Dwarven Group-able Class?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Grum, Feb 20, 2018.

  1. Grum New Member

    Which class of the Dwarven kin besides cleric will be easily group-able or able to snag a group easily? I'm heavily leaning towards the Warrior & possibly Rogue but I'm curious to hear from EQ Fans
  2. Nuther Augur

    Paladin. There will be few tanks. A Pally will be welcome in any pickup group. They aren't that useful as a raider though.
  3. BearmanSW Elder

    In order of increasing difficulty (to get a group):


    However, it should be noted that a cleric is a 1/10 difficult (easy) finding a group and a rogue is only about a 6 (medium), so it won't be difficult for any of them. Rogue is probably going to be the toughest because DPS classes are everywhere on progression servers.
  4. Coppercoz Augur

    Huh? From what I’ve seen, Pally>sk for raiding, though perhaps not so much in classic.
  5. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    Rogue is also the most gear dependent of all "dps" classes in classic. Leveling up with a giant snake fang is painful.
  6. vylo Augur

    Rogue main, I would not do rogue until kunark. It's horrifying and no one wants you in groups for good reason. unless you are addicted to rogue and an extreme masochist, just don't do it. Once Norrath is invaded by lizard men, your prospects for roguery greatly increase.
  7. RandomStrategy Augur

    Sure paladins are useful in raids. Do you have any idea how many death touches I have eaten on islands 4, 5, 6, and 7? Including the Noble?
  8. vylo Augur

    We primarily use ours to rez people so that our clerics aren't distracted. That seems to be about it. In groups they are pretty baller though.