Enchanter DPS

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Fuddlebutts, Apr 12, 2017.

  1. Fuddlebutts New Member

    I'm 105 and trying to compare if im doing good dps or not. What are most decent chanters parsing on raids and group dps wise?
  2. IblisTheMage Augur

    I think my enchanter IS-boxed do around 40-50k, with decent adps, in group. Group gear, 15kAA, animation attacking, and boxed. Dps vary a lot depending on which bufs are up. I don´t use dots, they make him go OOM, because of fast kill rate.
  3. High Voltage Augur

    As you can easily see from the above answer, the days where people shared valuable and reliable information within this forums are gone.
    Maybe ask those folks that main an enchanter in your guild?
  4. p2aa Augur

    These days aren't gone, but people are more reluctant to post parses now in fear that some whiners that populate these boards cry and ask to nerf their class.
    RPoo likes this.
  5. Fuddlebutts New Member

    I agree, his advice was pretty pointless... problem is, I am guildless atm but im parsing anywhere from 150k-230k on burns for a ~70-80s fights on t2 mobs, non-burns are a 3rd of that.
  6. Brohg Augur

    A third of that? so like 50k? So exactly like Ibliz described in his timely and accurate response to the OP? Y'all are ridiculous
    kizant likes this.
  7. Ghubuk Augur

    Sounds like the op has an agenda.
  8. Sindaiann Augur

    DPS is very situational and varies depending on what you have and how you play.

    Non burn even in group content I can pull a lot more than 50k.

    That's all I'll say
    Reht likes this.
  9. IblisTheMage Augur

    I would expect that, being a main, and raid geared :) is it over an entire session?

    On some encounters dps spike a lot for me, but I like to look at an aggregated view of hundred+ mobs, I find that number to be lower and more realistic compared to the combats that go really well, for me at least.
  10. mageface New Member

    Enchanters are the berserkers of the casters
    Tereil likes this.
  11. Sindaiann Augur

    Yes. Like I said it depends on how you play. Pulling singles that die very fast will certainly make enc sustain low due to the fact using dots is a waste vs mana output.

    Pulling multiples with no cc and dpsing everything (like raids since there is very little cc in today's raids) is where you will see a massive jump in sustained dps (assuming you are doing what you should be)
    kizant, Brohg, Sancus and 2 others like this.