Economy prediction - Aradune vs. Riziona

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by TronStar, May 27, 2020.

  1. TronStar New Member

    This is my first TLP, just curious what you all think the economy will be like on these servers. Think auction items will cost more PP in Riziona because of box armies? Think Krono will go for less PP in Aradune?
  2. Santified Lorekeeper

    Rizlona economy will suck. It will purely suck. Krono will be more on Rizlona. It will be the same as ragefire. So much plat Krono ended up at 22k plat on kunark.
  3. TronStar New Member

    Sounds terrible. I remember how it took my FOREVER to save 5k plat for that WR bag (bag of the tinkerers was it?).

    Is this because of boxers/botters? How much should it go for by Kunark on a "normal" server?
  4. Chatoyan Elder

    If you've got a 6-box team, you're getting a lot of vendor trash all to yourself. Even if you're not farming rare drops to sell, you're generating a lot of plat, which naturally pushes up the selling price for things.
  5. jeydiejones New Member

    if your a botter killing mobs 24/7 you will generate so much plat that a single account holder will find it impossible to trade plat for a krono because the 24/7 crew can pay way more for krono that you can.
  6. Accipiter Old Timer

    Boxing software is allowed. Unattended botting gampeplay is not allowed.
  7. Fightmilk Lorekeeper

    Ain't gonna be no server for an economy to be on at this rate sonny-boy.
  8. MileyVyrus Augur

    It will be extremely hard to find people trying to sell krono for plat on Rizolna. But at least there will be absolutely zero botters.

    In fact, in a fun way, the boxing server is actually the best place to hide from the toxicity (tm) of botters. The server the Anti-Boxers (tm) actually want is going to be the boxing server. That's kinda fun \o/
  9. Fightmilk Lorekeeper

    Please show us your real world example of how your deluded world view is working out for you so far.
  10. Fightmilk Lorekeeper

    To be fair - there are currently 0 botters on Aradue AND Rizlona COMBINED :eek:
  11. MileyVyrus Augur

    I sense anger, but it's a fake, trollish anger. Like you are one of those soccer moms scanning Twitter looking for something to outrage you. I'm unsure what would be considered delusional about there not being much if any krono for sale for plat on a boxing server... especially compared to a truebox server starting at the same time.
  12. Fightmilk Lorekeeper

    Currently no Krono for sale for plat anywhere lol...... Please prove me wrong
  13. Arog Augur

    Anyone know what happen to TLP Auctions web site. Is there another one that will take its place that you all know about?