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Double EXP / Double Named Spawn Question

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Ramstein_Povar, Feb 20, 2015.

  1. Ramstein_Povar Journeyman

    Has anyone heard of some days coming up? I can't find any posted anywhere. I got some vacation time saved up and wanna burn some for the next double exp weekend.
  2. Repthor Augur

    you have so long time to get your nameds camped, less slackage
  3. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    They never confirm them more then a day or two in advance usually. But we haven't had as many as usual so they may be reducing the amount of bonus exp weekends or perhaps not having them anymore.
    Stickietoes likes this.
  4. Questoften32 Augur

    I think the double xp stuff is over. Or maybe. Me and a friend were discussing this actually, SOE gave you, us, these things sometimes as a simple curtsey, sometimes as a promotion sometimes when things went wrong.

    Yet the audacity of some players the rudeness and entitlement in response to this was shocking. The demanding. Like spoiled children.

    The double xp is nice sure, we all hope for it, but some players even on eq 2 say horrible things. I'm not b kissing here, its true obvious and shocking. I don't blame daybreak, not really. I often wonder what people at soe where thinking when the read this stuff. Poor eq man the game tries hard, and has much more than blizzard has or ever will.

    When I saw the response to heroic characters on the youtube vid for eq2 at the event, I wanted to b slap those of the community in attendance. They were horrible to that women, sure bought the heck out of the heroic toons though. I was so embarrassed for her I almost had to get up and leave the room.
    Garshok and Corwyhn Lionheart like this.
  5. Kiillz Augur

    with all that is going on now with the onset of Daybreak bro, doubt we ll see anything of the sort for now till dust settles there some and they get in order.
  6. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    The rudeness on the forums would be horrendous if not for the fact it is moderated. It still gets bad. I think its fair to expect bonus exp weekends as being part of EQ. Most games out there have bonus exp weekends. But I agree there is no reason to get rude about it.
  7. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I'd expect bonus exp sometime during EQs anniversary events.
  8. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    As part of the new "Transparency Initiative" letting us know well in advance on double or bonus exp weekends would be nice... or if we wont be seeing those letting us know that in advance would be nice also. OR if they can't tell us when tell us WHY they cant tell us when :)
  9. Kacman Augur

    The 16th Anniversary begins on Monday, March 16th. I believe we will have dbl xp for, Fri the 13th through Mon the 16th, to kick off the anniversary party. Then the following weekend, 20th-23rd, we will get dbl rare spawns.

    Also, I am sure we will see SC specials/sales throughout the end of March.

    It would be nice to get an official announcement from DB personnel that can make these decisions.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  10. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    I agree kacman. And if they cant tell us in advance lets see some of the much talked about TRANSPARENCY and tell us why they cant tell us in advance.

    There is only one reason I can ever see for them not to announce bonus exp weekends well in advance and that is because they are monitoring exp progress overall in the game and want to prevent over all exp gain to be too fast. That's a great argument for not giving a yearly schedule of bonus exp. But a two week or one month notice in advance should be possible. I definitely do not see the lack of announcements being to keep the competition from knowing. Most games do bonus exp during holidays etc.

    So lets ask. Why cant we be told about bonus exp weekends at least a month in advance?
  11. JChan Developer

    The reason why we don't announce bonus xp weekends well in advance is because of human psychology and the effects of what happens when we do this. I can't go into details about it but it's bad for our reporting numbers.
    Rhaage, Garshok and Iila like this.
  12. Jeanmirac Elder

    Creates an artificial bump in stats, does it not? Phones ringing, txts flying... "DOUBLE XP!!" Been there heh.
    Mob psychology is fun, isn't it?
  13. Slasher Augur

    Why because people actually log on during it ? lol.

    Hey EQ team why during one weekend last month did you have 80% more players in game. Oh hey boss we announced double xp 2 weeks in advance so people could plan ahead and actually be able to play that weekend.
  14. Iila Augur

    I bet it's more that people stop playing if double EXP is announced far in advance. Time is better spent exping during the bonus period, so they don't waste the effort of exping before that.

    If bonus exp is announced 2 weeks in advance, a bunch of people will figure that there's no reason to play for those 2 weeks. And that feedback loops into less grouping during that time.
  15. guado Augur

    Reporting numbers, probably "better" with a more steady population over time. With an advanced announcement, people play less, which must negatively affect the reporting numbers.

    edit: wtf illa get out of my brain.
    Iila likes this.
  16. Jeanmirac Elder

    Never stopped us from playing, more like (paraphrasing):
    'We log in and stay in the forest, killing gobbies...'
    'You know how many gobbies we need to kill to level up?'
    'Giving us 3 hours sleep a night'
    Kids, wife, and I don't sleep much on double XP weekends.
  17. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    AB breaks the instant servers every time we have double exp, I hope they have had an upgrade before the next one, though with the HA nerfs I guess the normal zones will be busier, just hope the small TDS zones can handle all those players and it doesn't turn into a Naggy Lair problem where there is no mobs to kill.
  18. Angahran Augur

    double xp etc don't really matter when you work Friday to Tuesday.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  19. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    People not logging in would make some sense... I assume this has been tested at some point. Only speaking for myself I log in anyway. I assume all those maxed aa peeps wouldn't be affected. I wonder how the current population in game would react to advance notice. I know I have been doing either no exp or next to no exp things for the last few weeks and it didn't affect my logging in.

    I guess this might not be something that you want to test at the moment though.
  20. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Thanks for the response even if it wasn't the answer I was looking for. Appreciate the time you took to reply.
    Rhaage likes this.