[Enchanter] I'd really like to see

Discussion in 'Casters' started by silku, Apr 17, 2014.

  1. silku Augur

    I'd really like to see Twincast Aura increase Twinproc(percentage), and our Mana Reverb, proc off weapon procs. It's already got counters, so it wouldn't be much different than bard/shaman procs. I think if those two changes were implemented, we'd be a decent increase to melee groups.

    Lore wise it fits, as we are 'Enchanters', why then would we be able to help the group increase their awareness of 'intelligent' weapons, and how to use them. (Or even to magically enhance their weapons just by our presence.)
    Phaith and Jordis like this.
  2. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    While these seem like fine upgrades, it's not my kind of thing.

    First of all, they don't add any fun. We'll still use the same spells, they'll just be better. We won't even have to choose.

    Secondly, I personally hate short duration buffs/auras. If I wanted that, I'd have rolled a Bard. I imagine this will be especially problematic with counters used by melee procs, as the days of 2ppm are long gone and melees proc a heck of a lot!
  3. Astran Elder

    I'm pretty sure the devs hate auras with the fury of a thousand suns, so other than copy pasting new values at level increases, I don't think we'll see any changes to them. I think more generally that enchanters should have more melee adps support, but I don't think auras are the way to go about it. I'd love to see something like cripple making mobs more susceptible to melee crits, possibly as a replacement for the dual wield reduction currently in place.
  4. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    Actually, our cripple already reduces the mobs AC and Agi, but nobody ever mentions that when they're talking about how we need to do more for melees.
  5. Astran Elder

    I'm aware of what it currently does. I'm saying it could do more to help melee adps.
  6. Random_Enchanter Augur

    We could always "learn" more though AA's that is have addional AA's that require current to be maxed before obtaining them.

    IE "Better Illsuions of Grandure: Increases group's chance to critical nuke by 10%, increase critical nuke damage by 150%, increase chance to critical dot by 10%, increase critical dot damage by 110%, increase group's change to critical melee by 5%, critical damage by 50%, proc damage by 3%. 18 min reuse."
    or something to that extent
    Jordis likes this.
  7. silku Augur

    I think the reason I want it to be the same spell is this: I don't have room now for all the spells I need up, I don't need more to make me choose/unmem what I already have. We DO need more melee ADPS, regardless of our meagre AC reduction.
  8. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    For me, having multiple choices makes the game more interesting. For instance, I'd like to see out DoT damage improved to the point where it's better damage over the long term than our nukes, preferably via a mechanic similar to Chaotic Confounding since that's a genius mechanic.

    Personally, if I only had a handful of choices, I'd rather play WoW. I like that by choosing the right spell/ability for the situation, I can rise above the level of my gear and such, and be a better player than the guy who just reads "Enchanter Bots for Dummies."

    Dzarn just revealed that mobs outside PoWar have AC of 600, so our Cripple spells cannot be considered a "meager" AC reduction.
  9. Dandin Augur

    I'm with Qest on this one. If we want to get melee ADPS options we should request them in new/different abilities and AAs. The majority of the power of the Enchanter class comes from knowing your spells, and what they do. And having a large variety of abilities.

    (To be honest. The chances of us getting melee DPS or tank amplification abilities is slim at best)

    But in the spirit of the thread, I'll entertain the Idea that it may be plausible.

    The reality is. All of our abilities have uses. Some enchanters use different ones in given situations, and that's the beauty of the class.
    Some abilities (like the wave mezz, or the "smother" line of dots) have limited uses, and are situational based on each enchanters

    If you start adding things like a melee proc to Mana recursion, for example, your weighting the auras heavily in one direction, which makes the other auras weak in comparison, essentially making them less desirable.

    That is only one small example of why it is a bad idea.

    Qest has the right idea about DoTs though. We need "SOMETHING" to make them viable from a DPS standpoint. And make them more desirable then "Oh that's a debuff... Nice"
  10. Dandin Augur

    You need to start using spellsets, Silku. That's really what it breaks down to, make a spellset that swaps out one or two spells for two different ones, making it fast and simple to flip out abilities on the fly.
  11. Khauruk Augur

    >Dzarn just revealed that mobs outside PoWar have AC of 600, so our Cripple spells cannot be considered a "meager" AC reduction.

    The % reduction isn't meager, but the DPS boost from this *is* quite meager.

    The dps gain from a boost to twinproc would likewise not even be noticeable.
  12. Ayoheee Augur

    Um, no. Absolutely not. Make my class more powerful, not more diverse.
  13. Jordis Augur

    I think that's reasonable. Monks and other pure melee get spell damage on their equipment to increase the proc rate. Why not our spells/auras?
  14. Jordis Augur

    I think we're due quite a few more AA, particularly when you look at just how many of our AA are "Enchant" and jewelry related which only prompted everyone to come up with an enchanter bot to enchant things and got the ability to do jewelry on top of it.

    Very necessary and ludicrous that we don't have them already:
    • AOE spells/AA for Cripple and Slow, there is no good reason for us not having them now, as shamans have them even though their cripple is overwritten by ours.
    • AA damage/dot spell(s) so we can focus on buffs, spell guards and runes on raids and in groups where necessary.
    • AA single target, high level tash.
    What about some of the other Caster AA that seem to me to be more along the lines of Archetype than Class.
    • AA to remove the need to carry any tiny daggers similar to the SK/Necro AA: Deathly Pact (This ability will prevent components used in the summoning of pets from being expended.) Really, we have to go to specific merchants to buy tiny daggers at level 100? They even had aa that turns meat into bone chips and simply farm the things in low level zones. Call of the Hero removes the need for a reagent for Mages to summon players.
    • An added level to Phantasmal Opponent, or a similar pet that will drop all aggro when it dies, similar to Mage AA Companion of Necessity.
    • AA Diminutive companion, to shrink pets, charmed or summoned, whether they are illusioned or not.
    • AA to summon animation without dagger similar to other "pet summoning classes".
    • Be added to the earrings that include pet shrink clickie, even if the added benefits to animation aren't given.
    • Actual dps swarm pet.
    • Make the AA that boosts the stats and abilities of the animation to the point where they are actually useful. If you think they are now, try a Companion's blessing.
    • AA to summon companion/pet that adds a fade and works if the pet is the focus of hostile attention.
    • AA similar to Wizard Eradicate Magic, preferably one that removes only beneficial buffs on mobs, not debuffs. We have one of the deepest dispells in Recant Magic (53) but no AA for it, which is necessary particularly now when dispel is necessary in zones such as PoWar.
    • AA similar to other casters that projects you in a direct manner rather than randomly, a reverse directed banishment if you will.
    • AA similar to Forced Entanglement for wizards that strengthens Root to resist breaks when casting spells on a rooted target.
    • AA to increase chromatic (dd) and/or magic (dots) damage similar to fury lines.
    • AA like Mirror Mirror (wizard) that provides the innate ability to reflect back damage.
    • AA Illusions that add to survivability similar to Necro AA: Gift of the Grave, after all, we're supposed to be illusionists although most of the benefits of our illusions have been stripped or rendered moot while Marketplace clickies are available to anyone with Station Cash.
    Would be very nice:
    • AOE damage spell
    • Secondary recall/bind ability beyond an anchor portal.
    • Melee enhancements that make us more desirable in a melee group. We shouldn't be relegated to caster only groups. The little boost to endurance regeneration in the aura was a nice start.
    • Spells or AA for stationary wards like a mez trap. Rogues and monks got mez, we should get traps.
  15. Jordis Augur

    Probably because most of the melee don't see it as being all that big a deal, particularly with other classes debuffs. Check the Druid debuff line.
  16. Khauruk Augur

    Because it *isn't* a big deal at all. PC attack keeps growing, albeit fairly slowly. NPC AC has not grown in many years. AC debuffs won't be useful until we end up back in a Vex Thal type of situation.
  17. Random_Enchanter Augur

    communication and input into our class. No more of this lets communicate with every other class but chanters stuff. The rune "nerf" is silly putting a 12 second recast time but making it 1/2 a second to cast is just plain useless in my mind
    silku and Jordis like this.
  18. Jordis Augur

    What about extending Self Stasis to a full minute?