DPS (Rog vs. Wiz) - Dev Opinion

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by RoguesOwn, Aug 16, 2015.

  1. Slasher Augur

    First how many times do they need to tell you and everyone that plays this game. There is no burst everything is considered sustained this is a direct quote from a dev. So stop with this burst/sustained argument.

    Question for you.

    With these melee changes do you do less dps ? No you just wont do as much overall damage because mobs will die quicker but your dps will be the same as it was before.

    You were just fine for the last 9 months with your class doing 3 times the damage melee d id.
    Silentchaos and Brogett like this.
  2. Brogett Augur

    To make it even more confusing too, the "sustained classes" have very high "burst" dps. It doesn't happen at the first second of an encounter, but look at a graph of damage over time for a necro doing a burn event and you'll see the spike. They build up gradually until they have all their dots on and then WHAM they do all their clickies, AAs, glyphs group ADPS from the bards etc and now it's 400k+ dps or so for the duration of the burn. It's not as big as a rog or berserker, but mainly because our non-disc is poor. I'm not envious - I like the way a rogue plays - but it's misleading to claim they have no burst because it's plainly incorrect.

    Indeed if an event calls for a burn at the end (we've had this many times in the past) the heavy dotters has no loss of flexibility or power really over the traditional DD and melee burst classes. It's only when a burn is called for from the start that they have a (significant) disadvantage.

    Swings and roundabouts really. Most heavy dps classes have a detrimental aspect to them somewhere or other. It's why they're compensated with high dps elsewhere.
  3. ~Mills~ Augur

    It stings, it stings.
  4. Triconix Augur

    How are these numbers any different that what the OP is stating? Other than the fact that his wizards torched yours...

    Call me crazy but its 21639 the same as roughly 21,639,000? The OPs parse was about that, was it not? By his numbers, he beat everyone in your guild total damage and people got on his case for not "optimizing his discs." :confused:

    *Edit, the user states that his total damage was: Me - 23,672,087. Then, (for Tita burn) your rogues aren't even on your parse and he would be mid pack for total damage with 30 mil. And again, with his top two wizards absolutely demolishing yours (even with a fight 40 seconds faster)...But I'm sure this guy is just cherry picking raids to make himself look like crap because two guild parses show that he is actually pretty darned good.
    I wonder why this is, though.
  5. Brudal Augur

    I can only imagine their wizards didn't get the memo to downplay caster dominance and not wreck the fragile egos of melee by letting them know how truly powerless we are.
    Sancus likes this.
  6. Triconix Augur

    Lol I'm dead serious (however, not only would his rogues break the ego of melee, but break the ego of all your casters ;)) . How is anybody trying to put down the OP when you posted those numbers? If anything, I would think they'd be shredding yours up the same way they did to his. But then again, I'm trying to use logic in an illogical world.
  7. Brudal Augur

    There are different ways to do event 1; killing only the mobs needed to activate Tita and crowd controlling the 15 trash mobs would reduce the amount of damage done on the parse. Different strategies would inflate the damage done via killing all the mobs similar to the trash clear on event 3.
    Sancus likes this.
  8. Sancus Augur

    Comparing damage without accounting for different times between guilds won't lead to an accurate comparison.
  9. Silentchaos Augur

    If you're following raid instructions WRT burn calls on a rogue you're really screwing yourself. Ignore raid instructions and stay in discmode the entire fight, you have like 100pct uptime on discmode. If you wait to "burn" a mob you're just gonna end the fight with stuff unused (or only used once when it could've been used twice) or overlap your discs in a way that nets you a bit of burst at the expense of an enormous amount of sustained.

    It's not like anything needs to be burned in TDS. If they doubled every mob's hitpoints in the expansion it wouldn't be any harder, just take longer (with the possible exception of the bosses on 3, but you cant do anything to them anyway).
    Xikteny, Sancus and Reht like this.
  10. Cicelee Augur

    Against my better judgment, here are the parses for the past three events I have been a part of.

    Parse 1:

    Cleric 104k
    Cleric 101
    Bard 99k
    SK 98k
    Shaman 92k
    Cleric 90k
    Cleric 88k
    Cleric 87k
    Druid 82k
    Magician 6k

    Parse 2:

    Alien 673k
    Alien 664k
    Wolf 481k
    Lion 474k
    Alien 448k
    Dog 422k
    Alien 414k
    Cat 408k
    Tiger 404k
    Alien 401k

    Parse 3:

    Lions 88k
    Patriots 82k
    Jaguars 79k
    Broncos 77k
    Colts 74k
    Steelers 69k
    Seahawks 66k
    Giants 64k
    Dolphins 62k
    Packers 1k

    Based on these three parses, I have to agree with the OP. Rogues seriously need some help. Maybe next campaign when the EQ developers give magicians backstab to offset the changes to rain spells, they can also give rogues Wizard like DD spells that are insta cast and insta refresh.
    Iila and Sancus like this.
  11. sojero One hit wonder

    Dang your aliens are good, where you recruiting those from?
  12. Triconix Augur

    "Captain Tita: 226 Seconds
    1. Wiz1 - 66,133,157
    2. Wiz2 - 55,001,865
    3. Rog1 - 33,593,643
    5. Me - 30,241,503"

    Tita burn:
    /3 Praetor Captain Tita Aragus in 262s, 632223k @2413064 --
    Wizard 44663k@(197623 in 226s) --
    Wizard 42919k@(181862 in 236s) --
    Necromancer 34680k@(145715 in 238s) --
    Wizard 30761k@(139190 in 221s) --
    Berserker 30472k@(126438 in 241s) --
    Necromancer + pets 28679k@(123086 in 233s) --
    Ranger 28428k@(118451 in 240s) --
    Magician + pets 28245k@(115758 in 244s) --
    Wizard 24611k@(101699 in 242s) -
    Berserker + pets 24072k@(99062 in 243s)

    Last time I checked, 226 seconds and 262 were times. OPs wizards did roughly 33% more damage in a span of time 36 seconds less. If that was kept up, that would've done 76 million damage in the same time period, which is roughly a 75% total damage increase? Let's say their sustained drops and they are in the 70 mil range. You're still talking a boatload more of damage.

    I'll give you the 1st phase. We don't know the OPs time and as Brudal stated, there are different ways of doing it.

    And regardless, Tita's total damage wouldn't fluctuate all that much. She should have relatively similar HP across all parses and you do have to kill her. What the OP states (if it's a real parse, idk), is that his top 2 wizards and rogues did more total damage to Tita than either of your top 2 wizards or rogues...by a long shot.

    Are you trying to infer because he didn't copy/paste gamparse that his parse is fake? Maybe, but then again, any schmuck can make a real looking "parse" through simple mathetics. Just because it has a bunch of punctuation doesn't mean it's official. (Not to claim that Brudal's is fake). Just look at the information at hand and break it down, you don't need special syntax all the time.
  13. Goth Augur

    You see this is just as probable.
    • Rog can't play as good as that wizard can.
    Turn off the damn parse machine and just play your class?
    The game has waves of one class doing better one year and the next its the opposite. Dont like it? than perhaps play each of the DPS classes and switch every time one is better than the other...
    I mean there you go.
  14. Yimin Augur

    This is what you do , you play your class the best you can , don't worry that you are not King/Queen of DPS , someone is always going to top you from time to time , and the worm will turn and you will be on top one day also ....

  15. Brudal Augur

    nm, I'm probably wrong about this to
  16. Apoc Augur

    Those parses look fake maybe they should be sent to someone to analyze mykaylla or beimeith maybe. I feel like we are having another arx 3 here.
    Sancus likes this.
  17. Slasher Augur

    Especially on arx1. I've never seen a wizard win the trash and named parse on that. They either burn all the disc on trash to get the total damage up or they save some for the named which means they wouldn't win either but would probably come out ahead in combined. Him saying the same wizard won trash and the named never seen that happen.
  18. Random_Enchanter Augur

    Still asking why any of this matters what with the upcoming patch to increase melee DPS.

    Argue, discuss or what ever after, not before. The changes are going in, any discussion in, about or around DPS and balancing is useless until all changes are in. So, Sit down and wait
    Zarakii and Behelit like this.
  19. Reht The Dude abides...

    That's what was throwing me off too, unless he was force fed IOGs, Black Wolf and Quiet Miracles and i would still have my doubts.
  20. Goth Augur

    you see the only parses that matter one damn bit are ones where the specific class is by him self and casting or meleeing on there own. what one class does with other support classes is pointless. also parsed need to be done in a more standardized environment (combat dummies) for long duration or shorter duration with many many attempts.

    Until someone parses alone in controlled environments and not in raid situations where some support classes are utilized to significantly boost some DPS class stats, i dont think you should debait "x" class vs "y" class.

    If anything you should actually be talking about what support classes are giving to "X" class vs "Y" class.