
Discussion in 'Priests' started by Tinywolf, Nov 17, 2015.

  1. Tinywolf New Member

    I am trying to figure out how to go about stacking procs without giving in to my OCD.

    What are a few items that druids use in the actual game for the added DPS, which they switch out when updating their magelo?
  2. Brohg Augur

    Bandoleer is your friend. Your Nitora + Obexa Animus + Statuae Clipium has whatever stats stuff in them, both for Magelo and for actual raids with AE damages / adds & such going out. The dps set has your Sledge of the Indigatorum, with Bone Shards of Frozen Marrow + Heart of Narikor augs, and Orb of the Crimson Bull with Sodkee's Sympathetic Stone. If you wear Tita's Incapacitating Cincture normally you swap that out with Parogressio by hand. Your Sacred Prayer Shawl of the Duke (caster version not priest) lives somewhere in your regular armor. - and that's it, that's the best your gear can do for you dps wise.
  3. Tinywolf New Member

    Excellent. Thank you.