Enchanter DPS Set and ADPS Set - 105 (TDS)

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Tarvas, Nov 15, 2015.

  1. Tarvas Redwall of Coirnav, now Drinal

    Hello. I am looking for any information for a good DPS and ADPS set for an enchanter. I looked through the forum here but it is really a mess trying to find anything of use. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  2. Brohg Augur

    Good, or best? Group or raid? do you have to care about pets?

    best is
    Twincast Aura
    Amplification Aura
    single target Mana Reciprocation on people

    generate Haze procs with your own dps:
    for twincast charges, Chaotic mez right on the target mob if it's susceptible and you don't have to worry about pets falling off

    if you do have to worry about pets, or if the target is mez-immune (like raid bosses, among others), you Chaotic mez on the eyeball you click from Clockwork Automaton (carry several since cooldown is 100s, but use instead of Holgresh Elder Beads because 1/8th the cast time)

    ChaoticMez -> 105 Mindsunder -> 100 Mindcleave

    put Mindstorm on all available targets to keep mana up.

    For background / autofire dps:
    Twincast Aura
    Mana Recip Aura

    multibind Mindsunder-Mindcleave-IntellectualAppropriation
  3. Silv Augur

    Using Amp aura in a group of Mages is a waste. So, more information on what OPs group makeup looks like would be most helpful like you said.

    I don't know many Enchanters who have the spell slots or time to single Flare all of their casters but that's in a raid setting. In a group it would certainly be more manageable. Given Flare easily outparses Amp aura I rather have guaranteed MR running 100% of the time instead of trying to manage a single target buff on 4-5 people just to run Amp.

    I agree with pretty much all of the rest though. Mindstorm is stupidly effective but seems neglected sometimes when people talk about lineups. Of course, you only need it if you have mana issues in the first place.
    Jordis and RPoo like this.
  4. Tarvas Redwall of Coirnav, now Drinal

    Group is Ranger/Berserker, Enchanter, and Wizard / Warrior.
  5. Apoc Augur

    My opinion is TC and MR aura.

    There was a time that TC Amp and Single Mana reverb was standard but now with haze etc abilities I think an enc is better off just nuking themselves then worrying about casting single.

    I think the only time TC and Amp is every used maybe a necro group iirc. There are times on short burns in a raid 60-90 seconds I get Amp + MR.
  6. Silv Augur

    That was/is the general consensus. However, I don't know if proc stacking changes may have altered which comes out on top with Necros. To my knowledge, there hasn't been a lot of extensive parsing with Ench/Necro stuff compared to Mage/Wiz.