Enchanter chaotic mez questions

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Cadira, May 10, 2023.

  1. Cadira Augur

    Does chaotic puzzling spell proc a twincast buff on you even if it is resisted OR the target is immune to mez? Or does it have to not be immune to mez and/or resist?

    Also, it doesn't have a memblur component to it. Is there absolutely zero chance it will memblur? Answer seems obvious, but wasn't sure if there was an AA or something that gave all your single mezzes a chance to memblur or something regardless.

    Trying to figure out if it's beneficial to work a cast in to a spell weave for raid purposes specifically.
  2. Brickhaus Augur

    Doesn't trigger off resists. I don't remember about immunes.

    Don't believe there is anything that would cause it to memblur. I know I've never had an issue in group play with it, but the aggro deltas there are smaller than on a raid.

    Just remember you would need two sets of mashes if you add it because if under Improved Twincast, the chaotic proc won't stick (at least it doesn't use up a counter, but the added time wasted would be detrimental to dps).

    It does trigger deep sleep effects, which is nice.
    Cadira likes this.
  3. Cadira Augur

    I'm guessing since an immune automatically triggers a resist it's not going to proc off of them, but would love a confirmation. Unless it's coded differently.

    I guess I can go to an old raid mob and just cast it on it and see myself but at work ATM and figure someone knows the answer in advance!
  4. Brickhaus Augur

    Immune does not fire the twincast. Just checked on my last Fabled Time run of the season.
    Cadira likes this.
  5. Cadira Augur

    That SUCKS but makes sense. Thanks a lot dude!