroth> Unfortunately Poac, we don't have a way to isolate a target outside of group but within raid constructs
    [12:22] <@Elidroth> so that idea isn't possible right now
    [12:22] <Darrkin> just a simple suggestion mages and enchanters make your own channel om here so you can chat there and bring the ideas one at a time to the table it worked well in all the other chats
    [12:23] <@Elidroth> Also, the spell effect for CotH only works on a single target at a time
    [12:23] <Poac> What about a group gravity well, that pulls the entire group into the mage from anywhere in the zone?
    [12:24] <@Elidroth> What about you wait your turn?
    [12:24] <@Elidroth> lol
    [12:24] <Poac> =(
    [12:24] <Nylrem> we did, and poac is a ranger, and should be shot, as one, for talkin bout mag stuffs and trollin like he is
    [12:24] * Qwestmode (Qwestmode@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAACHAT
    [12:24] <Aither> Bad Ranger
    [12:24] <@Elidroth> and that won't work btw
    [12:24] ->> Attempting to join #Enchanter
    [12:24] <@Elidroth> BJ - main stats are capped unfortunately. I could give you 10000000 CHA and it wouldn't make a difference anymore
    [12:25] <Jehmal> Any enchanters who would like, please join #enchanter so we can coordinate and keep from flooding.
    [12:25] <Asmadeus> woo, looks like a channel #enchanter exists, so any chanter is welcome to come there :)
    [12:25] <@Elidroth> Chaldene - That's not a bad idea.
    [12:25] <Aither> Also any mages can pm myself or nylrem for our channel
    [12:26] <@Elidroth> Certainly as a "Tank died" stopgap measure
    [12:26] <@Elidroth> I'll have to see if I can make it happen in such a way that doesn't create an exploitable situation though
    [12:26] <Chaldene> thank you Elidroth :)
    [12:26] <Ellyra> I personally like the idea of giving chanters a bigger role in hate management, but that's just me :D
    [12:27] <Aither> MAGE**Melusinic Entrophy: passive AA for Malo line that becons the elementals of water to increase the chance the malo line of spells to land on a npc, the values of course are yours to play with, but i was thinking a 50 percent chance to land would be of great help.
    [12:28] <@Elidroth> OK.. just a clarification - When discussing new ability ideas.. I really don't need the lore behind it. Just tell me what you want it to do.. lol
    [12:29] <Petto> Mages- Can we get an AA that will have a 50% chance to auto pocket a pet if only the mage dies but not the pet? The pet would survive the mages death. Sort of like when we pocket and buff a pet before accepting a resurrection. Down time saver.
    [12:29] <Aither> fair enough, will await your response
    [12:29] <@Elidroth> No petto
    [12:29] <@Elidroth> I don't think that will work
    [12:29] <@Elidroth> AND.. we don't have a hook for that in our system
    [12:30] <@Elidroth> Aither - we'll have to look at that one. I'm sure something can be done there, but 50% would be WAY too much
    [12:31] <Aither> thanks anything would be a help
    [12:31] <Ismel> Enchanter AA Quick mez 5 10 15% spell haste limited to mez spells yes/no/maybe?
    [12:31] <@Elidroth> It's doable.
    [12:31] * Nylrem (Nylrem@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Ping timeout )
    [12:31] <@Elidroth> Need to be careful though
    [12:32] <@Elidroth> I doubt I'd want to ever quicken it any more than that
    [12:32] <@Elidroth> So basically.. that AA line would end at 15%
    [12:32] <Ismel> thats ok 2sec is jsut rathe slow with cc as the game is today
    [12:33] <@Elidroth> well.. 15% isn't going to be much change. I'll look at the numbers though
    [12:33] <Aither> MAGE** Undine Malediction: conal ae malo, a way for magicians to land malo on several targets in close proximity to the caster. I'm looking for a one minute refresh on this ability so that it can't be used too frequently.
    [12:34] <@Elidroth> which malo version are you thinking of for this? Generally when we make an AOE of something it's less powerful than the current ST for obvious reasons
    [12:34] * Candara (Candara-Ca@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [12:34] <@Elidroth> I don't hate the idea at all
    [12:35] <Aither> well i would be ok if it was the malo from two expansions back
    [12:35] <Aither> something to start with and improve over time
    [12:35] <Asmadeus> (silly detail, an' I dunno if mages already made a channel, but as people are joining all the time could you put something in topic saying to join #enchanter if they wanna discuss?)
    [12:35] <@Elidroth> which one.. specifics please.. I don't do spells remember
    [12:35] <Aither> sure one sec
    [12:35] <@Elidroth> no Asmadeus.. the topics won't support that much text
    [12:36] <Asmadeus> okay, sorry :)
    [12:36] <@Elidroth> you guys will have to deal with that on your own
    [12:36] <Aither> level 86 malosene rk 1
    [12:37] <Aither> spell id 26173
    [12:37] * Notta (Notta@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
  2. silku Augur

    [12:37] <@Elidroth> I'll consider it. Let me talk it over with Ellyra and Aristo
    [12:37] <Aither> thanks
    [12:37] <@Elidroth> It's not a NO, but it's not a YES right now
    [12:38] * Nylrem (Nylrem@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [12:38] * Ismel (535c00d5@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client )
    [12:38] <Mykaylla> Existing enchanter AA - Azure Mind Crystal, sacrifice mana to store it in a crystal. Last rank was in Underfoot. Is it possible to get another rank of this, as mana pools and spell costs have increased, for use after death?
    [12:38] <@Elidroth> possible
    [12:39] <Mykaylla> Cool
    [12:39] <Chaldene> :)
    [12:39] <Forcallen> Divine Companion Aura - now that this ability was fixed so that any castable divina aura can not be exploited on pets. Would you consider changing the coding of it to copy Embalmers Carapace with a larger rune or Impenetrable Rune, again with more counters? So that mage, necro and bst lord pets can effectively tank for 18 seconds while under this AA.
    [12:40] <@Elidroth> no
    [12:40] * Ismel (535c00d5@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [12:42] <Mykaylla> Existing enchanter AA - Sanguine Mind Crystal, sacrifice mana to store in a crystal for self-healing. Last updated in Underfoot also. Is it possible to get an additional rank of this also, likewise?
    [12:44] * [Alt][F4] (AltF4@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [12:44] <@Elidroth> yep
    [12:45] <Mykaylla> Awesome
    [12:45] <[Alt][F4]> sup - less dps, more mobs in zones, thanks - buy :p
    [12:45] <Asmadeus> :D
    [12:45] <Nylrem> existing magician AA - Malosinete. Quickened by 1 second, to 1.25 sec cast time, and range increased to 250 from 200 possible?
    [12:48] <Mykaylla> New enchanter AA request - Blanket of Forgetfulness. AA version of the level 46 spell, no upgrades since. Targetted AE memblur.
    [12:48] <Poac> To extrapalate on what Mykaylla said is there anyway to make that TGB'able, like the enchanter could summon a mana crystal for target, enchanter consumes however much mana...the player gets a portion of the consumed amount?
    [12:48] * Asmadeus is a selfish gnomie an' doesn't want that - but join chanter channel first Paoc
    [12:48] <Petto> Mages- Pet control AA, that allows you to control and fight in First person your pet *like a eye of zomm* for "X" min. when the effect fades you are Stunned and blinded for 1 min 45 sec.
    [12:49] <Ellyra> I don't want to be blinded for 1 min 45 seconds o_O
    [12:49] <Aither> slow down guys, give them time to look at data
    [12:49] <[Alt][F4]> yah i presented similiar idea last year, give enchanter ability that leeches mana from all group memebers and then gives it to the guy with least amount. Kinda like clerics got that health group spell that does that
    [12:49] * Mykaylla laughs at Asmadeus
    [12:50] <@Elidroth> no Petto
    [12:50] <Petto> the blind & stun is to keep it balanced/ help keep it form being used for long distance pulling etc
    [12:51] <Mykaylla> Divine Arbitration is what you're thinking of, close program.
    [12:54] * Mykaylla waits on the Blanket of Forgetfulness question before continuing
    [12:54] <@Elidroth> hmm
    [12:55] <@Elidroth> I don't hate it
    [12:55] <@Elidroth> seems reasonable
    [12:56] <@Elidroth> but it can't be free target
    [12:56] <@Elidroth> AA can't use those
    [12:56] <Ismel> awwwww
    [12:56] <Mykaylla> ~Nods~ Blanket is currently jsut a target AE
    [12:56] <Asmadeus> blanket of forgetfulness is a targetted AE anyway, so if it's the same spell :)
    [12:56] <@Elidroth> yeah
    [12:56] <Filatal> the base spell isn't free target
    [12:56] <Mykaylla> So that's awesome
    [12:58] <Aither> Earthen Benediction: an activatable aa which bestows a chance of survival when a magician reaches 10 percent health or lower. This aa would fire a rune on the magician which would absorb a percentage of incoming damage, thus giving time for a heal to land.I was thinking this could go in the song window with a short duration of effect around 1 minute on a 30 minute refresh timer.
    [12:58] <@Elidroth> 10% is too low.
    [12:59] <@Elidroth> you'll die more often than not
    [12:59] <@Elidroth> before the system reacts
    [12:59] <Aither> adjust the values as you see fit
    [12:59] <Ismel> 30% ?
    [13:00] <@Elidroth> yeah.. it's a good idea and something I was looking to do more of this go around anyway
    [13:00] <Mykaylla> New Enchanter AA Request - Quickened Fog of Memories. Is it possible to reduce the casting time on this one?
    [13:01] <@Elidroth> It's possible, but I'm not sure I want to
    [13:01] <@Elidroth> call that a maybe. Need to think it over and discuss it a bit
    [13:02] <Aither> Companion's Blessing - Extended companion's blessing 5 ranks each adding 1 tick of duration, bringing the ability to 1 min and 36 seconds total duration.
    [13:02] * Beezy-iphone (a6899c1c@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client )
    [13:02] <Mykaylla> Okay
    [13:04] <@Elidroth> Aither - I'd rather not..
    [13:05] <Mykaylla> New Enchanter AA request - Mindbender's Compelling Call. AE lurch, 6 target limit, on a suitable recast. Similar existing abilities: Lure of the Siren's Song, Compliant Lurch.
    [13:05] <Aither> i assumed so but i was asked to ask for it
    [13:07] <@Elidroth> hmm
    [13:08] <@Elidroth> That seems ok I guess
    [13:08] <Aither> Mage**
    [13:08] <Aither> Call Hither- I'd love to see more use of this aa which we have had since secrets of faydwer. As one of the first classes with this mechanic it'd be nice to see it upgraded as, Superior Call Hither, one rank. Call hither will now work on npc's.Similar existing spell Hates attraction.
    [13:09] <Mykaylla> Cool
    [13:10] <@Elidroth> Aither - I don't really want EVERYONE to have a aoe fling to self ability
    [13:10] <Aither> I know just thought it might fly since we were first with the mechanic /shrug
    [13:11] <Aither> but thanks for the concideration :)
    [13:11] <Aither> and only wanted single target :)
    [13:12] <@Elidroth> afk really quick.. need to get a drink
    [13:12] <Aither> k
    [13:14] <Aither> I prolly should have bribed with a 50/50 burger ....
    [13:14] <Ellyra> omg
    [13:14] <Ismel> some nice rum i bet
    [13:14] <Ellyra> *drools*
    [13:14] <@Elidroth> lol
    [13:15] <Aither> but yeah, mages would be estatic with just single target like how call hither works on pc's
    [13:15] <Mykaylla> wb
    [13:15] <Poac> Q:Enc - any chance of the return of mez mastery?
    [13:15] <Tharkis> i had never heard of a 50/50 burger till yesterday... and now i want one /cry
    [13:16] <Darrkin> i had to go look up what it was just now
    [13:16] <Mykaylla> Mez mastery is still around. ;)
    [13:16] <Asmadeus> poac: Mez mastery still works an' doesn't need more ranks
    [13:17] <Asmadeus> Would be nice to have it work on other AE spells (i.e. not the line that caused it to become single only), but I dunno how feasible that is :(
    [13:19] <@Elidroth> Poac - no
    [13:21] <Aither> Mage**Force of Elements- Hastened Force of Elements is currently 20 second recast, looking for a reduction in the range of reaching a 12 second recast. 8 ranks of 1 second reduction would do the trick.
    [13:22] <Mykaylla> Existing Enchanter AA request - Auroria Mastery. Is it possible to get another rank of this, for three auras? Currently, enchanters have more than 10 auras to sift through (not counting clickies), ranging from mob debuffs, to aggro and deaggro mods, to rune, to mana regen, to ADPS, and some that would work well in synergy are simply not possible to maintain. There would still be picking and
    [13:22] <Mykaylla> choosing, with that many choices.
    [13:24] <@Elidroth> no
    [13:24] <@Elidroth> 2 auras was bad enough
    [13:25] <Mykaylla> Okay
    [13:28] <tweelis> If i asked a non-class related question would that be considered bad form in here?
    [13:28] <Nillaien> you just did...
    [13:28] <Notta> new mage aa: Hastened Companion of Necessity, 3 ranks, each rank decreasing reuse timer by 2 min :D
    [13:29] * Conjurous_AB (52224265@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [13:30] * Aither waits patiently for a reply to force of elements request
    [13:31] * Ezlano (Ezlano@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [13:34] * Cicelee (Cicelee@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [13:34] <Cicelee> test
    [13:34] <Aither> loud and clear
    [13:34] <Cicelee> much thanks to Aither for helping me get here
    [13:36] <Cicelee> is Elidroth available?
    [13:38] <Ismel> hes foraging
    [13:39] <Aither> for bacon
    [13:39] <Cicelee> he is getting another 50/50 bacon burger?
    [13:39] <Cicelee> goodness lol
    [13:39] <Ezlano> Bacon is a noble hunt!
    [13:40] <Cicelee> i saw bacon popcorn online, i *almost* bought some
    [13:40] <Asmadeus> bacon with bacon on top, please!
    [13:43] <@Elidroth> sorry.. my daughter called freaking out because she had to get on a bus
    [13:43] <Aither> the horror!
    [13:43] <Cicelee> hello Elidroth
    [13:43] <@Elidroth> Aither - I don't know if I want to hasten Force of Elements right now
    [13:43] <Mykaylla> wb
    [13:43] <Aither> ok Eli thanks for the reply
    [13:44] <@Elidroth> on Companion of Necessity.. I don't think so. 10 min is fine for a panic button
    [13:44] <Mykaylla> Existing Enchanter AA request: Bite of Tashani. Currently debuffs Magic Resist 40. Is it possible to get an additional rank of this, to increase the amount of debuff? For comparison, current spell Tash is over 100 MR debuff (plus of course the increasing incoming damage component).
    [13:45] <@Elidroth> Bite of Tashani - I can give an upgrade, but it won't be up to the current spell
    [13:45] <Mykaylla> ~Nods~ 'Course, and thanks
    [13:45] <@Elidroth> My daughter is 7.. she freaks out about the unknown a lot
    [13:46] <[Alt][F4]> ENCH: MANA TRANSFER AA to individual/group? and a preemptive enchanters are not necros :), necros whined about it back in the day because they wanted to dpsdpsdps, enchanter is cc/buff/debuff class, all about indirect dps or avoidance of it. We want it. Put a long cooldown on it if you worry. Throwing mana at group mate that just died = efficency & less downtime
    [13:48] <@Elidroth> hmmm
    [13:48] <@Elidroth> I like the idea but I might want to go about it a different way
    [13:48] <[Alt][F4]> how so?
    [13:48] <Mykaylla> Heh
    [13:49] <Mykaylla> We have a couple of ideas listed in channel
    [13:49] <Asmadeus> Well we were talking about it on #enchanter right now actually :p
    [13:49] <Mykaylla> All necro-free!
    [13:49] * Mykaylla grins.
    [13:49] <[Alt][F4]> oh
    [13:51] <Mykaylla> Since it came up... New Enchanter AA Request - Mana Explosion. Enchanter sacrifices a significant portion of their mana and gives it to group members. (there's going to be a few mana ideas)
    [13:52] * Cener (Cener@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [13:53] <Tharkis> heh i was asked to ask for one enchanter AA >_< I already know the answer but i'll ask anyways for them. mass project illusion, or out of group targetable project illusion. They want to make everyone in the lobby gnomes =P
    [13:54] <@Elidroth> no
    [13:54] <Mykaylla> I'd like to make everyone in the lobby stick figures instead
    [13:54] <Tharkis> ok =) will tell them lol
    [13:54] * Tharkis agrees with Mykaylla
    [13:54] <Darrkin> they probably want to make them more into you princess tharkis
    [13:54] <Aither> **MAGE Quick summoning, any chance to apply that ability to our aa mod rods, Small, medium, and large modulation shards? That would bring our cast time down to 5 seconds instead of the 10 that its currently at.Alternately a hastened modulation aa would do the trick.
    [13:54] <Tharkis> actually i think they were jelous of guild banner illusions Darrkin hehe
    [13:54] <Aither> ** sorry quickened
    [13:55] <Mykaylla> Existing Enchanter AA request - Mana Draw. Additional ranks would reflect a mana over time recourse on the group as well as the mana recourse on the enchanter themselves.
    [13:55] <Asmadeus> (maybe a lesser version on groupmates)
    [13:56] <Cener> My biggest request is just an Improved control for mercs. Like a stay/follow command
    [13:56] <Filatal> I am still unclear if the no was to Mass Project Illusion or Mana Explosion
    [13:56] <Mykaylla> ~Nods~ I didn't put values, so Elidroth could go with what he felt was reasonable if it's a possibility.
    [13:56] <Jehmal> Was the no above for the Mana Explosion or the mass project illusion?
    [13:57] <Chaldene> i think the No was for mass illusions
    [13:58] * EverChanter (18036018@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [14:01] * Trazz (Trazz@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [14:02] <Mykaylla> Hopefully everything is okay with the bus
    [14:03] <BJ> hopefully!
    [14:04] * Syylke (Syylke_EMa@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [14:05] <@Elidroth> Cener - I have no way to affect Mercs
    [14:05] <@Elidroth> Mykaylla - we have some other ideas about mana things..
    [14:05] <Mykaylla> Okay
    [14:06] <Mykaylla> And welcome back
    [14:06] <Filatal> So, we should stop with the mana ideas and move on for now?
    [14:08] <@Elidroth> basically
    [14:08] <Aither> how about the above mod rod quickening question, would 5 second cast on the existing aa be too much to hope for?
    [14:09] <@Elidroth> I don't really want to change them
    [14:09] <Aither> ok thanks had to ask
    [14:10] <Mykaylla> Enchanter AA request - Veil of Mindshadow and Eldritch Rune. These runes stack, but share a recast timer, despite having their own separate hastening lines. Is it possible to unlink them?
    [14:13] <@Elidroth> they share a timer?
    [14:13] <@Elidroth> that seems.. like.. an error perhaps
    [14:13] <BJ> yes
    [14:13] <Filatal> correct
    [14:13] <@Elidroth> yeah I'll look into that
    [14:14] <Mykaylla> They do, and with their own separate lines too. ~Laughs~
    [14:14] <Mykaylla> Awesome, thans
    [14:14] <Filatal> I can cast one, say Eldritch, wait until button ungreys, and cast Veil and have both up, just can't do one then the other
    [14:14] <Mykaylla> Er, thanks
    [14:15] <Cicelee> Magician AA request- with no upgrade to Surge (short term dmg shield) and with Famished Flames never used due to 10 minute refresh... would like to suggest an AA for a dmg shield. Values can be variable, but either short term 5 minutes 750 straight damage per hit, 30 counters... or longer term 10 minutes 1500 straight damage per hit, 30 counters.... numbers can be adjusted as need be
    [14:15] <@Elidroth> Why can't I think of stuff like this?
    [14:15] <@Elidroth> Text From Dog is simply brilliant!!!
    [14:16] <Mykaylla> Do you have a dog? Maybe you're lacking the inspiration!
    [14:16] <@Elidroth> so.. NOT using Famished Flames because of its reuse.. seems dumb
    [14:16] <Aither> i need remove jack russel terrier from lap aa atm, make it happen
    [14:16] <Cicelee> it is not used because it takes up a spell slot
    [14:16] <@Elidroth> a buff slot?
    [14:16] <Cicelee> which means magicians now don't have 12 spells to use, but only 11
    [14:17] <@Elidroth> ah
  3. silku Augur

    [13:48] <@Elidroth> I like the idea but I might want to go about it a different way
    [13:48] <[Alt][F4]> how so?
    [13:48] <Mykaylla> Heh
    [13:49] <Mykaylla> We have a couple of ideas listed in channel
    [13:49] <Asmadeus> Well we were talking about it on #enchanter right now actually :p
    [13:49] <Mykaylla> All necro-free!
    [13:49] * Mykaylla grins.
    [13:49] <[Alt][F4]> oh
    [13:51] <Mykaylla> Since it came up... New Enchanter AA Request - Mana Explosion. Enchanter sacrifices a significant portion of their mana and gives it to group members. (there's going to be a few mana ideas)
    [13:52] * Cener (Cener@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [13:53] <Tharkis> heh i was asked to ask for one enchanter AA >_< I already know the answer but i'll ask anyways for them. mass project illusion, or out of group targetable project illusion. They want to make everyone in the lobby gnomes =P
    [13:54] <@Elidroth> no
    [13:54] <Mykaylla> I'd like to make everyone in the lobby stick figures instead
    [13:54] <Tharkis> ok =) will tell them lol
    [13:54] * Tharkis agrees with Mykaylla
    [13:54] <Darrkin> they probably want to make them more into you princess tharkis
    [13:54] <Aither> **MAGE Quick summoning, any chance to apply that ability to our aa mod rods, Small, medium, and large modulation shards? That would bring our cast time down to 5 seconds instead of the 10 that its currently at.Alternately a hastened modulation aa would do the trick.
    [13:54] <Tharkis> actually i think they were jelous of guild banner illusions Darrkin hehe
    [13:54] <Aither> ** sorry quickened
    [13:55] <Mykaylla> Existing Enchanter AA request - Mana Draw. Additional ranks would reflect a mana over time recourse on the group as well as the mana recourse on the enchanter themselves.
    [13:55] <Asmadeus> (maybe a lesser version on groupmates)
    [13:56] <Cener> My biggest request is just an Improved control for mercs. Like a stay/follow command
    [13:56] <Filatal> I am still unclear if the no was to Mass Project Illusion or Mana Explosion
    [13:56] <Mykaylla> ~Nods~ I didn't put values, so Elidroth could go with what he felt was reasonable if it's a possibility.
    [13:56] <Jehmal> Was the no above for the Mana Explosion or the mass project illusion?
    [13:57] <Chaldene> i think the No was for mass illusions
    [13:58] * EverChanter (18036018@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [14:01] * Trazz (Trazz@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [14:02] <Mykaylla> Hopefully everything is okay with the bus
    [14:03] <BJ> hopefully!
    [14:04] * Syylke (Syylke_EMa@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [14:05] <@Elidroth> Cener - I have no way to affect Mercs
    [14:05] <@Elidroth> Mykaylla - we have some other ideas about mana things..
    [14:05] <Mykaylla> Okay
    [14:06] <Mykaylla> And welcome back
    [14:06] <Filatal> So, we should stop with the mana ideas and move on for now?
    [14:08] <@Elidroth> basically
    [14:08] <Aither> how about the above mod rod quickening question, would 5 second cast on the existing aa be too much to hope for?
    [14:09] <@Elidroth> I don't really want to change them
    [14:09] <Aither> ok thanks had to ask
    [14:10] <Mykaylla> Enchanter AA request - Veil of Mindshadow and Eldritch Rune. These runes stack, but share a recast timer, despite having their own separate hastening lines. Is it possible to unlink them?
    [14:13] <@Elidroth> they share a timer?
    [14:13] <@Elidroth> that seems.. like.. an error perhaps
    [14:13] <BJ> yes
    [14:13] <Filatal> correct
    [14:13] <@Elidroth> yeah I'll look into that
    [14:14] <Mykaylla> They do, and with their own separate lines too. ~Laughs~
    [14:14] <Mykaylla> Awesome, thans
    [14:14] <Filatal> I can cast one, say Eldritch, wait until button ungreys, and cast Veil and have both up, just can't do one then the other
    [14:14] <Mykaylla> Er, thanks
    [14:15] <Cicelee> Magician AA request- with no upgrade to Surge (short term dmg shield) and with Famished Flames never used due to 10 minute refresh... would like to suggest an AA for a dmg shield. Values can be variable, but either short term 5 minutes 750 straight damage per hit, 30 counters... or longer term 10 minutes 1500 straight damage per hit, 30 counters.... numbers can be adjusted as need be
    [14:15] <@Elidroth> Why can't I think of stuff like this?
    [14:15] <@Elidroth> Text From Dog is simply brilliant!!!
    [14:16] <Mykaylla> Do you have a dog? Maybe you're lacking the inspiration!
    [14:16] <@Elidroth> so.. NOT using Famished Flames because of its reuse.. seems dumb
    [14:16] <Aither> i need remove jack russel terrier from lap aa atm, make it happen
    [14:16] <Cicelee> it is not used because it takes up a spell slot
    [14:16] <@Elidroth> a buff slot?
    [14:16] <Cicelee> which means magicians now don't have 12 spells to use, but only 11
    [14:17] <@Elidroth> ah
    [14:17] * Flow slaps Aither around a bit with a large trout
    [14:17] <Nylrem> a spell gem slot. 10 min recast on a spell gem slot is terrible
    [14:17] <Ismel> i gave up using it at all on twink P
    [14:17] * Aither takes it like a man and remains silent
    [14:17] <Cicelee> so even though magicians have 12 spells they can cast with mnemonic retention (sp), because we have to wait 10 minutes for it to refresh that only gives us 11 spells to use while we wait on spell gem slot
    [14:17] <Flow> lol
    [14:18] <Cicelee> hence the suggestion to move that spell to an AA where it is much easier to wait for a 10 minute refresh
    [14:18] <@Elidroth> I'll ask Aristo what he thinks about that
    [14:18] <Aither> thanks eli
    [14:18] <Cicelee> much thanks Elidroth
    [14:18] <@Elidroth> oh.. other super goodness? Frozen Twix
    [14:19] <@Elidroth> sorry.. KitKat
    [14:19] <Flow> oh man those are so good
    [14:19] <Flow> i like the twix ice cream bars
    [14:19] <BJ> those rock!
    [14:19] <Flow> ik
    [14:19] <@Elidroth> I have increased my skill at Derail Discussion (255)
    [14:19] <Flow> rofl
    [14:19] <Flow> p much
    [14:20] <Aither> Shared Health -could the values of this ability be tweaked or new ranks added to increase the maximum amount of damage that can be transferred per hit? got the aa back in gates of discord and well damage per swing has increased (a great deal) since that expansion.
    [14:23] <Mykaylla> Enchanter AA Request - Self Stasis. This was nerfed in reuse timer in Underfoot to line up with other classes who were gaining new fade type abilities... who can now shed aggro more often. ~Laughs~ Is it possible to retweak that, or get additional ranks also, to reduce the reuse?
    [14:24] * Leninie (Leninie@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [14:24] <@Elidroth> Aither - I can look into upgrading that
    [14:24] <Leninie> hi all ;)
    [14:24] <Aither> thanks Elidroth
    [14:25] <@Elidroth> I can do some more hastened Self Stasis
    [14:25] <BJ> awesome, thanks :)
    [14:26] <Mykaylla> Thanks
    [14:26] <Aither> Shifting Elements- Decreases the reuse timer of elemental heart and elemental core abilities by 1 minute per rank, currently we have 3 ranks, could we get a few more ranks?
    [14:28] <@Elidroth> yeah
    [14:28] <@Elidroth> OK Kids..
    [14:28] <@Elidroth> You know what time it is...
    [14:28] <BJ> lunch time?!
    [14:28] <Ismel> cookies ?
    [14:28] <@Elidroth> indeed
    [14:28] <Ellyra> time for Ellie to get depressed over the fact that she brought a salad for lunch?
    [14:29] <BJ> have a good lunch Elidroth, see you when you get back!
    [14:29] <@Elidroth> I'm going to spend like $400 at lunch
    [14:29] <Ellyra> steeak for the team??
    [14:29] <BJ> $$$
    [14:29] <@Elidroth> nah..
    [14:29] <Ellyra> :(
    [14:29] <@Elidroth> new race bodywork for the race bike
    [14:29] <Ismel> express pizza to denmark ? )
    [14:29] <Mykaylla> Good gracious, how many people are you buying for?
    [14:30] <Aither> race bike to OP mode ftw
    [14:30] <Jehmal> He's buying all of us a 50/50 burger.. that's how much he enjoyed it yesterday
    [14:31] <@Elidroth> heh.. I spent $850 on electronics for the bike yesterday
    [14:31] <@Elidroth> it's Christmas for ME!
    [14:31] <Mykaylla> I am going to hae to take a raincheck. It would be very gross by the time it got shipped to Australia, especially at this time of year.
    [14:31] * Mykaylla does not like furry green burgers
    [14:33] <Leninie> maybe Ngreth can make furry green burgers as next stat food ;)
    [14:36] <Darrkin> he should buy elly a 50/50
    [14:36] <Ellyra> I had one yesterday! :D
    [14:36] <Tharkis> i want one =(
    [14:36] <Darrkin> make it a 2fer!
    [14:36] <Ellyra> A peanut butter & jellousy :p
    [14:36] <Tharkis> find me a place in new england tha tmakes one !
    [14:37] * Tharkis is jellous
    [14:37] <Ellyra> 50/50 burger, peanut butter, strawberry jam, bacon, all on a honey wheat bun
    [14:37] <Ellyra> with fries & bacon ketchup, and a young's chocolate stout :p
    [14:38] <j> what is this place called ellyra?
    [14:38] <Ellyra> Slater's 50/50
    [14:38] <j> next time i'm in that area i need to go there!
    [14:38] <j> ahhh!!!
    [14:38] <Tharkis> i had a big bowl of chicken noodle soup, because i came down with a cold =(
    [14:38] <Ellyra> I'm still getting over one Princess
    [14:38] <Tharkis> do i look like a princess to you?!
    [14:38] <Ellyra> Yes :) A very pretty one.
    [14:38] <j> i think there's one in newport or up more this way too, i need to go
    [14:38] * Tharkis sighs
    [14:39] * Ezlano (Ezlano@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Quit: )
    [14:39] <Ellyra> so while Elidroth is AFK
    [14:39] <Ellyra> let's all agree to a mage pet rez AA
    [14:39] <Ellyra> so I don't have to summon more armor for my pet when it dies :p
    [14:39] <Tharkis> lol
    [14:39] <j> i thought you didn't have to anynmore? i thought mage pets came with it? or is it only some of it?
    [14:40] <Ellyra> or a mem blur when my pet dies... that's doable, right??!Q
    [14:40] <Tharkis> How about while elidroth is gone, you come log on Luclin and turn Ormus into an elf girl for the holidays! =)
    [14:40] <Ellyra> In my EQ, they'd revive fully buffed and w/whatever items I gave them :p
    [14:41] <Tharkis> (and ignore any requests from ormus reguarding my surname)
    [14:41] <Nillaien> I like where your head is at Elly
    [14:41] <EverChanter> I thought mages enjoyed selling pet weps :p
    [14:42] <Darrkin> need to make it so mage pets don't generate more aggro than tanks do
    [14:44] <j> yeah mage pets can be a bit annoying in raids
    [14:44] <j> for positioning
    [14:44] <j> we banned them or forced pocketing when the tentacle part of CC starts
    [14:44] <Aither> boils down to the owner of the pet really
    [14:44] <Leninie> I've been chain casting terror rune on our tanks during that raid ..for that very reason ;)
    [14:44] <Aither> if its controlled its not much of a problem
    [14:44] * croesus (d80d699b@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [14:45] <Nillaien> You can clear pet aggro... just most mages are lazy (myself included)
    [14:45] <Darrkin> the problem is even with taunt off they still are genreating huge amounts
    [14:45] <j> lol exactly
    [14:45] <Aither> the hate generated is a totally different animal....and i have good word that devs are aware and are tossing around ideas
    [14:45] <Darrkin> ya most mages are to lkazy too
    [14:46] <Nillaien> So J, make them clear aggro... dont make them pocket :p
    [14:46] <Nylrem> not just mages though... if im correct, taunt refreshes every like 6 seconds? tanks just not hitting that key, imo
    [14:46] <Nillaien> That's also true Ny, I have that on VERY good authority
    [14:46] <Aither> no, the problem is that a tanks taunt ability does work every time
    [14:46] <Darrkin> warrior taunt doesn't do much
    [14:46] <Tharkis> tanks dont WANT to hit taunt every time it's up
    [14:47] <Tharkis> successful taunt puts you at top of hate list + 1
    [14:47] <Aither> ^^
    [14:47] <Tharkis> whcih if you're already way higher than that will deagro you
    [14:47] <Aither> successful
    [14:47] <Nillaien> Well... let my pet get some aggro and then taunt :p
    [14:47] <Darrkin> hahga
    [14:47] <Aither> if a warriors taunt worked every time then they could essentially ride a pets agro to the top
    [14:48] <Aither> which could be a huge boon for snap agro if a taunt change were to be implemented
    [14:48] <j> taunt rarely lands reight =/
    [14:48] <j> when it does it's great but just doesn't work very often
    [14:48] * Aither nods
    [14:48] * Filatal (sthallimor@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Read error: Connection reset by peer )
    [14:49] <Nylrem> spent a whole NTOV dragon with MT at like 40% agro, with pet at 100... never once hit taunt, couldn't have. and is bad for other melee, cuz they see themselves at like 38%, and think they are ok, if dont have MT on xtarg, or in group, lol
    [14:49] * Filatal (sthallimor@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [14:49] <Aither> so what some people see as a tank not taunting is really in truth a failure of the ability
    [14:49] <j> wtb a mage AA that give their pet a HUGE deaggro proc!
    [14:50] <Darrkin> just have pets create less aggro over all
    [14:50] <EverChanter> If compliant lurch hadn't been changed you could of used that for your positioning issues :p
  4. silku Augur

    [14:50] <j> aye exactly aither, i know wars who spam it but still are easily outaggroed by pets, sure you sometimes jump to the top but then the pet keeps going
    [14:50] <Nylrem> i agree, pet deagro weaps should have a HUGE deagro proc :)
    [14:50] <j> hehe, at least in CC pretty sure none of the positioning tools work
    [14:50] <Darrkin> aren't the mage petrs summoned with their aggro weapons on now?
    [14:50] <j> I try to lure of thesiren song it all the time
    [14:50] <Aither> no darkkin
    [14:50] <Nylrem> no, u have to give your pet weapons
    [14:50] <Aither> summoned without weapons at all
    [14:51] <Darrkin> i guess my mages on raids are just idiots then
    [14:51] <j> i miss my mage
    [14:51] <Darrkin> which is likely
    [14:51] <j> i need to level one up again
    [14:51] <Darrkin> they never do make it to parses
    [14:51] <Cicelee> one of the problems is that you summon a bag with weapons in it, but if all your bags are full.... then it is hard to give your pet a weapon
    [14:52] <Cicelee> and the weapons only do like 60dps or something so insanely low that it is almost irrelevant dps
    [14:52] <Aither> even the deagro weapons procs arent strong enough to bring them down, and if brought down too far then mages fly thru the roof on agro
    [14:52] <EverChanter> atleast you guys can summon bags of the stuff now haha remember the old days?
    [14:52] <j> how are you filling bags? so much room now personally.... well other htan heros' forge stuff, got like 3 20 slots full of htat
    [14:52] <Darrkin> they should split out weapon types though
    [14:52] <Aither> but cicelee before raids you can always take time to free up a top level inventory slot
    [14:52] <Cicelee> i carry a bunch of crap :(
    [14:53] <Cicelee> true i could do that
    [14:53] <Aither> i take time to free up two slots daily for raids
    [14:53] <Darrkin> you can actually get the summ,onbag put it into a trade with your pet take the weapon out and cancel tgrade
    [14:53] <EverChanter> no, your supposed to carry a bunch of carp
    [14:53] <Notta> I have one slot open all the time for pet weaps, but I have no comment on the state of affairs of my bags. :p lol
    [14:53] <Darrkin> pets don't care about notrade
    [14:54] <Cicelee> i usually just turn my pet into a jester, since it don't hold weapons... no one knows if pet has weapons or not. so i can just lie and tell others that it has weapon and not have to summon them :)
    [14:54] * Poletten (535d449a@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [14:54] <Cicelee> o no i let out my secret!
    [14:54] <Darrkin> haha
    [14:54] <Notta> lol
    [14:55] <Poletten> how long do we have before the chat starts ?
    [14:55] <Aither> thats just a ticket to the fail boat if you have to lie about anything youre doing imo
    [14:55] <Ismel> dinner break atm
    [14:55] <Aither> devs on lunch break so kinda up to them
    [14:55] <Poletten> ok ty
    [14:55] <Ellyra> so who wants a PVE permadeath server, with the modern EQ? Just me? :p
    [14:55] <Cicelee> bleh. i don't lie. i just don't give it weapons.
    [14:55] <Cicelee> if weapons actually mattered and made a difference, then i would
    [14:55] <Darrkin> eli went for luch around 15:30
    [14:56] <Cicelee> but it does so little that unless i have room to summon them i don't
    [14:56] <Cicelee> it is not an omg i have to have my weapons!!! type of thought process
    [14:56] <Darrkin> haha elly
    [14:56] <Darrkin> permadeath eq would suck
    [14:56] <Nylrem> i always give my pet the deagro weaps... keeps mine lower agro than other mages on raid, usually, unless they slow bout hitting VT or FBO :)
    [14:56] <EverChanter> I want Sullon Zek PvP back
    [14:56] <Ellyra> haha Darrkin
    [14:57] <Elenwyyi> New server -PvP Permadeath server named Rolfron Zek
    [14:57] <EverChanter> Try Wizardry Online if you want some permadeath
    [14:57] <Elenwyyi> yeah yeah I know I've heard. tbh I just want a server named Rolfron Zek
    [14:58] <Darrkin> just imagine ding 100! wham dead............
    [14:58] <Aither> i would be ashamed cause a priest class would outlast any mage's mana pool and all our current recovery solutions, eventually someone would have to concede
    [14:58] <EverChanter> I didn't like the game :(
    [15:02] <Mykaylla> Rolfron Zek server, if you died, a little emo ghost version of you would stay in game.
    [15:02] <Mykaylla> 'Cause Rolfron Zek is the god of emo.
    [15:02] * Elenwyyi nods in agreement.
    [15:03] <Elenwyyi> we need more Rolfron lore in game too
    [15:04] <Aither> lol reminds me of a game i used to play called underlight when you dided your soul floated around till you could get to a sancutary where you could restore your avatar
    [15:11] * Staph-PC (Staph-PC@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [15:13] <Mykaylla> I have it
    [15:13] * xdccFrien (maravilla@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [15:13] <xdccFrien> http://www.carolinaherrera.com/212/...dzs6j6FXsjB4447F-isvxjqkXd4Qey2GHw#episodio-5
    [15:13] <Mykaylla> Rolfron Zek created drakkin haircuts
    [15:13] * Mykaylla should have known.
    [15:13] <Aither> ^^^ this
    [15:13] * xdccFrien (maravilla@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has left #EQAAChat
    [15:13] <Nillaien> Haha
    [15:25] <Aither> AA request : Superior Trout of Zomm, summons a great white shark that devours all in its path.. locked doors blocked passages and the occasional npc or groupmate
    [15:26] <Ismel> and bards
    [15:26] <Darrkin> hey leave us out of it
    [15:26] <Ismel> no everyone knows bards are delicious!
    [15:28] <Mykaylla> Hard candy coating?
    [15:28] * Petto (479f1516@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client )
    [15:28] <Darrkin> don't give secrets away~!
    [15:28] <Mykaylla> The ones that illusion as halflings taste like jumjum
    [15:29] <Mykaylla> A dark elf told me so
    [15:29] * Tharkis gnaws on Darrkin's leg
    [15:29] <Darrkin> Damnit!
    [15:29] <Tharkis> mew?
    [15:29] <Jehmal> Hey, I want some!
    [15:29] <Darrkin> yes yes princess
    [15:29] ->> em :Unknown command
    [15:29] * Tharkis is not a princess!
    [15:29] ->> gnaw :Unknown command
    [15:29] <Darrkin> just be glad we can't walk up to npcs on yer server and say Princess on ya
    [15:30] * Tharkis glowers dubiously
    [15:30] <Aither> jumjum, too earth kinda like what i imagine hairy lil shoeless feet to taste like
    [15:30] <Aither> **earthy
    [15:30] * Jerus (Jerus@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [15:30] <Tharkis> i'm glad that ormus cant just change my surname on my server either
    [15:30] <Mykaylla> Haha
    [15:31] * Elenwyyi (Elenwyyi@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Ping timeout )
    [15:31] <Tharkis> hey i have a very respectable name! The Fabled Tharkis the Paragon , Legend of Norrath
    [15:31] <Ismel> its abit short
    [15:33] <Darrkin> Apprentice Fisherman Darkin Skies The Protector of Love, Blessed Of Serilis
    [15:33] <Ismel> =)
    [15:33] <Darrkin> thats mine
    [15:35] <EverChanter> My car is bigger then yours!
    [15:35] <Darrkin> haha
    [15:36] <Darrkin> he's late its 1hr!~
    [15:36] <Tharkis> my car's tiny but it's awesome !
    [15:36] <Tharkis> http://www.tharkis.com/images/tr6/hathaway/progress.jpg
    [15:36] <Darrkin> yer tr7 ?
    [15:36] <EverChanter> My mom is bigger then yours!
    [15:36] <Staph-PC> 1hour? he was 4hours at lunch yesterday
    [15:36] <Tharkis> sold the TR7
    [15:36] * Poletten (535d449a@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client )
    [15:36] <EverChanter> haha
    [15:36] <Aither> car thats not a car its a roller skate with doors
    [15:37] * Crystilla chuckles (her title is 1 char longer than Darrkin's)
    [15:37] <Darrkin> DAMNIT@
    [15:37] <Aither> lol crystilla
    [15:37] <Crystilla> Master Artisian, Crystilla the Persistent Serving Wench, the Hand of Serilis
    [15:37] <Darrkin> need longer suffix!
    [15:38] * Crystilla just realizes a typo and is now tied with Darrkin :p
    [15:38] <Darrkin> hehhe
    [15:39] <Mykaylla> You need "Obliteration Army Regular"
    [15:40] <Tharkis> ormus keeps trying to get someone to change my surname from the paragon to "the pretty kitty princess"
    [15:40] <Darrkin> we can pay a dev with a 50/50 burger!
    [15:41] <Aither> has a certain ring to it, brb looking for a senior guide or higher to make it happen
    [15:41] <Mykaylla> You could be Journeyman Researcher Crystilla the Persistent Serving Wench, Obliteration Army Regular
    [15:43] <illa> having a second 'the' helps the awkwardness
    [15:43] <Crystilla> I could, but as a roleplaying Brell worshiping dwarf who carries 4 types of ale on her at all times, I'm unlikely to change that suffix anytime soon :p
    [15:43] <Mykaylla> I remember. :)
    [15:43] <Mykaylla> Hmm...
    [15:44] <Mykaylla> If I could get one of my alts a title like Darkkins...
    [15:44] <Darrkin> some idiot just summoned what looks like 200 corpses into the lobby on my server
    [15:45] <Mykaylla> I could have Journeyman Researcher Oobnopterbevny Biddiletsjr the Protector of Love, Obliteration Army Regular
    [15:45] <Darrkin> hahaha
    [15:45] <Mykaylla> If only people would have to type it all out to send a tell.
    [15:45] <Ismel> very lonly
    [15:46] <Mykaylla> The first name gets enough comments as it is. ~Laughs~
    [15:46] <Mykaylla> But not usually because they recognize it, sadly. Mostly it's just "My eyes!"
    [15:47] <Jerus> i miss my surname
    [15:47] <Mykaylla> Or "I'm not ever typing that."
    [15:47] <Mykaylla> Which surname?
    [15:47] <Ismel> I tryed chaning guild rules to only recuite ppl with max 5 letter in the anme but it didnt fly (
    [15:48] <Syylke> Jerus Isanoob? :p
    [15:48] <Jehmal> Shame we don't have a 'nickname' system. One of the muds I played back in my early years on the net had the ability to add one. Then you could send a tell to "j"
    [15:48] <Darrkin> so you get ilili
    [15:48] <Darrkin> we had a shaman ilililililililil
    [15:48] <EverChanter> I used to have an alt druid named OMFG years ago, logged in one day and GM's changed it to Ungbru haha
    [15:48] <Syylke> My first toon was a rogue... couldn't think of a name so I stared at my monitor for enlightenment... thus was born: Philipsmagnavox
    [15:49] <Darrkin> which mud?
    [15:49] <Darrkin> i played and ran a few
    [15:50] <Jehmal> My warrior was named Tarbok. When you run through Kael the giants often say something that ends in "Tarbok" so I made a warrior that they were calling out to hehe
    [15:50] <Syylke> Had a guildmate that petitioned to have his surname changed to Likes`beer. GM came along and logged his toon in (midraid) and changed his first name to Likes`beer and left. lol
    [15:51] <Darrkin> roflmao
    [15:51] <Tharkis> Jerus had the best name =D
    [15:51] <Jerus> i did =(
    [15:52] <Aither> Mine was originally server generated, it was Dongin... I had a ranger named Insert.... add in afk folks and screenshot hotkey and you can see where that went
    [15:53] <Aither> used to post the screenies on guild forums lol
    [15:54] <Darrkin> so bad
    [15:54] <Jehmal> I wanted to make a female ranger named Cupid Stunt and my wife forbid it =/
    [15:55] <Aither> lawl
    [15:56] <Mykaylla> Nice
    [15:56] <Cener> I just want the surname ThePunted but the system wont let me have it. Would be great for my gnome
    [15:56] <Cener> That would be a title pack I would buy from the marketplace
    [15:57] <Darrkin> to much craop already give to MP
    [15:57] <Darrkin> siren illusion is a pissoff
    [15:57] <Caring> Its a different model. LoN's still unique
    [15:57] <Darrkin> ya but still its close
    [15:58] <Caring> Still close, but you'll always have the more rare one :)
    [15:58] <Jerus> LOn imio is worse than MP
    [15:58] <Darrkin> pink hair vs purple crown and skirt/underwear
    [15:58] <Jerus> lets have another game determine what is available in eq!
    [15:58] <Caring> MP has armor as well, and the bone skirt
    [15:58] * Staph-PC (Staph-PC@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has left #EQAAChat
    [15:59] <Jerus> shield slice their boobs though!
    [15:59] <Tharkis> you gota use a small ornament
    [15:59] <Tharkis> like the one from hills of shade =D
    [15:59] <Tharkis> the buckler ornament
    [15:59] <Darrkin> the little hand one
    [16:00] <Cinexa> http://tritonguild.net/
    [16:00] <Cener> I wish they would do ornimants like EQ2 just let you put old armor in the slot to give you the old armor look
    [16:00] <Jerus> yes
    [16:00] <Jerus> DCUO has it best though
    [16:00] <Jerus> just perfect
    [16:01] <Tharkis> <3 dcuo style system
  5. silku Augur

    [16:01] <Tharkis> best evah
    [16:01] <Cener> dcuo?
    [16:01] <Tharkis> DC Universe Online
    [16:01] <Jerus> DCUniverseOnline
    [16:01] <Syylke> district of columbia university online
    [16:01] <Cener> oh
    [16:02] <Jerus> fun game, solid free to play too
    [16:02] <Darrkin> syylke get back to work
    [16:02] <Jerus> and styles are done perfectly
    [16:02] <Syylke> on a conference call!
    [16:02] <Jerus> can just pick the style you want
    [16:02] <Jerus> no item needed
    [16:02] <Jerus> well, once you acquire the style that is
    [16:03] <Syylke> sounds similar to CoH
    [16:03] <Jerus> it just becomes an option
    [16:03] * Crystilla smiles at Syylke
    [16:03] <Jerus> never played that =(
    [16:03] <Syylke> *wave* Cryst
    [16:03] <Syylke> it was the inspiration for DCUO :p
    [16:04] <Jerus> aye
    [16:04] <Syylke> meh, i've got bluetooth in my truck, i'll finish this call on the way home... see you all in a bit!
    [16:04] <Jerus> knew what it was just never picked it up when it aws around
    [16:06] * ThanasisTM (ThanasisTM@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Quit: )
    [16:13] * MelliTard (535d449a@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [16:13] <@Elidroth> back
    [16:13] <BJ> welcome back!
    [16:13] <Aither> WB
    [16:14] <Aither> let us know when you are primed and ready to go Elidroth.
    [16:14] <@Elidroth> I'm good
    [16:14] <Mykaylla> Welcome back
    [16:14] <Aither> Theft of Essence could we get an additional rank ? on a related note Theft of essence doesnt appear to be working with spells in spell group 5430 and 5530. specifically spell id 28802 and 34840.
    [16:15] <Ellyra> wb Eli :)
    [16:15] * keudiin (keudiin@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [16:16] <@Elidroth> I can update it with those spell groups, but I don't want to upgrade it
    [16:17] <Aither> ok thank you just fixing it will be amazing
    [16:18] * Crystilla (41c0b902@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Quit: Leaving )
    [16:19] * Aither waits for an enchanter to step up to plate
    [16:20] <Mykaylla> Enchanter AA request - Mana Overburn. This is not functioning on the current iteration of the line, being Mana Reverberation (Spell IDs 36160-2). Is it possible to get this updated to work with it?
    [16:20] <@Elidroth> yeah.. can fix that
    [16:21] <Mykaylla> Thanks
    [16:21] * Aristar (62a9aa56@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [16:21] * Jetfire (kvirc@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [16:23] <Aither> Elemental Inculcate: activatable aa : pervades your group members ( not the magician) with elemental energy. Allowing a proc for both melee and casters. I'd love to see this implemented as a gradually increasing buff. each step of the buff granting a stronger proc, similar to how companions blessing works with its heals. long recast, relative short term buff at your discretion. This would
    [16:23] <Aither> allow for synergy within group and raids, without touching the magicians personal dps.
    [16:23] <Aither> i know how you like synergy :)
    [16:24] <Mykaylla> Enchanter AA Request - Hastened Edict of Command. Last updated with Underfoot, 54 minute current reuse on Edict of Command. Is it possible to get additional ranks?
    [16:25] * keudiin (keudiin@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Ping timeout )
    [16:25] <@Elidroth> yeah.. just not from mages
    [16:26] <Aither> was worth a shot :)
    [16:26] <@Elidroth> Hastened Edict.. hmmm
    [16:28] <@Elidroth> yeah.. 3 ranks
    [16:29] <BJ> awesome, thanks :)
    [16:29] <Aither> Elemental Meld aa which upon activation melds the caster into their surroundings, inhibiting thier ability to move or cast, but offering a short term invunerability.This survival based tool would allow a chance for a tank to pick the mob up off of the magician.
    [16:30] <@Elidroth> no
    [16:30] <Mykaylla> New Enchanter AA request (you might be expecting this) - Ether Vortex. The enchanter pulls mana and focuses it into an ethereal storm around the target, increasing their vulnerability to ethereal based spells. (SPA 296) restricted by spell group. Spell groups for Ethereal nukes: 16500, 16534, 16550.
    [16:31] <Mykaylla> [12:25] <@Elidroth> I suspect Aristo will go for the damage debuff idea for Ethereals.. but he'll probably want me to put it on a different class
    [16:31] <Mykaylla> [12:25] <@Elidroth> I like that personally too
    [16:31] <Mykaylla> [12:25] <@Elidroth> lol
    [16:31] <Mykaylla> [12:25] <@Elidroth> make you work together.. play nicely..
    [16:31] * Mykaylla grins.
    [16:32] <Beimeith> oh, you
    [16:32] <@Elidroth> yeah.. I still need to talk to him.. He's out until the new year
    [16:33] <Mykaylla> Cool
    [16:34] * Poac (Poac@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Quit: )
    [16:36] * Elenwyyi (Elenwyyi@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [16:36] <Aither> Slyphic Succursus :This AA would call upon the elemental spirits of air to whisk us away to a safe spot in the zone. Magicians need a way to remove ourselves from harm if a pull goes wrong or we get trained ect. Or for when our pet dies, when we will not be allowed to use Drape.
    [16:37] <Mykaylla> New Enchanter AA request - Extended Edict of Command. Is it possible to get some extension to the duration?
    [16:38] <@Elidroth> no
    [16:38] <Kraymerica> Is there a mage channel set up?
    [16:38] <@Elidroth> As far as that other fade.. I'd do it.. but it's going to share the timer with Drape of Shadows
    [16:39] <Jehmal> So the no was to the extended edict?
    [16:39] <Nillaien> You're the wind beneath my wings Eli
    [16:39] <@Elidroth> it's only going to be a fade.. not an exodus
    [16:39] <@Elidroth> correct.. no extended edict
    [16:39] <Mykaylla> Enchanter AA request - Glyph Spray. Spell AEs are always increasing, is it possible to get additional ranks to increase the amount of spell damage absorbed?
    [16:41] <@Elidroth> you got a new rank
    [16:41] <@Elidroth> already
    [16:41] <Asmadeus> (sorry can't check atm, when?)
    [16:41] <Asmadeus> (or do you mean coming up?)
    [16:41] <BJ> level 97
    [16:41] <BJ> now absorbs 50K incoming spell damage
    [16:42] <Mykaylla> Guessing, I think it was for another at max or something.
    [16:43] <Aither> Frenzied Burnout: I would like to see Increase Chance to hit by 20% with all skills. Increase All Skills Damage Modifier to 180% at least (Beastlords have 200% on this mod already). Possibly an accuracy mod on this, with a Bard pets top out around 92% accuracy, would love for this to hit 100%. More flurry chance on it also would be great.
    [16:43] <Mykaylla> New Enchanter AA request - Dominating Cognizance. Charm immunity. Much as knights are zealous in their pursuit of enemies to the point of fearlessness, the enchanter's will is sharpened through years of bending the minds of others.
    [16:44] <Aither> and forgive us mages, on someone elses request list atm
    [16:46] <@Elidroth> you got a new rank of frenzied burnout already. Not getting another one right now
    [16:46] <Aither> fair enough
    [16:46] <@Elidroth> Mykaylla - I'm ok with giving you more charm resistance, but I'm not taking it away completely
    [16:46] <Mykaylla> Okay
    [16:47] <Ismel> isnt pretty much all npc charms flaged unresist
    [16:48] <@Elidroth> not always
    [16:48] <Aither> Fire Core: We need a higher DMG modifier on this. I would love for it to be around 125 to 135% on our top-end. With our low-end possibly increasing by another 10% to make it 60 to 135%, with an increase for the duration. We really need the top-end modifier, the low-end would be great but we can live without it.
    [16:48] <Ismel> k ill take your word for it )
    [16:48] <Mykaylla> Enchanter AA request - Scintillating Beam. This currently mezzes to a level cap of a level below the enchanter at the point they can buy the AA, lagging behind all spell-based mez, and all other AA mez (such as Nightmare Stasis and Beam of Slumber). Is it possible to increase the level cap on this AA, or alternatively, add more ranks to increase the level cap?
    [16:49] * Aristar (62a9aa56@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client )
    [16:51] <@Elidroth> I want to leave Beam where it is
    [16:52] * Asmadeus looks down the well
    [16:52] <@Elidroth> Aither - Where are you getting your numbers for Fire Core?
    [16:52] <@Elidroth> because the current version is 75 - 125%
    [16:53] <Aither> from a master list piemastaj compiled prechat, since he cant attend
    [16:53] <@Elidroth> He's looking at the old version from VoA then
    [16:53] <Mykaylla> Enchanter AA request - Project Illusion. Is it possible to allow it to project onto pets? Alternately, is it possible to create a new AA Illusionary Minion or the like, specifically to allow projecting illusions onto pets, akin to a petamorph wand?
    [16:54] <Aither> kewl deal
    [16:54] <@Elidroth> no
    [16:54] <@Elidroth> This was asked and shot down at SOE Live and we explained why.. not sure why you're bringing it up again
    [16:55] <EverChanter> Not everyone was at SoE Live :(
    [16:55] <Caring> ^
    [16:55] <Jehmal> ^
    [16:55] <Chaldene> Hi Elidroth, I have been sitting back watching and listening. I had a general question and wondered how something like this would be directed. Is it possible for Enahnced minion items for Necros, Mages and beastlords, to include enchanters as well ? and if so who would I talk to about that ?
    [16:55] <@Elidroth> Mykaylla was, and there were transcripts everywhere
    [16:56] <Mykaylla> It wasn't my request though!
    [16:56] * Mykaylla is the messenger
    [16:56] <@Elidroth> Chaldene - not for this discussion
    [16:56] <EverChanter> It was my request
    [16:56] <Chaldene> i understand, wanted to know who I would speak to about something like that.
    [16:56] <@Elidroth> Items is Chandrok
    [16:57] <Chaldene> thank you! :)
    [16:57] <Aither> Fire Core: Can we get Increase Spell Critical Direct Damage by 10% added to this line? I do realize this is on Vapor Core, but fire core will be the smart choice every time. Alternately could you unlink Vapor and Fire Core so we can use them separately? This is along the same lines of Elemental Union and Fire Core last expansion, we will use the best disc and that is Fire Core.
    [16:57] <@Elidroth> No
    [16:57] * Aither hates being put in messenger mode
    [16:57] * Nylrem comforts Aither :)
    [16:59] * Ismel (535c00d5@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client )
    [17:02] <Aither> Hastened Elemental Union: would it be possible to get a few ranks to shorten the reuse of this ability?
    [17:03] <Aither> its currently a 22 min refresh
    [17:03] <@Elidroth> yeah.. I can hastened that a little
    [17:03] <Aither> thanks
    [17:05] <Aither> Gather Potential AA: We have the worst Mana regeneration rate of any int caster. Simply put this would go a long way if we can get 7k+ mana returned on this ability, with a roughly 15 to 20min re-use on it.
    [17:07] <@Elidroth> maybe..
    [17:07] <@Elidroth> We'll see..
    [17:07] <Aither> thank you
    [17:08] <Mykaylla> New Enchanter AA request - Mana Eruption. Short duration, group only, high damage low proc count mana reverberation-type ability, with suitable recast. As per usual proc limits, it would not stack with regular Mana Reverberation.
    [17:10] <@Elidroth> nope
    [17:10] <@Elidroth> I don't see a need to double up on that sort of thing right now
    [17:10] <Mykaylla> Okay
    [17:11] <Aither> Servant's Fury: While active, all servants conjured by the caster will do an increased amount of damage. I got this idea from Swift DoTs so to speak. A big issue is it takes us a lot of ramp up time which cuts into Burst DMG. I am hoping to get this AA to increase all our servants Damage out-put by 100% (or double their current DMG). Have it like a 1 or 2 minute timer, with somewhere b/t 10
    [17:11] <Aither> to 15 min refresh. This would basically be like Twincast for our Garg pets that we have wanted since SoD. Can play with the times, but Mages would love to finally get the DMG we lose from no Twincasting our Gargs.
    [17:11] <@Elidroth> no chance
    [17:11] <@Elidroth> the servants are fine just like they are
    [17:11] <Ellyra> ><
    [17:11] <ryino> except they don't twincast
    [17:11] <@Elidroth> so?
    [17:12] * Cyrz (Cyrz@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Ping timeout )
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    [17:12] * Waring (Waring@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [17:16] <Mykaylla> New Enchanter AA request - Hastened Legion. Legion of Xolok (spell damage mitigation, costs two peridots) is currently on a 15 second recast. Is it possible to reduce the recast?
    [17:17] <ryino> They eat up a counter for Improved twincast, seems unfair that they would count against it but recieve no benifit from it
    [17:17] <ryino> that probably has more to do with code though
    [17:17] <@Ngreth> we can check that as a bug
    [17:17] <Aither> Barrier of the Elements: 1.2 mil Melee and Spell rune. Increases Critical Direct Damage by 150%. When this wears off it does a 20k DD to us. Basically like Ripo for melee, we need a way to take no DMG while being able to still cast.(Plenty of room to play with values here)
    [17:17] <@Ngreth> can you give me an actual spell name?
    [17:18] <@Elidroth> I'm confused why you need to be able to take no damage and still fight?
    [17:19] <ryino> me?
    [17:19] <@Ngreth> yes ryino
    [17:19] <Nylrem> AA Improved Twincast, Ngreth. When we cast our swarm pet, it eats a counter of it, but we get no benefit.
    [17:19] <Aither> well, its a request from another mage, personally i wouldnt mind seeing it go in, in some form
    [17:19] <@Elidroth> Aither - Why should you be invulnerable AND get a crit increase?
    [17:19] <@Ngreth> I meant the name of the servant spell (or at east the most recent)
    [17:19] <ryino> sure the level 100 spell is Relentless Servant, but it the same with all the previous versions
    [17:20] <Nylrem> relentless servant
    [17:20] <Tharkis> zerkkin, is that yoU?
    [17:20] <@Ngreth> thanks. jsut need an example to use to submit the bug. thanks
    [17:20] <@Elidroth> No Aither - Necros asked for the same sort of thing.. It was a no to them.. it's a no to you as well
    [17:20] <ryino> np thank you
    [17:20] <Aither> thanks
    [17:20] <ryino> not trying to derail the AA chat though so i'll stop while i'm ahead =)
    [17:22] * Mykaylla waits on the Legion request
    [17:26] <Mykaylla> New Enchanter AA request - Hastened Legion. Legion of Xolok (spell damage mitigation, costs two peridots) is currently on a 15 second recast. Is it possible to reduce the recast?
    [17:27] <@Elidroth> no
    [17:27] <Mykaylla> Okay
    [17:27] <@Elidroth> I'm not going to hastened, extend, or quicken a spell that just came out
    [17:28] <Mykaylla> The line has existed for a while, I was just using the name of the most recent iteration.
    [17:28] <Mykaylla> But moving on!
    [17:28] * Elenwyyi (Elenwyyi@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Ping timeout )
    [17:29] <Aither> Elemental Form Water: currently at its max rank this aa provides water breathing and 4 mana regen per tick. Could mages possibly get more ranks to bring this long unused aa back to life it could be a great way to provide some mana regen to magicians
    [17:29] * Cyrz (Cyrz@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [17:30] * Conjurous_AB (52224265@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client )
    [17:30] <@Elidroth> sure
    [17:30] <Aither> what kind of values do you think would be appropriate?
    [17:31] <@Elidroth> more than 4
    [17:31] <Nillaien> lol
  6. silku Augur

    [17:31] <Nylrem> hehe
    [17:31] <Aither> safe answer
    [17:31] <Ellyra> :p
    [17:31] <Aither> thanks elidroth that could be a huge boon to mages mana issues
    [17:32] <Nillaien> And I love water form :p
    [17:32] * Cyrz (Cyrz@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Client closed connection )
    [17:32] * Apex (Apex@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Ping timeout )
    [17:32] * Apex (Apex@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [17:33] <@Ngreth> he might even do more than 5!
    [17:33] <Mykaylla> New Enchanter AA request - Runic Cascade. AA chance to trigger a small rune on a rune fade.
    [17:33] <Beimeith> 6 would be amazing!
    [17:33] <Tharkis> wowah, dont get their hopes up TOO much ngreth !
    [17:33] <Ellyra> 6x5
    [17:34] <Mykaylla> 6 might be OP!
    [17:35] <Aither> hopping on the elemental form train and riding the whole way to OP
    [17:35] <Caring> ^^
    [17:35] <Beimeith> The big question is
    [17:36] <Beimeith> Does it have a Trout of Zomm component?
    [17:37] * Mykaylla gives Tharkis a Trout of Zomm
    [17:37] * Tharkis eats the trout
    [17:37] <Chaldene> Tharkis
    [17:37] <Chaldene> can you swim better ?
    [17:37] <Chaldene> :)
    [17:38] <ryino> is there a mage chan?
    [17:38] <@Elidroth> Mykaylla - no to cascading rune.. sorry
    [17:38] <Beimeith> oh! Mage idea: Summon Trout of Zomm, summons a clicky fish with 1 proc of Trout of Zomm
    [17:38] <Aither> Fire Elemental Form: Is there anyway to make it so we have a DMG proc while in this form? Similar to the nuke DMG potions, where it adds a chance to proc on nukes nuke. Would love for it to stack with Mana Reiterate, druid Wild Fire, and nuke pots if at all possible. But if it has stacking issues with anything probably Enc/Druid auras because we will not always have access to those.
    [17:38] <Mykaylla> welcome back
    [17:38] <Mykaylla> No problem
    [17:38] <Chaldene> Beimeith, it must have 300 swimming
    [17:39] * Cyrz (Cyrz@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [17:42] <@Elidroth> I can see the water form giving more mana.. but fire form doesn't really need to get better
    [17:42] * Cyrz (Cyrz@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Client closed connection )
    [17:43] <Aither> ok thanks
    [17:46] <Aither> Elemental Form Air: more ranks please, Piemastaj suggested i ask for a 5 or 10% permanent spell DMG mitigation. Make it so it will not stack with Ice Core. Either that or give us like 10 resist over-cap on the illusion permanent.
    [17:46] * Aither hides
    [17:47] <@Elidroth> o_O
    [17:48] * Qadain (Qadain@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [17:48] <Nillaien> haha
    [17:48] <Qadain> Is the chat over? Or still going on? I was going to ask for an AA to reduce cast time of Legion line
    [17:49] * Cyrz (Cyrz@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [17:49] <@Elidroth> already asked and denied
    [17:49] * Jalany (Jalany@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [17:50] <Qadain> Ah, thanks
    [17:50] * Aither wonders if he should apply o_O into a yes no or mabye
    [17:50] <Jehmal> Have an enchanter channel Qadain, if you want to join (#Enchanter)
    [17:50] <Jalany> Hi all
    [17:51] <Aither> chanters feel free to give me a reprieve at any time :)
    [17:52] <EverChanter> We are plotting
    [17:52] <Filatal> chanters are discussing how to best approach, feel free to continue :)
    [17:52] <Aither> Earth Elemental Form: 5 or 10% permanent DMG mitigation. Make sure it can not stack with Stone Core. If not that possibly like a 5k HP increase with around 250 AC or so.
    [17:52] * Cyrz (Cyrz@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Client closed connection )
    [17:52] * Aither ducks
    [17:53] * Cyrz (Cyrz@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [17:54] * Beimeith thinks Elidroth does not like the word "permanent" when talking about AAs
    [17:55] <@Elidroth> it would be while in form.. but a tradeoff.. like reduced damage
    [17:56] <Aither> basically Elidroth mages have wanted more ranks of elemental forms, implementation is up to you if you feel like it
    [17:56] <@Elidroth> we'll see
    [17:56] * Cyrz (Cyrz@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Client closed connection )
    [17:57] <@Elidroth> I'm sleepy.. :(
    [17:58] <Aither> okie dokie
    [17:58] <Mykaylla> New Enchanter AA request - Illusions of Grandeur. Group v1 activated buff. 2: Increase Chance to Critical DoT by 10%
    [17:58] <Mykaylla> 3: Increase Chance to Critical HoT by 10%
    [17:58] <Mykaylla> 4: Increase Chance to Critical Heal by 10%
    [17:58] <Mykaylla> 5: Increase Chance to Critical Nuke by 10% and Increase Critical Nuke Damage by 10% of Base Damage
    [17:58] <EverChanter> it's 4 pm there~
    [17:58] <@Elidroth> I know what time it is
    [17:58] <Mykaylla> he had a big lunch, be nice!
    [17:58] <Beimeith> Someone get that man some coffee
    [17:58] <@Elidroth> I don't think any of those will stack Mykaylla..
    [17:59] <Aither> lingering effects of yesterdays 50/50 lol
    [17:59] <EverChanter> plus, this is the last day we all have together...
    [17:59] <@Elidroth> I've asked for some new spell effects though that we'll hopefully get which will enable me to do a lot more
    [17:59] <Beimeith> That was by design Elidroth, to
    [17:59] * Cyrz (Cyrz@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [17:59] <Mykaylla> ~Nods~ It was designed to not stack with another class.
    [17:59] <Mykaylla> So you have either/or, but not both
    [18:00] <@Elidroth> hmm
    [18:00] <@Elidroth> ok
    [18:00] <@Elidroth> that makes more sense then
    [18:00] <Mykaylla> ~Nods~
    [18:00] <EverChanter> :)
    [18:02] <@Elidroth> especially with the AA 65k nuke
    [18:02] <Mykaylla> Hm?
    [18:03] * Cyrz (Cyrz@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Client closed connection )
    [18:03] <@Elidroth> nothing
    [18:03] * Mykaylla nods
    [18:03] <Aither> mage ** new aa : Servant's Destruction: Passive. Increases our Garg pet's DMG done by 2, 5, 10%. could play with those values to give us something else to spend on in future expansions
    [18:03] * Beimeith wants an AA 65k nuke
    [18:04] * Nylrem looks at a wizard's crit of force of will
    [18:04] <@Elidroth> no.. I'm leaving the servan't alone
    [18:04] <@Elidroth> servants
    [18:04] <Aither> ok
    [18:04] <@Elidroth> those are Aristo's ballgame
    [18:04] <Qadain> This is kind of dumb, but can we have more ranks of Hastened Calculated Insanity so that Calc. Insanity and Improved Twincast are on the same 20 min timer?
    [18:05] <@Elidroth> no
    [18:05] <Jehmal> Did we get an answer on the Illusions thing?
    [18:05] <Mykaylla> Shhh
    [18:05] <EverChanter> yes
    [18:05] <Mykaylla> Don't mention illusions!
    [18:05] <Aither> Pet Lifetap: 5 to 10min recast. 25k DMG to pet for a 25k heal, possibly a lower heal if our healing AAs will impact the amount we are healed for. We lack any substantial way to mitigate spell DMG and we have 0 ways to heal ourselves through spells. This would merely be a tool for us to use when our healer goes down, or a last resort type of a deal. Falls into the same category as us getting
    [18:05] <Aither> mana back from our pets, we should be allowed to heal ourselves aswell imho.
    [18:05] * Aither ducks
    [18:06] * Mykaylla comforts Aither
    [18:08] * Apex (Apex@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Ping timeout )
    [18:08] <Mykaylla> Enchanter AA request - Forceful Banishment. Is it possible to get another rank of this?
    [18:09] <@Elidroth> Aither - that's what you have healers for
    [18:09] * Cyrz (Cyrz@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [18:09] * Aither nods
    [18:10] * Elenwyyi (Elenwyyi@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [18:11] <@Elidroth> yeah. I can do 3 more ranks of that
    [18:12] <Mykaylla> Cool, thanks
    [18:12] <BJ> thanks :)
    [18:12] <Aither> Virulent Talon: This AA still has me stumped on its true purpose. IMHO it would serve us better if we changed it to a true Burn ability, or a true sustained ability. If it were to become sustained it would need to be something like 15k ( I am talking for next expansion here, not this one), with at least 60 counters on it, probably closer to 120. For it to become a Burst AA I am thinking 35
    [18:12] <Aither> to 40k, keeping everything else the same.
    [18:12] * Aither just stays down getting tired of ducking
    [18:13] <tweelis> Probably still a no but how about a mage AA that allows us to redirect our swarm pets without getting hit by a mob. Even something with a long recast delay so a swarm can be redirected once per swarm.
    [18:13] <@Elidroth> It's a bonus damage proc for your pet.. it's not rocket science
    [18:13] <Ellyra> though you could always change the AA name TO Rocket Science?
    [18:14] <Aither> race specific to gnomes?
    [18:14] <illa> change it to damage bonus proc for your pet
    [18:14] <tweelis> we have steamsuits and are already rocket scientists!
    [18:15] * Voragath (Voragath@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [18:15] <Mykaylla> New Enchanter AA Request - Coercer's Heightened Senses. An AA to increase avoidance and/or dodge.
    [18:15] * Aither rejoices at Voragath's arrival
    [18:15] * Voragath waves
    [18:16] * Cyrz (Cyrz@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Ping timeout )
    [18:17] <@Elidroth> I'm assuming that's passive?
    [18:18] <Jehmal> yes, passive, for charm breaks etc
    [18:19] <Beimeith> I would think they would take either you were willing to give
    [18:19] <Mykaylla> ~Laughs~ I was thinking the same thing - but wanted to check with the person that asked
    [18:19] <Jehmal> ^ aye that too. We'd take it eitehr way lol
    [18:19] <tweelis> Something else I forgot about until just now.....I'd love an aura AA that I cast on my pet that allows all other pets in a small area to do small procs on the pets target. Something small like 50 points per proc, 4 procs per minute per pet.
    [18:19] * Cyrz (Cyrz@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
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    [18:24] <Aither> moving right along so Elidroth doesnt fall asleep on us....
    [18:24] <EverChanter> all you
    [18:25] <Mykaylla> Hopefully lunch didn't include turkey and warm milk.
    [18:25] <Aither> Hastened Virulent Talon: Each rank decreases the re-use time of this AA by 1 minute. looking for 3 ranks. any hastening you might give at all would be greatly appreciated
    [18:26] <Beimeith> He is probably looking up mitigation / dodge valyes
    [18:26] <Beimeith> values
    [18:26] <tweelis> If not a new aura then could a proc be added to the current mage pet aura?
    [18:27] <Aither> problem with this tweelis is would it stack with iceflame
    [18:27] <@Elidroth> no new auras
    [18:28] <@Elidroth> I'd knock a few minutes off Virulent Talen
    [18:29] <Mykaylla> New Enchanter AA request - Force Compliance. A fast cast, single tick single target lurch, on a suitable recast.
    [18:30] * Cyrz (Cyrz@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [18:30] <Aither> awesome elidroth thank you
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    [18:34] * Pirlo (4b39a0d8@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [18:35] <tweelis> Aither, I'd prefer it not to stack with iceflame but rather be an addition to other pets. I regularly group with a sk and chanter; giving their pets and my swarm pets a little bump would be nice......it would really help our aDPS to raids as well.
    [18:35] * Mykaylla thinks we knocked Elidroth out
    [18:36] * Flow slaps Elidroth around a bit with a large trout
    [18:36] <Jalany> you have an aura that increases other pet dps ftw :)
    [18:36] <Waring> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/...go-ultra-rare-brick-solid-gold_n_2214174.html
    [18:36] <Aither> ^^ this, and NO NEW AURAS
    [18:36] <Waring> sorry wrong channel
    [18:36] <@Elidroth> no to the new lurch.. you're already getting a 6 target one
    [18:37] <Mykaylla> kk
    [18:37] <Darrkin> 6targte lurch or 6target ha?
    [18:37] <Aither> Elidroth last one from Piemastj's list
    [18:37] <Aither> An addition to Virulent Talon: I would like to get a chance to proc a debuff on the mob. When the mob has this debuff it increases Virulent Talons proc by X amount. Ideally with more Mages this will allow for more procs ect, less Mages less procs. If it were in-game now, our pet would proc for say 40k (slightly under double the DMG). Have the debuff chance set at like 10%, the Increased proc
    [18:37] <Aither> chance while the debuff is on the mob at like 3%. This should realisticly double the Virulent Talon proc, or even more.
    [18:37] <@Elidroth> what do you think Darrkin?
    [18:38] <@Elidroth> since I referenced the no new lurch since you're getting a 6 target one
    [18:38] <tweelis> last I checked that aura is centered around the mage, not our pets. Sorry but I'm not going to get in melee range of a mob just so other pets can get a boost. If not an aura then could it be like a MGB for pets only, castable once per 10 minutes with a 4 minute duration.
    [18:38] <Flow> worked
    [18:38] <Jalany> rathe's str effect(lower version) is centered on pet
    [18:39] * Cyrz (Cyrz@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [18:41] <@Elidroth> No Aither.. sorry
    [18:41] <Mykaylla> Enchanter AA request - Clinging Root. Last ranks in House of Thule. Is it possible to get any further?
    [18:41] <Aither> hah i made it thru with my hide!!
    [18:42] <Jalany> would we be able to get the range on current aura extended or have it set to center on the pet instead of the mage like with the earlier one?
    [18:43] * Cyrz (Cyrz@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Client closed connection )
    [18:43] <@Elidroth> I can do some new ranks of Clinging Root
    [18:43] <Mykaylla> Cool, thanks
    [18:45] <Nylrem> new magician AA: Hastened Arcane whisper, 5 ranks reducing 2 min each, to bring down to 20 min recast possible?
    [18:46] * Elenwyyi (Elenwyyi@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Ping timeout )
    [18:47] * Beimeith notes that Arcane Whisper is shared between a few classes
    [18:48] * Elidroth notes that he's well aware of this fact.
  7. silku Augur

    [18:48] * Beimeith hugs Elidroth
    [18:51] <Jalany> Eli any chance of a new mage aa to give a possible chance to twinproc a virulent talon proc?
    [18:52] <Cicelee> New Magician AA idea/thought: As masters of the elements, four different AA (one each for earth, fire, air, water) that allows a magician to add a proc to every damage spell they cast with different features based on the element. Similar to the enchanter aura and bard songs that add a DD proc to a damage spell. An air proc could be a DD with a chance to stun a mob... an earth proc could be
    [18:52] <Cicelee> a DD with a chance to root... a fire proc could be a DD with a chance to (insert xxx)... a water proc could be a DD with a chance to (insert xxx). Sorry I don't have specific numbers, but just a wish for a DD proc that is situational and based off of the four elements for a Magician
    [18:56] <Mykaylla> New Enchanter AA request - Iron Will. Increased chance to resist mesmerization effects for the enchanter.
    [18:57] <@Elidroth> Look.. Virulent Talon is what it is.. I've told you no on THREE different ways you've asked to make it more powerful. Enough.
    [18:58] <@Elidroth> Cicelee - No on the DD root.
    [18:58] <Jalany> Eli take a big deep breath lol
    [18:58] <@Elidroth> sorry.. it gets frustrating to say no to something, and then have you guys play this game where you ask the same question a different way in hopes I won't notice
    [18:58] * Cyrz (Cyrz@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [18:59] <Jalany> i just got here not to long ago so hadn't seen the previous questions sorry :p
    [18:59] <Voragath> yeah, many of us missed the older stuff =\
    [18:59] <Voragath> i'm still trying to get caught up lol
    [18:59] <Mykaylla> btw, /join #mageaa for mages, and #enchanter for chanters.
    [18:59] <Mykaylla> So you can get the rundown. :)
    [19:00] <Cicelee> i apologize, i was not specifically asking for dd root..... i think i worded it wrong which is my fault. i can share at a different time because i am thinking this is more a potential short term buff than an AA. again, i apologize.
    [19:01] <@Elidroth> Mages are doing pretty well right now..
    [19:02] <Tharkis> <3 mages
    [19:02] <Aither> i agree wholeheartedly
    [19:02] * Mykaylla waits on Iron Will.
    [19:02] <@Elidroth> no
    [19:02] * Cyrz (Cyrz@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Client closed connection )
    [19:03] <Mykaylla> Okay.
    [19:05] <Mykaylla> New Enchanter AA request - Hastened Glyph Spray. Currently at 30 minute reuse. Is it possible to reduce this at all?
    [19:06] <@Elidroth> yeah.. I can reduce it some
    [19:06] <Cener> Any chance of an out of combat run speed increase? It can take a lot of time when running across large zones to get to a camp spot and with a wipe you have to do it again.
    [19:06] <Mykaylla> Cool, thanks
    [19:07] <@Elidroth> no
    [19:08] <Cener> okay wasnt big on my list just a thought
    [19:08] <Mykaylla> That would be kind of sucky if it were for enchanters, since pulling is part of CC- you'd slow down as soon as you got on aggro!
    [19:08] <Jehmal> Would help to read the enchanter channel there Cener.
    [19:09] * Cyrz (Cyrz@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [19:09] * Candara (Candara-Ca@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Quit: )
    [19:11] <Mykaylla> New Enchanter AA request - Illusion of Absence. AA form of spell ID 12732, but limited to 5 minute duration, 10 or 15 minute recast.
    [19:12] * Elenwyyi (Elenwyyi@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #EQAAChat
    [19:12] <@Elidroth> no
    [19:12] <@Elidroth> NOBODY is getting Invis 2
    [19:12] * irctc223 (62f38cf6@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [19:12] * Cyrz (Cyrz@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Client closed connection )
    [19:12] <Mykaylla> Okay, cool.
    [19:13] <Beimeith> :(
    [19:15] <@Elidroth> last chance.. I'm going to wrap things up here
    [19:15] * Mykaylla was doing last calls too!
    [19:16] <Jalany> would like to know if pet assassinate going to be fixxed?
    [19:16] <Nylrem> magician, asked about quickened malosinete cast time, and increasing range to 250 early in day... any response? :)
    [19:16] <@Elidroth> I have nothing to do with that
    [19:16] <irctc223> Mage- Anychance of a AA to Twin cast Rumbling Servants ?
    [19:16] <Jalany> k
    [19:16] <@Elidroth> no
    [19:16] <Jalany> what about an aa to decrease the cast time of silent casting aa?
    [19:17] <Beimeith> There is one
    [19:17] <Beimeith> Do mages not have it?
    [19:17] <Nillaien> Mage Idea- Symbosis version AA to free up a spell slot?
    [19:17] <Jalany> don't believe so but may have missed it
    [19:17] <irctc223> a group Call of the hero AA ?
    [19:17] <Jalany> and by cast time i mean the actual duration that it takes to cast not the time inbetween
    [19:18] <Jehmal> think that was asked already, wasn't in the game mechanics Irc
    [19:18] <Beimeith> Quickened Silent Casting
    [19:18] <Beimeith> reduces cast time
    [19:18] <Aither> we have 8 ranks of it bei
    [19:18] <Jalany> ah ya no new ranks since hot tho
    [19:18] <@Elidroth> Thanks guys..
    [19:18] <Jalany> so would be new ranks vs new aa
    [19:18] <Aither> 3 ranks of quickened
    [19:18] <Voragath> wrong one aither
    [19:18] <Aither> 8 ranks of hastened my bad im tired
    [19:19] <Cener> Mage has 3 ranks of quickened silent castying already to speed the cast time not the recast time
    [19:19] <Voragath> we have 3 of quickened. only a total of 1.2s faster
    [19:19] <Filatal> Thanks Elidroth
    [19:19] <irctc223> AA to lower the recast on the reuse of Modulation rods ?
    [19:19] <BJ> I have a consideration before we end, if that's ok....waht about an enchanter AA to bestow a Damage Shield on our pets, like an upgraded feedback?
    [19:19] <Jehmal> Thanks Eli
    [19:19] * Elidroth (Elidroth@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has left #eqaachat
    [19:19] <Jalany> vora needs to go back to school for math
    [19:19] * BJ (bdamron80@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has left #EQAAChat
    [19:19] <Jehmal> He's gone already BJ
    [19:19] * Filatal (sthallimor@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Quit: )
    [19:19] <Jalany> .3 seconds x 3 = .9
    [19:19] <Jehmal> Off to post log on boards, later everyone
    [19:19] <Jalany> not 1.2 :p
    [19:19] * Cyrz (Cyrz@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) has joined #eqaachat
    [19:19] * irctc223 (62f38cf6@71-82-174-254.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit ( Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client )