Does anyone have the link to the Chanter/Mage IRC chat thread?

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Gr8fuldave, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. Gr8fuldave Augur

    I would love to see how that went. If anyone has it will you please post?

  2. Silv Augur

    Posted in Vet forum by Silku, all credit to him/her:

    I'm not 100% certain but I don't know if some things were missed. I've been through it a few times and haven't seen one or two things I've seen mentioned elsewhere. I WOULD be curious to see a log of the Enchanter channel that was formed during the chat if anyone has/willing to post. Again, entirely possible I missed that somewhere as well so apologies if that is the case.
    silku likes this.
  3. silku Augur

    Session Start: Thu Dec 20 12:24:46 2012
    Session Ident:#Enchanter
    [12:24] ->> You joined channel #Enchanter
    [12:24] ->> Channel created on 12/20/2012 12:04:34 PM
    [12:24] * Chaldene sets mode +o Jehmal for #enchanter
    [12:24] * Asmadeus ( has joined #enchanter
    [12:25] * Chaldene sets mode -o Chaldene for #enchanter
    [12:25] <Chaldene> hi guys
    [12:25] <Asmadeus> hihi
    [12:25] <@Jehmal> Hiya
    [12:25] <Asmadeus> an' Jehmal stole my idea _before_ I did it, it's kinda unfair :p
    [12:26] <@Jehmal> lol
    [12:26] * Jehmal sets mode +o Asmadeus for #enchanter
    [12:26] <@Asmadeus> Aaanyway, ignore me, but ideas out of the top of my head
    [12:26] * Filatal ( has joined #enchanter
    [12:27] <Chaldene> =)
    [12:27] * Ismel ( has joined #enchanter
    [12:27] <@Asmadeus> new ranks of azure/mind crystals, since I still use 'em an' know quite a few do but they're gettin' low on impact
    [12:27] <@Asmadeus> wooo Ismel :D
    [12:27] * Mykaylla ( has joined #Enchanter
    [12:27] * Jehmal sets mode +o Mykaylla for #enchanter
    [12:27] <Ismel> he turned that down last year Asm
    [12:27] * BJ ( has joined #enchanter
    [12:27] <@Asmadeus> aww
    [12:27] <BJ> ok, awesome
    [12:27] <Ismel> doubrt he will go this year but can try
    [12:27] <Filatal> the health one I use a lot, mana, meh, but might as well ask
    [12:27] <BJ> i'm here, thanks Asmadeus
    [12:27] <@Mykaylla> Turned down which?
    [12:27] * Asmadeus sets mode +o Ismel for #enchanter
    [12:27] <Chaldene> im happy, he approved a actual doppleganger for us
    [12:28] <@Ismel> new crystal aas
    [12:28] <@Asmadeus> Mykaylla: new ranks of azure/sanguine mind crystals
    [12:28] <@Mykaylla> Does everyone here know the basic "rules to dealing with ELidroth"?
    [12:28] <Chaldene> to take the hate, warriors always made me jealous =(
    [12:28] <BJ> yes, i'd love to see more ranks of the crystals
    [12:28] <@Jehmal> Is there anyone here who would like to volunteeer to be the 'voice'?
    [12:28] <@Mykaylla> I desperately want new crystals
    [12:28] <BJ> no, this is my first IRC chat of any kind lol
    [12:28] <@Mykaylla> The trick with it is to say something like this:
    [12:28] <@Asmadeus> I'm afraid I won't be able to stay long, so can't be it :(
    [12:28] <BJ> Mykaylla
    [12:29] <@Jehmal> I think Mykaylla would be good as well, she's familiar with Eli and likey will do better at it than the rest of us
    [12:30] <@Jehmal> Idea: Compliant Lurch AA. (Possibly ranked with a non-raid flag, level 95/97/99 etc)
    [12:30] <@Mykaylla> Existing Enchanter AA Request: Azure Mind Crystal. Last updated in Underfoot. WIth increased costs on spells, is it possible to get an additional rank to bring it up, even at a worse return on mana, to give enough to work with after death?
    [12:30] <BJ> so, what is our system here? are we submitting ideas here and then someone is presenting them to Elidroth?
    [12:30] <@Asmadeus> Mykaylla: that looks good :)
    [12:30] <@Ismel> going to ask for quick mez 5 10 15% spell haste to only mez spells
    [12:31] <@Mykaylla> You always put the full name, no abbreviations, and asking if something is possible, he is generally more amenable to, with a good, concise reason.
    [12:31] <@Mykaylla> Otherwise, he gets grumpy. ~Laughs~
    [12:31] <@Jehmal> I like the Azure mind Crystal request as well
    [12:32] <Filatal> need to include the sanguine crystal. I use that much more than azure :/
    [12:32] <@Mykaylla> Yeah
    [12:32] <@Mykaylla> But better to ask individually.
    [12:32] <@Asmadeus> I use both lots actually, they're really nifty
    [12:32] <@Jehmal> So ask for Azure first, then sanguine second
    [12:32] <Filatal> azure = when I think about it, sanguine = hotkeyed
    [12:32] <Chaldene> he said yes to quick mez :)
    [12:32] <@Jehmal> nod quick mez is a good one, nice
    [12:33] <BJ> why not include both aa's in the request? An AA that produces one of both with one ability? they are lore, and they are instantly summoned, so that shouldn't be too bad
    [12:33] <@Mykaylla> Well
    [12:33] <@Jehmal> BJ - Because he might reject one but approve the other.
    [12:33] <@Mykaylla> THat would be a third request
    [12:33] <BJ> ah ok i see
    [12:33] <@Mykaylla> ANd exactly what Jehmal said
    [12:34] <@Asmadeus> Another very impossible idea that'd rock would be make spell casting subtlety disabl'able, but I don't see how it would be technically possible given what exists :(
    [12:34] <@Mykaylla> Better to give him options, than a big pile he just flat out "nos"
    [12:34] <@Asmadeus> an' I don't want an AA that summons both at once, would cost more mana an' you most of the time only want to summon one
    [12:35] <BJ> i don't even use them anymore because they are basically obsolete with today's mana/hp pools, if they got upgraded, they would be put back into existence for many i'm sure
    [12:35] <@Ismel> the disable aa is in the works but it a ode thing
    [12:35] <@Ismel> code even
    [12:35] <@Ismel> soem dev mentined it at FF i thinkit was
    [12:35] <@Jehmal> So let's try to do it this way. Mykaylla said that she would be willing to be the 'voice' of the channel. So let's give her a list of things we want to ask for. Then she can ask them as time permits. First I think we should do the crystals. One then the other.
    [12:35] <@Mykaylla> It came up in cleric chat
    [12:35] <@Ismel> and sorry my spellnig stinks im pretending to raid P
    [12:35] <BJ> that works for me Jehmal
    [12:35] <@Mykaylla> He thinks that Shang's request will be doable
    [12:35] <@Mykaylla> For reversing SCS, in essence
    [12:36] <@Mykaylla> Okay
    [12:36] <BJ> something I think we all would find VERY useful,An AA version of Blanket of Forgetfulness
    [12:37] <@Mykaylla> Yeah, that's one I've been wanting. :/
    [12:37] <@Asmadeus> that'd be coooool
    [12:38] <@Jehmal> Request: Hastened fog of memories. Would like to see it reduced to 0.5 seconds (same as the belt from Underfoot).
    [12:38] <BJ> well, we have single target AA blur, why not AE? basically we're forced to keep a lvl 55 spell memmed all the time lol, it would have the same functionality, same recast, but just on an AA!
    [12:38] * Ismel ( Quit ( Quit: ajax IRC Client )
    [12:39] <BJ> yay! we got a possible :p
    [12:39] <Filatal> Fog of memories can't go below 1.25, would have to be a new request
    [12:40] <@Jehmal> What prevents it from going below 1.25?
    [12:40] <Filatal> 50% max haste
    [12:40] <Filatal> hard coded, currently at 2.5
    [12:40] <@Jehmal> ahh I see
    [12:41] * Ismel ( has joined #enchanter
    [12:41] <@Jehmal> I'd also like to see a gravity well effect, sort of like the pumpkin guy in grounds, that pulls up to 6 mobs around us to our feet. An AA to do that would be great.
    [12:42] <@Asmadeus> AE lurch that can't be kept up, that could be accepted :) As a cone?
    [12:42] <Ismel> anoying drop /
    [12:43] <@Mykaylla> Yeah, he can't haste (as in quicken) any AA or spell more than 50%
    [12:43] <@Jehmal> I agree Asm, an AE lurch would be great and an AA lurch too.
    [12:43] <Ismel> well if they removed lurch im guessing we wont get a better one as an aa P
    [12:44] <@Jehmal> I'd acutally like to see an equivalent one that lasts less time. (I find lurch to last too long for what i use it for)
    [12:44] <@Asmadeus> Well if it's just a temporary thing you can't keep up, it might happen
    [12:44] <BJ> a suggestion that I personally love an AA that could "share" the enchanters mana with the group. For instance, the AA could use a chunk of the Enchanters mana pool and use that to refresh the minds of each group member. or....issue enchanters an AA that has an updated effect of second spire, adding a buff that lands on an entire group that is essentially a HoT for mana. what do you guys
    [12:44] <BJ> think?
    [12:44] <@Asmadeus> like warriors'
    [12:44] <BJ> yay for crystals! :)
    [12:45] <Ismel> could add group buff to mana draw instead of a self only recourse maybe
    [12:45] <@Jehmal> Another I'd like to see brought up early, while Eli is in a good mood: Can we get enchanters added to pet focus items?
    [12:45] <BJ> that would be hugely overpowered IMO, that issues ALOT of mana, and regens 750/tick
    [12:45] <@Asmadeus> you. . . actually use.. shiny bob?
    [12:46] <Filatal> Efficiency is where we lack to a large degree, but Mana Draw being group is probably a bit OP
    [12:46] <@Jehmal> No, I don't. That's the point.
    [12:46] <Ismel> jsut the recourse not maan draw it self
    [12:46] <Chaldene> what are we, 4 for 4 ?
    [12:46] * Chaldene smiles
    [12:46] <@Jehmal> If shiny bob were usuable, it'd benefit those enchanters who don't want to charm all the time. But in his current state,
  4. silku Augur

    there is no point in summoning him (IMO)
    [12:46] <@Asmadeus> I'd rather see charm pets bein' less powerless :(
    [12:46] <BJ> well, i asked about innate charisma cap increase, he said all stats were cappped, and even though he could do it, it wouldn't help at all
    [12:47] <@Asmadeus> I'm more DPS straight nuking than my pet in just about all places I know now
    [12:47] <BJ> so, i guess that one was a yes/no lol
    [12:47] <Chaldene> i have a question regarding pets, do we want to be included on Enhanced Minion items ?
    [12:47] <Ismel> waste of time
    [12:47] <Ismel> wont work on charm and i never use the summoned one
    [12:47] <@Jehmal> ^^ That's what I said up there a moment ago. I think it's worth asking, even if it's a waste of time to some.
    [12:47] <@Asmadeus> Chaldene: that's what Jehmal suggested yes, but I tend to agree with Ismel :p
    [12:47] <Chaldene> make shiny bob a bit more useful, not much but maybe to help us a bit more
    [12:48] <Chaldene> :)
    [12:48] <Filatal> there are things we can ask, doesn't have to fit "our" play style, but it may fit some enchanter's play styles.
    [12:48] <@Asmadeus> Well can't hurt to ask I guess, we can be greedy :p
    [12:48] <Ismel> would need to re spec shiny bob totaly for that to work i think also adding pets to focus is a lot of work
    [12:48] <Filatal> but, yea, bob
    [12:48] <Chaldene> is Poac an enchanter ?
    [12:48] <@Jehmal> the other thing I'd like to see is something along the lines of "Illusion of Grandeur" - An AA that allows enchanter charms to add a 'dual wield' flag to the mobs he charms
    [12:48] <Ismel> but go for it
    [12:49] <@Jehmal> Poac is a ranger.
    [12:49] <Chaldene> :(
    [12:49] <BJ> well, if we're being greedy (and I think we should be because as ENC we get the crap end of the stick SO much LOL) then I'd like to suggest an AA line for mez mastery affecting ONLY AE's since they changed the current one for single wouldn't have to be as powerful as the existing one, but anything more than 6secs on PBAE is gonna make it more useful
    [12:50] <@Asmadeus> ooh, so that's why :p
    [12:50] <@Jehmal> In the idea of making our charm mobs stronger.. What if we ask for enchanter charm pets to be affected by Pet AA? (Companions agility/durabilty etc)
    [12:51] <@Asmadeus> group heals/group cures would suck
    [12:51] <@Asmadeus> so does splash :/
    [12:51] * Poac ( has joined #enchanter
    [12:51] <Ismel> they wont work Jehmal
    [12:51] <Poac> look
    [12:51] <Poac> im trying
    [12:51] <Poac> TO GET MY MANA ON
    [12:51] <@Asmadeus> oh he actually did :D
    [12:51] <Ismel> agility/dur are actualy items given to pets
    [12:51] <@Jehmal> I was under the impression you were a ranger Poac?
    [12:51] <Poac> ranger, chanter
    [12:51] <Poac> we're all
    [12:51] <Poac> the same thing bro
    [12:51] <Ismel> and if you gave that to charmed mobs they would stick after release
    [12:52] <Filatal> yea, like EM items summon a cloak on the pet
    [12:52] <@Jehmal> Ismel - ahh, unless they simply added a strip in the break to remove items (but that would strip weapons too)
    [12:52] <@Mykaylla> Okay, so, recapping in shorthand, quickened fog of memories, 6 target lure, mana over time...
    [12:52] <@Mykaylla> Re: pet focus gear
    [12:52] <Ismel> yep and any items pet already have on them
    [12:52] <@Mykaylla> That's not ELidroth
    [12:52] <Poac> Targetable mana focus crystal, we can agree this is all
    [12:52] <Poac> the most important
    [12:53] <@Mykaylla> That's Chandrok and Aristo, because ot make a pet focusable by them, they have to create a different version of the pet and the spell
    [12:53] <Ismel> the dualwield added to charm is a good idea thou but not really an aa
    [12:53] <Filatal> true and good point, Myk
    [12:53] <@Mykaylla> It's why not all pets focus
    [12:53] <Ismel> could combine it with an illusion i guess
    [12:53] <BJ> don't forget the AA for blanket of forgetfulness Mykaylla
    [12:53] <@Jehmal> Ismel - Was thinking it would be an AA that adds it to all of our charms (keeps us from having to change any spells, all charms get it)
    [12:53] <Chaldene> Poac, can you please leave enchanter requests up to the enchanters, we have been playing enchanters a long time. I'm not jumping on you, but please leave descions to us in the channel on what to ask for, as it effects us specifically.
    [12:53] <@Asmadeus> Jehmal: strip weapons so we'd have to give a set again everytime charm breaks? :p
    [12:53] <Poac> but, mana crystal
    [12:54] <Chaldene> i know, its a great idea
    [12:54] <Poac> ok
    [12:54] <Poac> GL WITH UR DAY!
    [12:54] * Poac ( has left #enchanter
    [12:54] <Chaldene> can we add that on the list for later maybe ?
    [12:54] <Chaldene> It will be risky i think
    [12:54] <Ismel> defenitly
    [12:54] <Ismel> a no wont bother me much P
    [12:55] <Filatal> The cone lure I'm a little meh about, but go ahead. But never hurts to ask
    [12:55] <Ismel> agree
    [12:55] <@Asmadeus> just specifically say it's gotta have a short duration an' longer recast
    [12:55] <BJ> thanks Mykaylla, i didn't see you'd already answered it, you rock
    [12:55] <BJ> *you'd already asked it even lol
    [12:56] <BJ> that's AWESOME!
    [12:56] <Chaldene> :)
    [12:56] <Ismel> sweet =)
    [12:56] <Chaldene> so far a great day and we are not a hour in
    [12:57] <Ismel> id really like some group burst aas
    [12:57] <Ismel> but its tricky what to ask for that stacks ok
    [12:58] <@Asmadeus> group burst? like more ADPS?
    [12:59] <@Jehmal> I've seen two different schools of thought for our adps situation - 1. Give us melee ADPS auras, 2. Ignore melee and give us stronger caster ADPS. or 3. Give us another level of auroria mastery
    [13:00] <@Asmadeus> more auroria mastery won't be accepted imo
    [13:00] <@Asmadeus> an' melee adps auras would be spell, so not Elidroth's thing?
    [13:00] <Filatal> none of those really fit in the AA discussion as long as you are looking at auras, except 3 and that likely won't fly ( or be of much use )
    [13:01] <@Asmadeus> would be of great use, I'd love to have 3 auras up, but most certainly won't be accepted :p
    [13:01] <@Asmadeus> 2. could be added as an AA though, but as Ismel pointed out there are lots of stacking issues
    [13:01] <Ismel> 3rd aura was turned down the last 2 years so doubt it (
    [13:01] <BJ> yes, i'd love to have an AA for a third aura, we have SO many, and can only use two...
    [13:01] <Ismel> I was thinking more of a super flare
    [13:01] <Ismel> like 10k base and maybe 5 7 9 hits
    [13:01] <Ismel> with a 20min reuse
    [13:02] <Filatal> I struggle as to which 3, most auras are fairly weak outside of TC and MR
    [13:02] <Chaldene> my husband plays a necro and he is sitting here next to me and he is playing backseat driver, he says Elidroth turned down any talk of Auras yesterday. So I don't know
    [13:02] <@Asmadeus> mana regen, runic aura, learner's... plenty more
    [13:02] <@Mykaylla> Sorry I'm quiet here, Ellie PMing me
    [13:02] <BJ> Mana Regen, Twincast, and Learners
    [13:02] <BJ> afk a few my fellow chanters ;)
    [13:03] <Chaldene> :)
    [13:03] <@Asmadeus> I like Ismel's super-flare idea though, can't hurt adding at the bottom of the list
    [13:04] <@Jehmal> Just remember we want to have some no's in there too
    [13:04] <Ismel> well maybe 10k was a bit high but twice the normal value might fly
    [13:04] <Ismel> so 7500is
    [13:05] <@Jehmal> semi afk a few mins, guildy needs my help
    [13:06] <Chaldene> uh oh
    [13:06] <@Mykaylla> One thing i want to ask for, btw
    [13:06] <Chaldene> i winced at that request
    [13:07] <@Mykaylla> Is wizards asked for something yesterday
    [13:07] <@Mykaylla> And Elidroth said he liked it
    [13:07] <@Mykaylla> But would like to give it to another class
    [13:07] <@Mykaylla> So that they'd have to have synergy, not do it on their own
    [13:07] <Chaldene> husband says, Embalmer's
    [13:07] <@Mykaylla> Heh
    [13:07] <Chaldene> he's mad
    [13:07] <@Mykaylla> It's worth asking. Wizards did and got a probably
    [13:07] <Chaldene> :p
    [13:08] <Chaldene> wow
    [13:08] <Chaldene> thats amazing
    [13:08] <Chaldene> i will take it!
    [13:08] <Ismel> didnt see that comming P
  5. silku Augur

    [13:08] <Filatal> Did I miss what you wanted to ask for, Myk?
    [13:08] <Ismel> multi target is going to be tricky
    [13:09] <@Mykaylla> I have to get the exact quote
    [13:09] <@Asmadeus> I think it was some debuff that'd be great for wizzies
    [13:09] <Chaldene> i am, speechless
    [13:09] <Chaldene> 6 target Lurch
    [13:09] <@Mykaylla> But it will increase the damage of etheral spells
    [13:09] <Chaldene> thats like robbing the bank and the cops saying, Sure go ahead, need a drive to the mall ?
    [13:10] <@Mykaylla> Sometimes, it's in how you say it. :)
    [13:10] <@Mykaylla> And not getting pissy when he says no. :)
    [13:10] <Chaldene> we haven;t got a no yet :)
    [13:10] <Ismel> and how much you pm about bribes!
    [13:10] <BJ> i'm back :)
    [13:10] <BJ> and i just saw the 6 target lurch idea with an ok...that's awesome
    [13:10] <Chaldene> beyond awesome
    [13:11] <Chaldene> i am super happy
    [13:12] <BJ> btw Mykaylla your idea bout what wizards asked for, what was it? was it like...burst dps?
    [13:12] <Filatal> Must of missed that yesterday, but it is similar to a thought I had. An AA Tash that helps more than just chromatics to make us more useful to other classes
    [13:12] <@Mykaylla> A debuff that gives a damage focus to ethereals
    [13:12] <BJ> oh, nice, that would be awesome
    [13:13] <Ismel> ohh like the bp clicky for chromatic ?
    [13:13] <@Mykaylla> I was thinking of calling it Ether Vortex. An enchanter summons an ethereal storm of mana that increases damages from spells from the ether
    [13:13] <BJ> like Filatal said, either targeted or AE (i think targetted would be more useful on raid situations tho) where the AA tash increases damage taken from cold/magic as well as chromatic
    [13:13] <Ismel> just add it to deep sleeep P
    [13:14] <@Mykaylla> He doesn't want it perma
    [13:14] <@Mykaylla> It's a short-term
    [13:14] <BJ> so it would be for burns
    [13:14] <@Mykaylla> Yes
    [13:14] <@Mykaylla> Beimeith asked for it, and Elidroth liked it
    [13:14] <@Mykaylla> But didn't want THEM to have it
    [13:14] <BJ> that would be nice
    [13:14] <@Mykaylla> So I said to self "Self, chanters need to ask for it."
    [13:15] <Ismel> defenitly
    [13:15] <BJ> i think your "self" was right ;)
    [13:15] <Filatal> ethereals are coded outside of fire/cold mechanics?
    [13:15] <BJ> and i like the name too ;)
    [13:15] * Asmadeus nods
    [13:15] <Ismel> so both fire and ice ?
    [13:15] <@Mykaylla> They already want chanters to be for casters what bards are for melee- said so at fan faire
    [13:15] <BJ> oh, nice, we need upgrade to twincast aura then! :p haha
    [13:15] <@Asmadeus> no aura talk tonight though :)
    [13:15] <Filatal> yea, and I want enchanters to be for melee what bards are for casters, but they don't see it that way!
    [13:15] <BJ> wonder if they can implement an AA that would affect the chance percentage of the spell
    [13:16] <Ismel> how to add the mechanic xxx dmg to etheral spell group ?
    [13:16] <@Mykaylla> Can someone shorthand post all of the requests, just so there's less scrolling? I'm getting PM hell a the moment. :/
    [13:17] <Filatal> Super Flare AA, Large MR group buff on long reuse timer for burns
    [13:17] <Chaldene> if they want chanters, to be for casters, what bards are for melee, then I am thinking we need a group buff that adds 40 % of damage to all damage spells, similar to bard Aria
    [13:17] <Ismel> its in the work
    [13:17] <Filatal> Targettable Azure Crystals
    [13:17] <Ismel> checl spell dat theres a new enc aura calls spell damage
    [13:18] <Ismel> place holder for new RoF spells
    [13:18] * Teferi ( has joined #enchanter
    [13:18] <BJ> let me scroll up and look at everything said, i'll send you a PM with everything (reader's digest version_ lol
    [13:18] <Filatal> Ismel, I want us to have for melee what bards have for casters, until that happens, bards can still replace us at a whim but we can't do the reverse
    [13:20] <Filatal> +Damage Debuff ( Ethereal/fire/ice? )
    [13:20] <Filatal> so that's the 3 I see discussed atm, Super Flare, Targettable Azure Crystal, +Damage Debuff
    [13:21] <Ismel> limiting it to just etherals is abit meh thou would only help raids and if you happen to goup with a wizard
    [13:21] <Ismel> not all the rest of the time
    [13:22] <@Asmadeus> the ethereal thingie was meant to be a debuff on the mob an' not a group version as well (well, yesterday's discussion about it was - doesn't mean we can't change it)
    [13:22] <Teferi> I would like a group or targetable mana draw. Also a Rune Unity AA which would cast Eldrich/Veil of the Mindshadow or at least unlink the timers.
    [13:22] <Ismel> maybe ask for it to simply boost fire/ice dmg ?
    [13:22] <@Mykaylla> Well
    [13:23] <@Mykaylla> Aristo tried to create something that boosted all wizard spells
    [13:23] <@Mykaylla> ANd it didn't work
    [13:23] <Ismel> nod
    [13:23] <@Mykaylla> Rangers already boost fire, so there's some stacking issues
    [13:23] <Ismel> ohh yes
    [13:23] <@Mykaylla> Which is I think why Beimeith made it the way it did
    [13:23] <Ismel> i forgot about that
    [13:23] <@Mykaylla> Er, he did
    [13:23] <Ismel> nod makes sense
    [13:24] <Chaldene> auras are bad, husband sitting in chair saying, " i told you so "
    [13:24] <BJ> was worth asking imo
    [13:24] <Chaldene> :(
    [13:24] <BJ> never know unless you ask!
    [13:24] <Chaldene> was our first no
    [13:24] <Chaldene> lol
    [13:24] <Teferi> haha, guess that's a no go on auras
    [13:25] <Chaldene> true BJ
    [13:25] <Chaldene> :)
    [13:25] <Filatal> yea, druids have +fire and +ice damage already, not as clear on the rangers
    [13:26] <Ismel> magic ?
    [13:26] <@Mykaylla> Worst he can say is no.
    [13:26] <Ismel> i hear the new magic etheral is very good
    [13:26] <Ismel> but not sure how many classes actualy cast magic spells
    [13:26] <Filatal> I still don't know why you want 3 auras, neither mana nor runic is good enough to swap a spell slot for and no way its getting a perma slot =p
    [13:27] <Ismel> lerners i guess
    [13:27] <Filatal> learners...i could see
    [13:27] <Ismel> or charm !
    [13:27] <Teferi> It would be kind of annoying to cast that mana auras. How about ask for perma aura? No recasting auras!
    [13:27] <Ismel> could defenitly use that
    [13:27] <Ismel> wont happen
    [13:27] <@Mykaylla> Paladins, clerics, SKs, druids, necros, shaman
    [13:27] <Ismel> they got a duration for a reason
    [13:27] <Teferi> Extendtion? =P
    [13:27] <@Mykaylla> He won't, it's been asked
    [13:27] <Ismel> and its more of a spell thing really
    [13:28] <@Mykaylla> Won't increase range, duration, et cetera, of auras
    [13:28] <Filatal> shaman increase magic damage
    [13:29] <Ismel> 20% to all spell dmg 90sec duration 20min reuse
    [13:29] <Ismel> P
    [13:29] <BJ> i guess the next thing would be the debuff that increases damage taken from ethereals
    [13:29] <@Asmadeus> Filatal: an' tash totem an' mana regen an' runic aura I use all of these in raids if there's another chanter in group (we're many)
    [13:29] <Filatal> so, I think something targetting to just Ethereals could be useful, more for raiding than grouping
    [13:29] <@Mykaylla> I'll paste what he said in a sec, pulling my log
    [13:29] <Ismel> yes
    [13:29] <Ismel> bit so limiting
    [13:30] <Ismel> bit=but
    [13:30] <Filatal> but, could ask for a larger +damage or +% being so limited
    [13:30] <@Mykaylla> [12:20] <Beimeith> Elidroth, Would you be willing to do a debuff to increase incoming damage, (SPA 296) but restricted by spell group to only certain wizard spells? Spell groups for Ethereal nukes: 16500, 16534, 16550
    [13:30] <@Mykaylla> [12:25] <@Elidroth> I suspect Aristo will go for the damage debuff idea for Ethereals.. but he'll probably want me to put it on a different class
    [13:30] <@Mykaylla> [12:25] <@Elidroth> I like that personally too
    [13:30] <@Mykaylla> [12:25] <@Elidroth> lol
    [13:30] <@Mykaylla> [12:25] <@Elidroth> make you work together.. play nicely..
    [13:30] <@Mykaylla> [12:26] * Mykaylla makes a note for chanter chat tomorrow then...
  6. silku Augur

    [13:31] <Ismel> well post the log and ask for it
    [13:31] <Ismel> and see what he say
    [13:31] <BJ> agree with Mykaylla :)
    [13:31] <@Mykaylla> Yep, was just catching channel up with what was said
    [13:32] <BJ> i'm surprised there aren't more enchanters here representing! lol
    [13:32] <@Mykaylla> Oh
    [13:32] <@Mykaylla> And mana overburn neeeeeds fixing
    [13:32] <Ismel> most are at work atm
    [13:33] <BJ> yeah, agree with mana overburn comment
    [13:33] <Ismel> say no to singel target buffs!
    [13:33] <@Asmadeus> I don't see the problem, I'm on IRC most of the time at work :p
    [13:33] <Filatal> I just came back this year and level 70-95 ( now 100 ), I saw 0 other enchanters 70-90 and had many groups state they had never grouped with one before.....dying breed
    [13:34] <Ismel> ohh by the way about etheral
    [13:34] <Ismel> can with combine it with another activated aa
    [13:34] <BJ> yeah, enchanters are rare these days it seems
    [13:34] <Ismel> im running out of room as it is
    [13:34] <Ismel> maybe bit of tash
    [13:34] <Ismel> or deep sleep
    [13:35] <Teferi> Anychance of our AE tash AA with the debuffs included in there
    [13:35] <@Mykaylla> SO mana group recovery options- mana over time, include a recourse to draw, and sacrifice chanter mana to feed the group
    [13:35] <@Mykaylla> Any others?
    [13:35] <Teferi> That AA is so old it still debuffs in red instead of yellow
    [13:35] <@Mykaylla> What about Bite? Upgrade?
    [13:35] <Teferi> Yes
    [13:36] <@Mykaylla> Heh, yeah, it's red even if it's unresistable which is funny
    [13:36] <@Mykaylla> kk
    [13:36] <@Asmadeus> I think bite is good enough (as in I don't get much resists when I use it), but can't hurt gettin' it updated
    [13:36] <BJ> some kind of upgrade to 2nd spire, which is a mana HoT, it isn't much with todays mana pools, it's becomming obsolete
    [13:36] <Ismel> no i ment combine bit of tash with the new etheral debuff
    [13:37] <@Asmadeus> bite of tash is a very short range AE, can't see myself using it on raids
    [13:37] <Ismel> increase the range
    [13:37] <Ismel> if we are chaning it anyway
    [13:38] <Ismel> was mostly to get less activated aas
    [13:40] <@Asmadeus> I kinda like havin' lots an' lots of buttons, people are always impressed at how many hotbars I have up now we can have more than 4 :p
    [13:40] <BJ> i run with 9
    [13:40] <@Mykaylla> I have too many hotbars
    [13:40] <BJ> but one is for travel (gate/origin/anchors/other port clickies)
    [13:40] <@Mykaylla> wtb a second spellbar
    [13:40] <@Mykaylla> could fill anothe spellbar in seconds, and still be picking and choosing. ~Sighs~
    [13:41] <BJ> that was discussed at fan faire Mykaylla, they said they couldn't give us more slots for memmed spells, but they discussed the idea of a revolving spell hotbar
    [13:41] <@Asmadeus> now we're talking :D
    [13:41] <@Mykaylla> Heh, I know they did.
    [13:41] <BJ> basically having multiple pages of memmed spells
    [13:41] <@Mykaylla> But I still want one!
    [13:41] <@Asmadeus> so you'd _instantly_ swap sets?
    [13:41] <BJ> the idea I got was kinda like other hotbars, you know, with the arrows
    [13:42] <BJ> but then one of the ppl there suggested something that i found intriguing
    [13:42] <BJ> and that was basically having multiple spells "lined up" per gem
    [13:42] <BJ> so that when you cast one, while it was on refresh, the next one would pop up....i think that would be uber confusing though lol
    [13:43] <Filatal> So far what I've seen on these chats Spires=HHE=IVU, all no go
    [13:43] <BJ> and could get ppl in some bad situations
    [13:43] <@Asmadeus> I spam my spells waitin' for 'em to pop back up :(
    [13:43] <@Asmadeus> stunstunstunstunstunstunstuns
    [13:43] <BJ> spires aren't getting upgrades, but i would like to see a completely new aa for it, with a similar ability
    [13:44] <Filatal> Ok, but don't mention the word spire in there anywhere
    [13:44] <BJ> yeah, i called it a mana HoT :)
    [13:44] <BJ> for the grp
    [13:44] <BJ> which is what 2nd spire is :p
    [13:44] <@Mykaylla> Yes, you just can't say that word
    [13:45] <@Asmadeus> that's too similar imo, sacrificing our own mana would have some merit though, like necro's twitch
    [13:45] <@Mykaylla> Anyone have the spell file open?
    [13:45] <@Mykaylla> I can ask for each.
    [13:45] <@Mykaylla> Giving him options to pick and choose can be useful
    [13:45] <@Asmadeus> yep
    [13:45] <Filatal> I have lucy up, but not the actual spell file
    [13:45] <BJ> i do not
    [13:45] <@Mykaylla> Bah, I need a timer
    [13:45] <@Mykaylla> I'll see if I can pull it from my beta file
    [13:45] <Filatal> what ability?
    [13:46] <@Mykaylla> The timer for second spire of enchantment
    [13:46] <@Mykaylla> The idea is
    [13:46] <@Mykaylla> To ask for a mana over time
    [13:46] <@Mykaylla> On that timer
    [13:46] <@Mykaylla> That is an upgrade
    [13:46] <@Mykaylla> Without ever saying "Spire"
    [13:46] <@Mykaylla> :D
    [13:46] <@Jehmal> I still want a 'cascading rune' AA similar to the Vow of Valor spell clerics have, but that gives us a rune when struck (up to 10 charges)
    [13:46] <Teferi> lol
    [13:46] <@Mykaylla> If it's a spire, he won't touch it
    [13:46] <@Asmadeus> He'll notice :)
    [13:46] <@Asmadeus> especially if you give him the timer
    [13:47] <@Mykaylla> A defensive or offensive rune Jehmal?
    [13:47] <@Mykaylla> Vow is an offiensive combat proc
    [13:47] <@Mykaylla> Ward is defensive
    [13:47] <@Mykaylla> *offensive
    [13:48] <@Mykaylla> Ward is a defensive damage proc
    [13:48] <@Asmadeus> someone _else_ tell [Alt][F4] to join the chan? Sent him a message an' that didn't work :p
    [13:48] <@Jehmal> defensive rune
    [13:48] <@Jehmal> but it would be a self buff that consistently runes us, not just once
    [13:49] <@Jehmal> Vow of Valor heals the cleric when they are hit
    [13:49] <@Jehmal> Would like to see us with a rune that does the same
    [13:49] <@Mykaylla> No it doesn't
    [13:49] <@Jehmal> or am I reading vow wrong?
    [13:49] * [Alt][F4] ( has joined #enchanter
    [13:49] <@Mykaylla> Shining Armour does
    [13:49] * Asmadeus cheers
    [13:49] <@Jehmal> ahh shining armor then is what I'm after
    [13:49] <@Mykaylla> Vow is an offensive combat proc
    [13:49] <@Mykaylla> GOtcha
    [13:50] <@Mykaylla> Hey there
    [13:50] <BJ> hey alt :
    [13:50] <BJ> :D
    [13:50] <[Alt][F4]> sup
    [13:50] <Chaldene> My husband is laughing
    [13:51] <Chaldene> he says you all are going to come to hate twitching
    [13:51] <@Mykaylla> Pff
    [13:51] <Chaldene> :(
    [13:51] <@Mykaylla> I am a cleric, and a chanter
    [13:51] <@Mykaylla> I twitch all the time
    [13:51] <Chaldene> :)
    [13:51] <@Mykaylla> robe, spire, quiet miracle
    [13:51] <@Mykaylla> ;)
    [13:51] <@Asmadeus> so summary on mana thingie for [Alt][F4] - either something like 2nd spire (without _ever_ saying spire), or a group recourse to mana draw, or plain twitching or I forgot
    [13:51] <BJ> now that is an idea...i never understood why clerics got something like quiet miracle OVER enchanters lol
    [13:51] <BJ> i mean, mana is our specialty, right? no sense at all
    [13:52] <@Mykaylla> Ha, I know why it happened
    [13:52] <@Mykaylla> You can blame Elidroth
    [13:52] <[Alt][F4]> yah any of those would work im just tired of having all mana and waiting for group mate to get some heh
    [13:52] <@Mykaylla> We asked for two different things. He put them in one
  7. silku Augur

    [13:52] <@Jehmal> Yeah =/ I'm usually full and waiting on the tank or the healer
    [13:52] <@Asmadeus> well until rof I'd agree, with rof I'm usually within the first to run oom :p
    [13:52] <BJ> we're not the only ones running out
    [13:52] <BJ> magi too
    [13:53] <BJ> pop a burn and just watch that mana bar drop lol
    [13:53] <@Asmadeus> magicians run out fast, but they get gather mana an' two rods
    [13:53] <@Asmadeus> but yeah :)
    [13:53] <BJ> wizzies too, but they have a few harvests they can use
    [13:53] <BJ> that don't share timers like OURS do lol /gumble
    [13:53] <BJ> *grumble even
    [13:55] <@Jehmal> You guys must be nuking more than I do or something, I'm usually pulling so I just dot twice and run out again
    [13:56] <@Asmadeus> when pulling yeah, never running oom
    [13:56] <@Asmadeus> I usually run around so no pulling
    [13:56] <Ismel> dots are evil!
    [13:56] <@Asmadeus> just handle mobs where they are
    [13:56] <BJ> i can't resist nuking with our new 100 nuke, high 90K crits are the norm, bard in grp, my highest is nearly 108K
    [13:59] <@Jehmal> I think we still have two requests on the floor. I think the "no" was for the mass project illusion thing
    [13:59] <Ismel> ya no out of group illusions
    [14:00] <Ismel> could use it to kill ppl in the right spots with no comeback
    [14:00] <Ismel> ie make ppl kos to near by npcs
    [14:00] <@Jehmal> Which means I think he hasn't responded to the mana explosion one yet
    [14:00] <@Mykaylla> Mass Stick Figure would be an amazing mass illusion
    [14:01] <Ismel> no doubt
    [14:01] <@Mykaylla> Byebye, bloated Lobby!
    [14:01] <BJ> lol Mykaylla, nice
    [14:01] <Ismel> honetly id settel for jsut stick as a spell
    [14:01] <@Asmadeus> out for dinner, will try to catch up when I come back. invited EverChanter to join chan as well - someone else continue with newcomers while I'm out :)
    [14:01] <Teferi> Not really sure why anyone would mass project illusions cept to annoy people.
    [14:01] <@Mykaylla> Cool
    [14:01] <@Asmadeus> Mykaylla: fix minor illusion first :(
    [14:01] <@Mykaylla> That
    [14:02] <@Mykaylla> is the coolest illusion ever
    [14:02] <Filatal> what's wrong with minor? I'm the potted plant all the time
    [14:03] <@Asmadeus> just doesn't stick on me in most zones? or if it does it poofs after a few ticks
    [14:03] <@Asmadeus> gotta say I haven't tried in a short while
    [14:03] <@Mykaylla> Show of hands- who dropped a platinum piece on the ground and then illusioned next to it and picked it up?
    [14:03] <Filatal> oh, don't mess with that much. Thought maybe you wanted to faction adjustment from 1999 back =p
    [14:03] <Ismel> burnt bread!
    [14:03] <Ismel> small bags
    [14:03] <Ismel> mod rods!
    [14:04] <@Mykaylla> Yesss
    [14:04] <@Mykaylla> Watching people try to pick you up was hilarious
    [14:04] <Ismel> once you could even be the big castle in G fay
    [14:06] <@Mykaylla> Oh man
    [14:06] <Teferi> No one likes Rune Unity? I hate I have to pick between Eldrich and Veil...
    [14:06] <Ismel> its been asked before
    [14:06] <@Mykaylla> Doing that now... you could lurch the guards over to the new entrance.
    [14:06] <Ismel> but try )
    [14:06] <@Mykaylla> Okay, I'll ask
    [14:07] <BJ> i stack eldrich and veil all the time, there isn't a stacking issue, they just share the same timer
    [14:07] <Teferi> Guess we get mana group mana recourse
    [14:07] <Ismel> proberly
    [14:07] <@Mykaylla> Correct, they share a timer.
    [14:07] <Ismel> or soemthing like it
    [14:07] <@Mykaylla> I can ask about unlinking it, instead, if you prefer?
    [14:08] <Filatal> unlinking I think would be preferable
    [14:08] <Teferi> Either way is fine with me
    [14:08] <Chaldene> i'm here guys just extremely busy, keeping tabs with the onversation as much as possible!
    [14:08] <BJ> that would probably be more more preferred
    [14:08] <@Mykaylla> Okay
    [14:08] <Ismel> can try but i asked 2 and 3 years ago )
    [14:08] <Chaldene> forgot a C there :/
    [14:11] <BJ> that's a great way of wording that request Mykaylla! *crosses fingers*
    [14:13] <BJ> yay!
    [14:13] <Teferi> Nice!
    [14:14] <Ismel> sweet 50k+ rune now P
    [14:14] <@Mykaylla> Hot damn
    [14:14] * Mykaylla dances
    [14:15] <Chaldene> :)
    [14:15] <Ismel> your on a roll! now ask for something really awesome dps thingy P
    [14:15] <Chaldene> Manaburn :)
    [14:15] <BJ> pretty good grack record for today
    [14:15] <Chaldene> j/k
    [14:17] <@Mykaylla> Manaburn. ~Laughs~
    [14:17] <@Mykaylla> Oh man
    [14:17] <@Mykaylla> Okay, so we still have
    [14:17] <Filatal> On the table:
    [14:17] <Filatal> Mana Overburn
    [14:17] <Filatal> Super Flare
    [14:18] <Filatal> Target Azure ( though I'm good with dropping this as a mana discussion thingy )
    [14:18] <Filatal> Ethereal Debuff, we hit this ?
    [14:18] <Ismel> should
    [14:18] <Ismel> its adps and we all we can get imo
    [14:19] <BJ> we did not hit ethereal debuff yet i don't think lol
    [14:19] <@Mykaylla> Ethereal debuff, grant dual wield (not sure if possible, but will ask), separate AA line for AE mez, embalmer's, a small but big AA mana flare...
    [14:20] <Chaldene> charm immunity ?
    [14:20] <@Mykaylla> Mana overburn fixd to actually work
    [14:20] <@Mykaylla> Oh, that's one! Thanks, I know that's been mentioned before
    [14:20] <Chaldene> :)
    [14:20] <Teferi> So if you have max mana overburn the recast on the single target is 10 secs less recast? Seems pretty worthless unless it makes the recast nill
    [14:21] <@Mykaylla> Sorry, Ellie is tossing ideas at me she has and seeing if they will work
    [14:21] <BJ> one more i'd like to add to the list, and I'm sure all chanters here will agree, further aa's to reduce the timer on Self Stasis
    [14:21] <Teferi> I mean I used it before we had the aura but now...
    [14:21] <@Mykaylla> It doesn't do anything at all. And getting furner ranks would be nice too
    [14:21] <@Mykaylla> You can hit people outside group with MR
    [14:22] <BJ> basically, compared to even NON pulling classes,enchanters are WAY behind on the reuse of our fade ability
    [14:22] <Filatal> Your SK's will love you ( since they don't get ench groups )
    [14:22] <@Mykaylla> Oh yes, self stasis
    [14:22] <@Mykaylla> THanks
    [14:22] <BJ> np, in comparison: Pally, Cleric, Warrior, Druid fades has a 3 minute reuse AND adds invis. Wizard fade has a 2:30 minute reuse, shadowsteps the wizard AND adds an invis.
    [14:23] <BJ> being a pulling/CC class, this definitely needs to be revisted
    [14:23] <BJ> *revisited even
    [14:23] <Ismel> dont mention shadowsetp!
    [14:23] <@Jehmal> Did we mention the EM item thing? I've been thinking about it and what if instead of adding us to EM (pet focus) items, we get a specific AA that is ranked. Each rank gives us one rank of pet focus
    [14:23] <@Jehmal> Thereby turning shiny bob into something worth casting
    [14:24] <Ismel> its an wonky aa fix for a spell that dont work...
    [14:24] <BJ> lol shiny bob is basically just another dot for us :p
    [14:24] <@Mykaylla> The thing with pet focus is it's not Elidroth
    [14:24] <@Mykaylla> When they make a new pet focus
    [14:24] <@Mykaylla> THey create an additional spell and additional pet template
    [14:25] <BJ> yeah
    [14:25] <@Mykaylla> For every pet spell that uses that new level of power
    [14:25] <Filatal> Oh, I want to ask something the clerics asked for and almost got...especially since it fits better with ench
    [14:25] <Filatal> Group spell reflect
    [14:25] <@Mykaylla> So, would need Aristo to create new spells and pets, to do that
    [14:25] <BJ> the only way to improve the pet with an AA is to suggest a pet buff AA, but I don't think that'll fly
    [14:25] <BJ> woot! self stasis fixed!
    [14:27] <Filatal> I'm fine if you want to chase down Aristo for EM addition, but please don't make me buy 15 ranks of useless pet AA :(
    [14:29] <@Jehmal> So don't buy them? I'd like itt o be the item but I'd take it from any way I can get it. I'd like to be able to use my pet to farm light blues or camp an aug now and then isntead of having to charm a pet and rune myself to get it done.
  8. silku Augur

    [14:31] <BJ> actually, hmm, what do you guys think about an AA request for a buff that can be used on our animations? maybe increase his base stats and mods?
    [14:31] <Chaldene> i agree Jehm
    [14:32] <@Mykaylla> Increase his stats for tanking, or DPS?
    [14:33] <@Mykaylla> Yay, I get some time to type up and get spell IDs
    [14:33] <@Jehmal> I'm not so concerned about dps, more for tanking IMO.
    [14:33] <BJ> hmmm, i don't think the enchanter pet will ever tank, maybe light blues, but that's pushing it i think
    [14:33] <BJ> but, whichever, i mean, anything that would make him stronger is better than nothing, right?
    [14:33] <@Jehmal> I agree, I'm not looking for a mage pet. But the last time I summoned my shiny bob.. he died on inc. So i summoned again. and again he wasn'te ven a speed bump. He was slapped on the way in and died.
    [14:34] <@Mykaylla> You want to know what's really sad?
    [14:34] <BJ> what's that?
    [14:34] <@Mykaylla> I was mostly AFK farming something grey a while back
    [14:34] <@Mykaylla> I figured I'd just get shiny bob out
    [14:34] <@Jehmal> You'd think though.. with the fact that we fight mobs in Argath etc, that are basically enchanter pets.. that even debuffed our pets don't even come close to tanking something
    [14:34] <@Mykaylla> And not pay much attention
    [14:34] <@Mykaylla> And then after he died, I charmed a grey mob
    [14:34] <@Mykaylla> ... the grey mob did better.
    [14:34] <@Mykaylla> By a lot. ~Laughs~
    [14:35] <@Mykaylla> Tanking, DPS, everything.
    [14:35] <@Jehmal> nod. Which means shiny bob is basically a spell line that keeps getting upgraded but never gets casted
    [14:36] <@Jehmal> I'd like to see shiny bob be able to tank like a 5 rank lower water pet imo. 96th level shiny bob, tanking like a 91st level air/water maybe. I don't see that as unbalanced.
    [14:36] <BJ> he keeps hitting for more, currently in the 700's i believe, which is why i refer to him as an extra dot lol
    [14:36] <BJ> but if he gets aggro, it's ta ta
    [14:36] <Filatal> well, just molo'd a Shard's Landing mob with 96 Bob, think he's fine for farming light blues /shrug
    [14:36] <@Jehmal> I'm betting you moloed a shard's landing 'weak mob'. Which you yourself can tank =P
    [14:36] <@Mykaylla> Me personally, if Shiny Bob were going to get upgrades, I'd rather see him mitigate, based on the idea that a charm pet is more damage, but you could use Shiny Bob as a speed bump instead of a speed ramp. But I'll ask for whatever people want to try.
    [14:37] <Filatal> Nope, I skipped the "weak" mob, did a Ivoryscale Serpent
    [14:37] <BJ> yes, i think damage mitigation would be best
    [14:37] <Filatal> but if you would like me to move to CC and do an orc, give me a few
    [14:37] <BJ> i molo'd a named in shards the other day, with a charmed snake lol
    [14:37] <@Jehmal> same, if I have to choose mitigation is more important.
    [14:38] <BJ> was the named snake, banescale serpent, but still....
    [14:38] <@Jehmal> Did you have to chain stun the entire time Fil?
    [14:38] <Filatal> only nuked
    [14:38] <Filatal> didn't even hit companion's blessing
    [14:38] <@Jehmal> Strange, that's not my experience with the pet at all =/
    [14:39] <@Jehmal> gonna go try a mob in like hot and see what happens
    [14:39] <Filatal> what level are you currently?
    [14:39] <@Jehmal> 96
    [14:39] <Filatal> the 96 pet is a little better, I think, honestly so rarely use him can't be certain
    [14:39] <Filatal> but he actually held is own for a bit against two Xorbb mobs
    [14:42] <@Jehmal> hrm he's able to tank the mobs in HoT but he's taking up to 1/4 damage to 1/2 a swing
    [14:42] <Filatal> I didn't say the cleric merc didn't work!
    [14:43] <@Jehmal> mines hitting in the 800s though (808ish)
    [14:46] <@Jehmal> 'work' is not how I would describe this lol
    [14:48] <@Mykaylla> Haha
    [14:48] <Ismel> well a pet spawns when you cast the spell so i guess it could be called working P
    [14:48] * Filatal ( Quit ( Read error: Connection reset by peer )
    [14:49] * Filatal ( has joined #enchanter
    [14:49] <@Jehmal> I meant my merc is chain casting to keep it up against a light blue mob
    [14:50] <@Jehmal> she heals less if I just tank it myself
    [14:53] <Filatal> charm pets are going to be better, have to be by a large margin or why take the risk?
    [14:55] <@Jehmal> I agree, charm pets should be better.. but the logic doesn't follow that if charm pets are better.. then ones we summon should just suck?
    [14:55] <@Mykaylla> Hmm
    [14:56] <@Jehmal> we aren't asking that we replace charm pets with our summoned pet.. but that our summoned pet be not completely worthless
    [14:56] <@Mykaylla> What do you think about an AA-based charm that is shorter duration, but procs a blur on fade, with no haste component? This would be essentially for using charm as CC, since people have already posted about the fact that haste rolled into charm-for-DPS purposes no longer works on unslowable mobs.
    [14:58] <Filatal> I am not opposed, though I'm not sure that would be way up on my list of things. Generally, if I need to CC, mez is going to be my first go to. Though, I could see some uses in Kael/BG
    [14:59] <Ismel> would have o be faster cast then normal charm by a good bit to be worth even a thought
    [14:59] <Filatal> Actually, very situational, but could be useful
    [14:59] * EverChanter ( has joined #enchanter
    [14:59] <@Mykaylla> I would agree that faster would be better
    [14:59] <Filatal> agree with Ismel
    [15:00] <EverChanter> hey, sorry i am in and out...stupid work. How's all doing?
    [15:00] <@Jehmal> yeah have to be worth taking something else off the bars or adding another bar for. I've already got 5 hotkey banks all full
    [15:00] <@Mykaylla> Since it's not about keeping a pet, it's about CCing an unmezzable/stunnable mob
    [15:00] <@Mykaylla> Hi there EverChanter
    [15:00] <EverChanter> Hi Mykaylla :)
    [15:00] <Filatal> yea, just until this expansion, wasn't much that could be charmed but not mezzed
    [15:01] <Ismel> giants..
    [15:01] <Ismel> and dont think i didnt complain at FF P
    [15:02] <@Jehmal> Yeah, I was hoping when they upped it they'd take out that old system of no mez on giants
    [15:02] <@Jehmal> btw it seems to be going well so far Everchanter
    [15:02] <@Mykaylla> Ha, I remember you in the queue at the Q&A
    [15:03] <Ismel> ya jsut need some a dps aas and im ok I think
    [15:03] <EverChanter> Good, sometimes working for the government doesn't let me be at things :( What have we hit on so far?
    [15:04] <Ismel> new crystal aas
    [15:04] <@Mykaylla> He doesn't really want to talk mana recovery for group, as they have idea
    [15:04] <@Mykaylla> s
    [15:04] <Ismel> unlinked veil and aa rune
    [15:04] <@Mykaylla> AA Blanket of Forgetfulness
    [15:04] <@Mykaylla> 6 target AA lurch
    [15:04] <Ismel> posible ae lurch
    [15:04] <EverChanter> !!!
    [15:04] <Ismel> quick mez 15 casting time
    [15:04] <Ismel> 15%
    [15:05] <@Mykaylla> Yep, cast time reduction on mezzes
    [15:05] <Filatal> what do we still have on the table to ask?
    [15:05] <EverChanter> you guys are rocking it...wonder what their thoughts on mana recovery are
    [15:05] <@Mykaylla> We have:
    [15:05] <EverChanter> anything on charm?
    [15:05] <@Mykaylla> Oh
    [15:05] <@Mykaylla> And more hastened self stasis ranks
    [15:06] <Ismel> comming up pet aa Add dualwield to charm pet
    [15:06] <@Mykaylla> Charm extension ranks. Charm immunity. Grant dual wield to charm pet.
    [15:07] <Ismel> super flare 5 7 9 hits 20min reuse
    [15:07] <Chaldene> we have asked for about..what Myk..12 things ?]
    [15:07] <Chaldene> and got 10 ?
    [15:07] <@Mykaylla> He nixed another aura.
    [15:07] <@Mykaylla> Which was not surprising
    [15:07] <Chaldene> this chat is going so great
    [15:07] <@Mykaylla> But it has been brought up
    [15:07] <EverChanter> yea that doesn't shock me
    [15:07] <@Mykaylla> So was asked!
    [15:07] <Ismel> oh and more rank to bit of tash
    [15:07] <@Mykaylla> Yep, that too
    [15:07] <EverChanter> Eventually they might say yes :p just not this year haha
    [15:07] <@Jehmal> I'd like to see a regular lurch AA too, one that lasts 1 tick (just for positioning a mezzed mob)
    [15:08] <@Mykaylla> Okay, will ask for that too
    [15:08] <@Jehmal> Lots of time I mez them on incoming and end up having to BDB them around till I get them where I want them
    [15:08] <Ismel> just use banish
    [15:08] <@Mykaylla> Oh, and he said maybe to quickened fog of memories
    [15:08] <@Jehmal> Problem is with banish if your killing too fast, you end up eitehr waiting for bdb to fade or breaking mez with a mem blur incoming (bouncing aggro)
    [15:09] <@Jehmal> That's why I don't want the normal 21 second lurch either, I should be out pulling already before the 21 sec lurch wears off
    [15:09] <EverChanter> Has anyone asked about pet illusions?
  9. silku Augur

    [15:09] <Ismel> not yet
    [15:09] <@Mykaylla> Tharkis asked for MGB illusion. ~Laughs~
    [15:10] <@Mykaylla> To turn the lobby into gnomes
    [15:10] <@Mykaylla> I say, stick figures in lobby or nothing!
    [15:10] <EverChanter> haha
    [15:10] <Ismel> next year we really do need to askfor stick figure illusion P
    [15:10] <Filatal> Jehmal, you need to pull more at once, that will solve the problem :)
    [15:11] <@Mykaylla> That would be a spell. Time to bug Aristo.
    [15:11] <Ismel> nod
    [15:11] <Ismel> that or as beta reward )
    [15:11] <@Mykaylla> Dear Aristo, please to give Ilusion: Jyve of Jyve's Bluff (AKA stick figure). Regards, the enchanting community.
    [15:12] <EverChanter> any thoughts on increased doppleganger aa's?
    [15:13] <EverChanter> just trying to go through this list I'm looking at
    [15:13] <Filatal> How so?
    [15:14] <Filatal> Hi Elidroth, my first one too, Here is my request, Doppleganger effect similar to Warriors / Necro FD "Stand In"... an Effect with a few hit counters maybe, that will pop a Doppleganger to take hate when it falls ?
    [15:14] <Filatal> Chaldene asked that and got an "I like" or something equally promising
    [15:15] <EverChanter> yea that's the one
    [15:15] <Filatal> but they already increased Dopple for RoF, so just understanding what you mean, ok, we are good then :)
    [15:16] <@Jehmal> Heh, I find that pulling more than once and charming at the same time can be deadly. I do pull usually 2 at a time. Sometimes 4 in the right zones.
    [15:17] <@Jehmal> With the new expansion I pull singles, because our tank isn't big enough yet to handle two or three beating on him.
    [15:17] <EverChanter> Wonder if they will add more ranks to Deep Sleep
    [15:17] <Filatal> I'm lazy :) pull 4-5, beam, ae mez, if charm breaks while I'm pulling, the sk can deal with it
    [15:18] <@Jehmal> I group with a paladin, so the aggro tends to bounce on adds more than an sk
    [15:19] <Ismel> Scintillating Beam did we ever get a response why this dont mez up to 103 ?
    [15:20] <@Mykaylla> Heh, I wanted to ask about increasing the level on it, but wasn't sure if anyone else wanted it asked
    [15:20] <@Jehmal> Definitely ask
    [15:20] <@Mykaylla> Especially now that it is fixed
    [15:20] <Ismel> please do its dumb as it is
    [15:20] <@Mykaylla> So that you can mez unrootable, and root unmezzable.
    [15:20] <Ismel> or at least anoying P
    [15:21] <@Mykaylla> Ellyra fixed that part
    [15:21] <Filatal> yea, its kind of silly as it is, but not sure of the history/design decision behind that
    [15:21] <Ismel> its somethnig he made psot beta with out any enc imput
    [15:21] <Ismel> we never had any chance to coment on it before it was on live
    [15:21] <@Mykaylla> It was all in one spell effect
    [15:22] <@Mykaylla> So that to land, it had to fulfill ALL conditions, or it didn't work
    [15:22] <@Mykaylla> In fact
    [15:22] <@Mykaylla> If you targetted a nonmezzable or immune to runspeed changes mob
    [15:22] <Filatal> yea, I mean the level limit, I realize the root/mez is separate now
    [15:22] <EverChanter> Was more of a broken loop then anything else
    [15:22] <@Mykaylla> And tried to cast it, with mezzables around, it wouldn't fire at all
    [15:22] <@Mykaylla> So that's fixed, now we can try to get the level increased.
    [15:23] <@Mykaylla> The lower level made it even more terrible
    [15:23] <@Mykaylla> Because if it's too low to mez, you couldn't root with it, either. :/
    [15:24] <EverChanter> I hope they can look at charm pet regen when working with dual weld
    [15:24] <@Mykaylla> Could try PMing JChan, since I *think* that's a coding issue
    [15:24] <@Mykaylla> Don't know how they broke it- it was never so bad before.
    [15:24] <@Jehmal> I think it's time they consider 'unnerfing' charm
    [15:25] <@Mykaylla> Probably changed a line of code in rogues
    [15:25] <@Mykaylla> THat broke an old raid
    [15:25] <@Mykaylla> And fixing the old raid
    [15:25] <@Jehmal> At the time it was too much dps. Now it's not.
    [15:25] <@Mykaylla> Broke an old proc
    [15:25] <EverChanter> I'm guessing so
    [15:25] <BJ> You know, i'd also like to be able to charm up to lvl 103...i mean, ugh
    [15:25] <@Mykaylla> And fixing the old proc, broke charm regen.
    [15:25] <EverChanter> They probably broke it fixing TSS raids haha
    [15:25] <@Mykaylla> You saw where I was going!
    [15:25] <EverChanter> :)
    [15:25] <@Jehmal> I don't think I'd have the testicular fortitude to charm a level 103 mob
    [15:26] <@Mykaylla> I miss being able to charm higher than your own level.
    [15:26] <BJ> yeah, me too
    [15:26] <@Mykaylla> It's brown trouser charming.
    [15:26] <BJ> oh for sure LOL
    [15:26] <EverChanter> ha
    [15:26] <@Jehmal> My wife laughs at me when a charm breaks and I get an adrenaline surge. She's like it's just a game! I yell Blasphemer!
    [15:26] <EverChanter> Nothing like getting one rounded to put the fear in people
    [15:26] <@Mykaylla> Ha!
    [15:27] <@Mykaylla> GoD charm pet tank.
    [15:27] <@Mykaylla> Oh man, that was some fun times.
    [15:27] <@Jehmal> When we first got into SS I charmed a rat and the poor rogue with us died almsot everytime charm broke
    [15:27] <BJ> GoD was a nightmare when it first came out lol
    [15:27] <Filatal> Charm is easy these days, who charmed their way through Uqua?
    [15:27] <EverChanter> Remember GoD pre nerf
    [15:27] <BJ> yep, i do
    [15:27] <@Mykaylla> Especially since I was always grouped with a ranger who... well, wanted to be a hero really bad.
    [15:27] <@Jehmal> I did a little of the tipt charming, I was a wimp back then and was always scared
    [15:27] <BJ> i was with Wraith/Rev back then on Quellious
    [15:28] <EverChanter> The worst part for me about GoD was that I was on PvP during that time
    [15:28] <BJ> ewww
    [15:28] <@Mykaylla> Which one?
    [15:28] <EverChanter> Sullon Zek
    [15:28] <@Jehmal> Ugh I couldn't imagine pvp and charm all at once, but it'd be fun to charm a mob and send it on someone that doesn't know you're there
    [15:29] <EverChanter> Made me a tough little robe wearer haha
    [15:29] <Filatal> First time doing Ikky 3 I think it was, whole raid is wiping, about 20 people still standing, me and another ench hit charm and finished the event while everyone rezzed, heh
    [15:29] <@Mykaylla> ~Sighs~ Were you evil?
    [15:29] <EverChanter> Mez was the worst, because it would land on your MT
    [15:29] <EverChanter> Neut
    [15:29] <EverChanter> Tides of Wrath
    [15:29] <@Mykaylla> Bah, almost as bad
    [15:29] <EverChanter> haha :p
    [15:29] <@Mykaylla> Go go good team!
    [15:29] <@Mykaylla> <--- Good cleric on Sullon
    [15:29] <@Mykaylla> AKA everyone guns for you.
    [15:30] <EverChanter> pretty much haha
    [15:30] <EverChanter> We spent alot of time fighting Hate though
    [15:31] <@Mykaylla> Man, that place
    [15:31] <EverChanter> I also played a druid during that time, when snare would land in pvp haha
    [15:31] <@Jehmal> My exp with pvp servers I am shamed to say was getting like level 12 and insta nuking newbies around felwith
    [15:32] <@Jehmal> ugh my sklight is covered with snow
    [15:32] <EverChanter> People would try to wake you up late at night to go camp ToV so others couldn't get an abashi...then Scowl from Hate would bard train all the dragons on the raid
    [15:33] <EverChanter> They said to expect up to 10 inches here in Pittsburgh tomorrow...
    [15:34] <@Jehmal> last I saw we were sposed to get 6 here in chicago
    [15:34] <@Asmadeus> great job on hastened self statis ranks :)
    [15:34] <@Jehmal> Yeah that excites me
    [15:34] <EverChanter> yea that's a nice one
    [15:35] <@Asmadeus> Everything was nice today :D
    [15:35] <EverChanter> How many currently use crystals?
    [15:36] <@Jehmal> I use the healing ones a bit
    [15:36] <Chaldene> everchanter
    [15:36] <Chaldene> your in Pittsburgh ? Small world :)
    [15:36] <@Mykaylla> I try to keep an azure ready for post-death whenever I can, but use more healing ones.
    [15:36] <@Jehmal> I haven't used the mana ones much at all
    [15:36] <Filatal> I have sanguine on a hotkey
    [15:36] <Ismel> i use them pretty mcuh every day
    [15:36] <Filatal> my healer goes down, spam spam spam
    [15:36] <@Mykaylla> Hotkeyed to activate, then alt activate to summon one, then /autoinventory
    [15:36] <@Mykaylla> So you can spam that key to make them and eat them
    [15:36] <@Mykaylla> If necessary.
    [15:37] <EverChanter> You too Chaldene?
    [15:37] <Ismel> hmm how do you hotkey to activate ?
  10. silku Augur

    [15:37] <Chaldene> yes
    [15:37] <EverChanter> enjoy this raid today?
    [15:37] <EverChanter> rain*
    [15:37] <Chaldene> :(
    [15:37] <@Jehmal> one sec
    [15:38] <EverChanter> I'm at work in Oakland at the driving up these hills in the rain and snow
    [15:38] <@Jehmal> my hotkey says: /alt activate 632, /pause 2, /autoinventory, /pause 1, /potionbelt activate 2 (whichever slot youre using in your belt)
    [15:38] <Chaldene> right across the bridge :)
    [15:38] <Chaldene> over here in South Side
    [15:39] <EverChanter> ahh nice, been in talks with a Public Relations company down there trying to recruit me from the VA on top of the hill :)
    [15:39] <Chaldene> as long as you don't have to work into the night
    [15:39] <Chaldene> nights over here are so messy anymore
    [15:39] <@Asmadeus> oooh, never thought of using potionbelt activate in the hotkey... been spammin' two separate hotkeys :p
    [15:40] <@Asmadeus> (casting runes been usually more efficient than sanguine crystal for a while though :()
    [15:41] <Ismel> mostly to counter dots
    [15:41] <Filatal> Yea, but doesn't help on the AE that just ate my druid
    [15:41] <@Asmadeus> I use it to counter dots yeah
    [15:41] <@Asmadeus> if alone with group healer splat in a heavy-AE raid, this helps :p
    [15:42] <@Jehmal> out of curiosoity why do we still have to use peridots for our runes?
    [15:42] <@Asmadeus> Clerics still use emeralds for DI
    [15:42] <@Asmadeus> An' we only use 1/2 or so with AAs
    [15:42] <@Mykaylla> Some things, they just don't seem to want to change
    [15:43] <@Mykaylla> Like peridots/emeralds
    [15:43] <@Asmadeus> (an' tbh I've got two stacks since I used 'bout 80 in one raid an' was close to run short, but with 200 peridots on me I can chain-cast runes for quite a while before running out :D)
    [15:43] <@Asmadeus> (quite a while means I generally get aggro ten or twenty times before I'm out of dots...)
    [15:43] <@Asmadeus> (gotta love rune aggro :D)
    [15:44] <Filatal> the idea is obviously so it isn't common, or you would see ench in the splash line more, but 10 plat isn't that much of a detriment anymore
    [15:44] <@Jehmal> I dunno, I know that if i want to really make a difference with runes I'd have to chain cast. Most of the time I just use my stuns and very seldom have a rune other loaded (unless I know I need it for a specific name)
    [15:45] <@Asmadeus> yeah, it's occasional stuff, but it really does make a difference
    [15:45] <@Asmadeus> other chanters in my guild really underestimate how powerful this is
    [15:45] <Filatal> mitigation, one our primary duties
    [15:46] <@Jehmal> I'd like to see our mitigation make more of a difference in the group game. Slow/cripple still helps but not enough to really make that much of a difference
    [15:46] <@Jehmal> I still helix every mob, but I find that if I am out of camp and they get an add they can take it down unslowed without touching the clerics mana etc
    [15:48] <Ismel> ya i dont bother most days
    [15:49] <EverChanter> Be back in a few, another meeting to listen in on :)
    [15:50] <Filatal> yea, slow I don't find so compelling anymore unless its 3 unmezzables. Stun is a very good mitigation tool if you are in camp
    [15:50] <BJ> slow is secondary anymore, used to be "GET IT SLOWED ASAP" but those days have left us methinks
    [15:51] <BJ> in fact, i believe crippling is more important that slow, at least it's not mitigated lol
    [15:51] <@Jehmal> which means mitigation is no longer our primary duty?
    [15:51] <Filatal> yea, slow/haste both suffer from the amount of time the game has lasted
    [15:51] <@Mykaylla> Mitigation is still a primary duty, it just comes many ways
    [15:51] <Filatal> mitigation takes many forms :)
    [15:52] <@Jehmal> Ahh, so your counting CC etc
    [15:52] <@Mykaylla> ~Nods~
    [15:52] <Filatal> Yea, I posted this morning on the EQ boards in our thread, Mez is the ultimate mitigation factor, Zero
    [15:53] <@Jehmal> I think that's part of the problem with our class. If mitigation is one of our primary duties.. it seems as if they are eroding away at our ability to do so. CC isn't needed, slow doesn't really matter, etc etc
    [15:54] <@Jehmal> I group with an sk ocasionally that doesn't want me to mez, because it takes away from damage shield dps + ripostes.
    [15:54] <Filatal> Its some of our issues for certain. Efficiency is the other thing I hit on, once upon a time, a group could kill...a group with a chanter could kill better
    [15:54] <@Asmadeus> Depends on people but most are pretty happy to have me around
    [15:55] <BJ> it is efficiency really, look at monks ability to CC when pulling
    [15:55] <Filatal> but they farmed out efficiency to people who whined about down time
    [15:55] <Filatal> now, we bring very little in terms of boosting a group
    [15:55] <@Asmadeus> well stuff is so easy to pull a druid could do it :p
    [15:55] <BJ> their short duration mez has a guaranteed mem blur component if i remember correctly
    [15:55] <@Jehmal> I think people are always happy to have good players around, being an enchanter is probably the least of the reason. If you were something else, your friends would still want you around just do things differently
    [15:55] <@Asmadeus> yeah BJ
    [15:55] <@Mykaylla> Echo does, yes
    [15:56] <@Asmadeus> Jehmal: yeah, but enchanters are pretty versatile
    [15:56] <@Asmadeus> anyway, we're still playing one so we like it :)
    [15:57] <@Jehmal> I do like it. I get the 'grass is greener' sometimes (especially towards those evil bards)
    [15:57] <@Jehmal> But overall I prefer the chanter to other classes.
    [15:57] <BJ> we're pretty awesome, but there are some major gaps/issues that should be dealt with really
    [15:58] <@Mykaylla> Honestly, I think the only way they're going to to be able to achieve the balance they want, is going to involve a bard nerf or stagnation
    [15:58] <@Asmadeus> Well we're getting less overpowered as time goes, but we can't really complain :p
    [15:58] <@Mykaylla> That's not bard hate- they're an amazing and fun class
    [15:59] <@Mykaylla> But things like, if their goal is for chanters to support classes and bards to do melee, they need to stagnate/nerf their caster augmentation
    [15:59] <@Mykaylla> Actually... speaking of
    [15:59] <@Jehmal> I think that's one of our major limitations as well. Bards get an Aria that effects everyone. We get only caster (unless you count the meager 2 or 3 regen of endurance, I don't.)
    [15:59] <@Asmadeus> they don't work anyway, do they?
    [15:59] <@Asmadeus> they used not to
    [15:59] <@Jehmal> I don't know, just read hte description
    [16:00] <@Jehmal> I don't think they need to nerf/stagnate bards as much as enhance chanters
    [16:00] <Ismel> they do but with respite its irelevant
    [16:00] <@Mykaylla> Well
    [16:01] <@Mykaylla> Aria is a perfect example
    [16:01] <BJ> *agrees*
    [16:01] <@Mykaylla> You would have to give chanters an ability equal to or better than aria, in the spell lines
    [16:01] <@Mykaylla> Or you have not made an enchanter the bard equivalent
    [16:01] <@Mykaylla> You'd still need both
    [16:01] <@Mykaylla> Likewise
    [16:01] <@Jehmal> I'd be happy with an Echo that is equal myself
    [16:01] <@Mykaylla> Take third spire
    [16:02] <Filatal> I keep saying, until we can do for melee what bards can do for casters, we are a 2nd class citizen ( especially for raids, but extends to group game )
    [16:02] <@Mykaylla> It only affects nuke crits, and is only 7%
    [16:02] <@Mykaylla> Bards have Vesagran (their epic) and Fierce Eye.
    [16:02] <@Mykaylla> Which you can stagger
    [16:02] <@Mykaylla> They both affect dots
    [16:02] <@Mykaylla> And heals
    [16:02] <@Mykaylla> So they boost necros, and the healer for the group.
    [16:03] <@Mykaylla> And, it's a higher crit mod even for the nukers
    [16:03] <@Jehmal> So how do we get a voice in those matters? I mean we are getting some input into AA, but when is the "chat" for spells/balance?
    [16:03] <@Mykaylla> So to replace that bard in the group, you would need to replicate that functionality on another class
    [16:03] <@Mykaylla> Also
    [16:04] <@Mykaylla> An echo that functions like Aria, means dropping MR or Twincast, for DPS purposes
    [16:04] <@Mykaylla> Hmm
    [16:04] <Ismel> combine aria and twincast
    [16:04] <@Jehmal> nod into one echo
    [16:04] <@Mykaylla> ~Nods~
    [16:05] <BJ> that would be nice, but the issues still comes to mind that the echo will have limited range, probably less than bards aria
    [16:05] <BJ> it would have to have an extended range to affect all casters in a raid setting
    [16:06] <Filatal> Yea, sadly AA is not the place to fix....and I really don't like calling for nerfs or class warfare, just wish we could get some utility on the melee side ( not as great as bards ) and some improvements to caster dps that isn't overwritten by AA and potions during a burn
    [16:06] <@Mykaylla> Hmmm
    [16:06] <@Mykaylla> Fierce Eye is an AA
    [16:06] <BJ> the mechanics are THERE for our auras to hit everyone, just look at circle of mana, and circle of healing
    [16:06] <Filatal> its groupv2?
    [16:06] <BJ> they are short duration, but they hit everyone around us
    [16:07] <@Mykaylla> Fierce Eye? It's just group- no tgb
    [16:07] <@Jehmal> group v1
  11. silku Augur

    [16:07] <Ismel> SlotDescription 2:Critical DoT (10%) 3:Critical HP Regen (10) 4:Critical Heal (10%) 5:Increase Spell Critical Direct Damage by 90% 8:Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 10% 9:Increase Proc Modifier by 300% 11:Increase Critical Damage by 10% with All Skills
    [16:07] <@Mykaylla> Yep
    [16:07] <@Mykaylla> A similar enchanter AA, that affects nukes and dots, at least, on the same slots, so they don't stack
    [16:08] <@Mykaylla> Hrmmm
    [16:09] <Ismel> 1min duration not sure about reuse
    [16:09] <@Mykaylla> Fierce eye? Hastens to 8 minutes I believe
    [16:09] <BJ> according to the posts on Allas, Enchanters were originally included in the classes that would get Fierce Eye
    [16:09] <@Mykaylla> 7
    [16:09] <Filatal> 7 min currently, but need to re read the bard chat
    [16:09] <@Mykaylla> Sorry, miskeyed
    [16:09] <BJ> but we were removed :(
    [16:10] <Filatal> I know they talked about quick time and fierce eye hastens
    [16:10] <@Jehmal> wonder why we were removed?
    [16:10] <BJ> Date Change
    [16:10] <BJ> 2007-05-16 13:56 Removed ENC/55 from Classes
    [16:10] <BJ> 2007-04-18 12:12 Initial Entry
    [16:10] <BJ> I dunno
    [16:11] <Ismel> it might jsut ahve been based on an enc spell/aa
    [16:11] <BJ> yeah, i guess they changed it from an ENC spell to a Bard AA
    [16:11] <Ismel> used to reuse old unused slots
    [16:12] <BJ> it would be nice to have something like that!
    [16:12] <Ismel> that said i dont see why we cant get it now
    [16:13] <BJ> also, look at glyph spray, it's an AA activated approx every 30 mins...absorbs 50K spell damage....and lands on EVERYONE
    [16:13] <BJ> around
    [16:14] <BJ> it would be nice to have an AA like that, one that would hit everone and give a boost to dps
    [16:14] <BJ> all around, casters, etc
    [16:14] <Filatal> well, the definately want to control the amount of adps a single ench can do ( look at manastorm stagnation ) and tbh, I'm a little leery of something the reduces the number of ench needed
    [16:15] <@Jehmal> I'd like to see our spell absorb stuff more useful. I find that absorbig X % spell damage really isn'te efefctive. If we had an AA that kinda works like veil of mind shadow but group for spell damage.. that woudl be handy
    [16:15] <BJ> hmm, good point, but, i'm sure with the proper reuse timer it would be a welcome boost for 1 or more chanters stretched across a raid, or burning a named, etc
    [16:15] <Filatal> i do realize you could stack ench and cycle this, but still prefer that things like this stay within group
    [16:15] <Ismel> manastorm was a permanent buff
    [16:16] <Ismel> fire eye is a short reuse
    [16:16] <Ismel> manastorm= 1 enc in raid
    [16:16] <Ismel> and everyone had it
    [16:16] <Filatal> understood it isn't a 100% comparision :)
    [16:16] <BJ> manastorm was a good spell, i don't know why it never got an upgrade
    [16:17] <Ismel> it was hidious
    [16:17] <Ismel> it lowered ppl group with encs dps when cast
    [16:17] <@Mykaylla> Because of proc priority, basically
    [16:17] <Filatal> lots of reasons :) it lowered dps, reduced the need for an ench to a single botted alt for raids...
    [16:17] <@Mykaylla> It is a lower proc than MR and resonant tonics
    [16:17] <@Mykaylla> Resonant tonics still have a higher base than MR. :/
    [16:17] <BJ> ah, good point
    [16:18] <Filatal> someone told me they aren't 100% though? Never used them myself, but the spell data made me think they go off like MR
    [16:18] <@Mykaylla> Which I think is rude. They should be an in a pinch sub
    [16:18] <BJ> agree
    [16:19] <BJ> looks like we are up!
    [16:20] <Ismel> they arent 100%
    [16:20] <Ismel> and if you avg out dps flare it quite abit better
    [16:20] <Ismel> can combine potion and flare for better dps
    [16:20] <@Mykaylla> There's a proc priority coflict
    [16:21] <@Mykaylla> They need code to fix that
    [16:21] <BJ> code is a precious commodity in EQ land ;) lol
    [16:21] <BJ> :D
    [16:22] <Ismel> ohh yes )
    [16:22] <Filatal> how would you like dinking with 14 year old code you didn't write?
    [16:22] <Filatal> ;)
    [16:22] <EverChanter> I'd love it...rename it and it's mine /evil grin
    [16:22] <Ismel> 20 foot pole
    [16:23] <@Jehmal> I like working with old code
    [16:24] <@Mykaylla> Honestly, JChan is really amazing.
    [16:24] <@Mykaylla> So was SKlug
    [16:24] <@Mykaylla> Both really approachable people, too
    [16:24] <EverChanter> yea
    [16:24] <@Mykaylla> They just don't have all the time in the world
    [16:24] <EverChanter> overworked, underpaid
    [16:25] <Ismel> but loved!
    [16:25] <@Mykaylla> She was great at fan faire, even when Qulas wouldn't stop bugging her at a room party with questions about code
    [16:26] <EverChanter> hmmm
    [16:27] <Filatal> Well, mages just basically asked for our Fierce Eye
    [16:27] <@Mykaylla> He, and he said not mages.
    [16:27] <@Mykaylla> So we have a shot!
    [16:27] <BJ> awesome
    [16:27] <Filatal> YEP!
    [16:27] <EverChanter> wouldn't it be neat if we could get Project Pet Illusion and could cast gnome illusions to our pet haha
    [16:27] <BJ> lol
    [16:28] <Filatal> I would of gone for extended Edict over hasten, basically just use it to start lotd burns these days :)
    [16:29] <BJ> yeah, we'll ask for that too! haha
    [16:29] <BJ> :D
    [16:30] <EverChanter> just wait till he forgets haha :p
    [16:30] <Filatal> LOL, eyes getting bigger than our stomachs /grin
    [16:30] <BJ> never!
    [16:30] <BJ> hahah
    [16:30] <EverChanter> I'm a compulsive shopper
    [16:31] <Filatal> And thoughts on new agro mechanic AA? would love something to help our poor line of agro spells, but can't really think of anything useful
    [16:31] <@Mykaylla> Ellyra has an idea about aggro stuff
    [16:31] <@Mykaylla> Not sure if it will be spell or AA yet
    [16:32] <BJ> oh? cool
    [16:32] <EverChanter> guessing they will want to keep that spell based, but who knows
    [16:33] <Filatal> that would be nice, some abilities to shift aronud that's maybe not as clumsy as Friendly Stasis. If a cleric or wizard needs Friendly, they are dead before I can target them
    [16:33] <EverChanter> Looks like bards will get that one heh
    [16:34] <BJ> lol
    [16:34] <@Jehmal> You guys are making me want to start a bard =P
    [16:34] <Filatal> sure, go ahead, traitor =p
    [16:34] <@Mykaylla> bards will get which? scrolling up
    [16:34] <EverChanter> twice as much work...and you need to camp your illusions :p
    [16:35] <Filatal> don't know what EC was referring to on that
    [16:35] * Beimeith ( has joined #enchanter
    [16:35] <EverChanter> Etheral spells haha
    [16:35] <BJ> the debuff, he didn't seem very enthusiastic :(
    [16:35] <Filatal> If he gives that to bards, I angry!
    [16:35] <Filatal> Wizard alert
    [16:36] <@Mykaylla> Can ask for an extended too if you want
    [16:36] <Filatal> nah
    [16:36] <EverChanter> Aristo will be all, oh hell no that's for bards not those chanters :p
    [16:36] * Beimeith puts on his Robe and Wizard's Hat
    [16:36] <@Mykaylla> Ha, no
    [16:36] <BJ> sure, extended is awesome :p
    [16:36] <@Mykaylla> They want chanters to enhance casters, not bard
    [16:36] <EverChanter> was joking :p
    [16:36] <@Jehmal> I'd be happy with that if it went both ways. Bards should only enhance melees while we enhance casters
    [16:37] <EverChanter> That's what was said during beta discussions
    [16:37] * Mykaylla hads Beimeith a scroll to scribe of Level 100 Eroticism
    [16:37] <@Mykaylla> Not just beta, at faire.
    [16:37] <@Asmadeus> Well it's not new that everyone wanna nerf everyone else an' get upgrades for 'emselves :p
    [16:38] <EverChanter> haha too soon! :p
    [16:38] <@Jehmal> I'm against nerfing anyone :) I just want us to be competitive.
    [16:38] <@Asmadeus> (I know bards who only wanna play in caster groups too, an' bards who don't want to set a foot there. Tbh I consider 'em as two different playstytle/classes)
  12. silku Augur

    [16:38] <Filatal> problem is that takes a nerf to bards, would prefer we got a small melee adps ability ( or defensive group ability ) to allow us to compete on a level playing field
    [16:39] <@Asmadeus> I don't want us to be competitive, I want us to be complementary
    [16:39] <EverChanter> personally, I want them split into Melee and Caster...but it somewhat segments desireability
    [16:40] <@Jehmal> Thats a much better way to phrase it Asmadeus... complementary.
    [16:41] <EverChanter> I wish they would look at working with Twincast again :(
    [16:41] <BJ> i'm sad about edict, a 9 min better reuse timer, but no extension :(
    [16:41] <Filatal> I would prefer is caster's preferred enchanters and melee preferred bards, but either could step in to the other role. For the group game, we wouldn't be limited to primarily caster groups to achieve our potential and in raids, could mix and match better depending on numbers
    [16:42] <Beimeith> [33939] Glyph Spray
    [16:42] <Beimeith> Classes: ENC/254
    [16:42] <Beimeith> Target: Caster PB Players
    [16:42] <Beimeith> Range: 100, AE Range: 200
    [16:42] <Beimeith> Beneficial: Blockable
    [16:42] <Beimeith> Casting: 0.001s
    [16:42] <Beimeith> Duration: 36m (360 ticks), Extend: Yes
    [16:42] <Beimeith> 3: Absorb Spell Damage: 100% Total: 50000
    [16:42] <Beimeith> Text: A glowing shimmer of runes surrounds you.
    [16:42] <Beimeith> Places a barrier around all within range protecting against #3 spell damage or up to %z, whichever comes first.
    [16:43] <Filatal> Myk, I mentioned Glyph Spray in my posts on the EQ boards, but was more hoping for reduced reuse. Not sure who mentioned upping the absorbtion, but we did get a RoF rank
    [16:44] <@Mykaylla> I'll ask for a hastened for you too
    [16:45] <Filatal> Oh, and who was wanting the reduced recast delay on Legion? 15 second recast atm I believe
    [16:45] <@Mykaylla> Okay
    [16:46] <EverChanter> mages getting shut down today haha, soup in the house
    [16:47] <BJ> more is good!
    [16:47] <Filatal> I love mages, I have an alt, but we know where we are on the scale at the moment. They are much closer to the other end.
    [16:47] <@Asmadeus> mages got lots of love with rof already :)
    [16:48] <Chaldene> ok got caught up and seen we didn't get charm immunity :(
    [16:48] <Filatal> resistance is good!
    [16:48] <Chaldene> it's a half win :)
    [16:49] <EverChanter> La resistance lives on
    [16:50] <BJ> oh, something I thought of and some ppl suggested, is giving enchanters a form of root/snare for npc's that are at low health, basically the idea being that the enchanter can infiltrate the weakened mind of his enemy and infusing it with paralyzing visions :)
    [16:50] <@Mykaylla> Okay fun one
    [16:50] <BJ> well, i didn't "think of it on my own" lol it was more of a grp suggestion lol
    [16:50] <@Mykaylla> someone asked for pet illusions
    [16:50] <EverChanter> <---
    [16:50] <EverChanter> go get me pet illusions :p
    [16:50] <@Mykaylla> Do you want specific AA-based illusions like other class' hasty disguises, or just projecting onto pets?
    [16:51] <BJ> what do you guys think about the snar-ish ability? :p
    [16:51] <EverChanter> I'd like the ability to to just project atm, if we can get that than maybe it can be fine tuned later
    [16:51] <@Jehmal> Did we ever ask for the cascading rune thing? (one of those I just think I'd like to have)
    [16:51] <EverChanter> the big hurdle is to get it first I think
    [16:51] <Filatal> Well, let's see what he says on Scint Beam before I chime in on snare
    [16:52] <BJ> says no to beam :(
    [16:52] <@Jehmal> I doubt we'll get a snare thing, but never hurts to ask I guess
    [16:52] <@Mykaylla> I'll try that one next.
    [16:52] <BJ> well, we wouldn't use it to pull, but only works on NPCs that are low health, say less than 20%
    [16:52] <Chaldene> starting to get more no's :(
    [16:52] <Filatal> well, Scint is a snare....
    [16:52] <BJ> it could have a dual purpose in the fact that if the grp is wiping and the NPC gets lose from a dead tank, gives us more time to get things under control
    [16:52] <@Jehmal> what if instead of a snare, we have a "false courage' type thing
    [16:53] <@Jehmal> the mob 'wouldn't run'
    [16:53] <EverChanter> I had a feeling beam would get no
    [16:54] <@Mykaylla> Yeah, I don't know why he's hung up on the level cap on it, but anyway
    [16:54] <@Mykaylla> At least the root snare actually works now
    [16:55] <@Asmadeus> speaking of root, I still don't get why banishment root hasn't been put on the same slot as our regular root already; this bug is soo annoying I bet it's on purpose :/
    [16:55] <@Jehmal> and did we ever ask for a shiny bob increase? or we leaving that off the table?
    [16:56] <EverChanter> I doubt they will touch BoB, but we can try...what are you looking for with aspects to it?
    [16:56] <@Jehmal> strange, he didnt' tell you who to talk to about it.
    [16:56] <Chaldene> =/
    [16:57] <EverChanter> wow he's touchy on that one...don't want to cut into marketplace revenue or something?
    [16:57] <@Mykaylla> It needs Aristo and Chandrok
    [16:57] <Chaldene> probably :(
    [16:57] <Filatal> well, he's getting annoyed with us, I suggest we go back to core things that will improve our class
    [16:57] <@Mykaylla> To make pet focus work
    [16:57] <@Mykaylla> Chandrok changes the item
    [16:57] <@Jehmal> I'd like to see Bob increased to a usuable form. Not to replace charming as I see charming as our means of dps, anything that would make bob worth while
    [16:57] <@Mykaylla> Aristo has to make a new focused pet spell
    [16:57] <BJ> that's my best guess, and why do you think he's annoyed with us? we didn't do anything out of line lol
    [16:57] <@Mykaylla> That's why pets don't automatically focus
    [16:58] <@Mykaylla> He gets crabby, don't worry about it, you just move along
    [16:58] <EverChanter> hmm
    [16:58] <BJ> looks like we're up, he shot down the mage request rather quickly that round
    [16:59] <EverChanter> Did we get more Deep Sleep with RoF?
    [16:59] <@Jehmal> He's shot down a lot of their requests
    [16:59] <BJ> no, that is another one that hasn't had any upgrades since UF
    [16:59] * Ismel ( Quit ( Quit: ajax IRC Client )
    [16:59] <EverChanter> I'm eh about it...since it's pretty much a bug but wish we could get additions to it
    [17:00] <@Jehmal> Did we ever ask for an AA to address the none dual wield in RoF?
    [17:00] <@Asmadeus> not yet I think
    [17:00] <Filatal> Deep Sleep is at -15% to hit, not sure they will go much more than that. Probably an end of the line AA
    [17:01] <EverChanter> I got nothin then atm
    [17:01] <@Jehmal> If not an increase to the deep sleep itself.. how about an increase to how often it procs?
    [17:01] <BJ> that'd be nice too
    [17:02] <EverChanter> it's a bug how it's proc'd on raid mobs
    [17:02] <@Jehmal> I mean you can chain stasis till it lands.. but I would prefer for it to be more common
    [17:02] <EverChanter> wish there was a way to separate the two
    [17:02] <BJ> omg those mages just skipped us! lol
    [17:02] <EverChanter> well we got nothin haha
    [17:02] <@Mykaylla> Not skipping
    [17:03] <@Mykaylla> If you get them separated, FYI
    [17:03] <@Mykaylla> They will look at mitigating it more.
    [17:03] <EverChanter> the bug will be fixed haha
    [17:03] <BJ> lol ah
    [17:03] <Filatal> get what separated?
    [17:03] <EverChanter> deep sleep and it's debuff component
    [17:03] <EverChanter> err slow
    [17:04] <EverChanter> what other ideas do we have?
    [17:04] <BJ> more ranks of forceful banishment
    [17:04] <BJ> not been updated since UF
    [17:04] <Filatal> Ismel's? Super Flare for burns
    [17:04] <BJ> super flare for burns
    [17:04] <@Mykaylla> Yeah
    [17:04] <@Mykaylla> I was just trying to think of a name. ~Laughs~
    [17:05] <EverChanter> haha
    [17:05] <BJ> Enveloped mana?
    [17:05] <Filatal> Entrancer's Burninator
    [17:05] <BJ> wait, that sounds not so good lol
    [17:06] <EverChanter> begulairs blastamous bling :p I got nothin
    [17:06] <BJ> Entrancer's Supernova Recursion? haha
    [17:06] <EverChanter> oh snap they tryin to get that haha
    [17:07] <BJ> or mana supernova recursion? :p
    [17:07] <EverChanter> no0o0o
    [17:07] <@Jehmal> Mana Spathe?
    [17:08] <EverChanter> Splash of Supernova?
    [17:08] <BJ> Mana Eruption!
    [17:08] <BJ> that's it :p
    [17:09] <@Mykaylla> There you go. :p
  13. silku Augur

    [17:09] <@Jehmal> What's our next request then?
    [17:09] <@Mykaylla> Cascading rune
    [17:09] <@Mykaylla> It's going to be a hard sell
    [17:09] <@Jehmal> cool
    [17:09] <@Mykaylla> What you're asking for is basically a lesser version of armour of experience
    [17:09] <@Mykaylla> Just so you know. :)
    [17:10] <@Asmadeus> (not stacking with MR might mean MR would overwrite it when it ticks in? So we'd have to stop running the aura while the burn is live an' recast it afterwards.. might suck a bit)
    [17:10] <@Jehmal> Kind of yeah, but we'll see :)
    [17:10] <EverChanter> lol
    [17:10] <BJ> well, we already have the best runes obviously, what if the AA was a rune reinforcement? that allowed a CHANCE for a cascading rune to land on your when the old one broke?
    [17:10] <Filatal> Other things we have asked for: Single target lure AA, Group spell reflect, Group Veil of Mindshadow, upgrade to Crippling Aurora with slow component
    [17:10] <@Jehmal> Maybe pitch it that way, cascading rune (chance to get a rune to cascade at the end of every rune)
    [17:10] <@Jehmal> then it could be ranked, 5, 10, 15% or some such
    [17:11] <@Mykaylla> Um
    [17:11] <@Mykaylla> Ha
    [17:11] <@Mykaylla> THat would be hilarious if he misses the obvious
    [17:11] <@Mykaylla> I'll see what he says!
    [17:11] <EverChanter> lol
    [17:12] <EverChanter> rune for rune for rune for rune :p it's like MC but for chanters haha
    [17:12] <@Jehmal> MC?
    [17:12] <@Mykaylla> Well
    [17:12] <EverChanter> Mortal Coil
    [17:12] <@Jehmal> Ahhh
    [17:12] <@Mykaylla> ~COugh~ Aura and Phantasmic Reflex
    [17:12] <BJ> oh, hmm, i have a suggestion too to add.... Beguiler's Hightened Senses - An AA (passive) that slightly increases the chance for Enchanters to avoid or dodge incoming melee damage.
    [17:13] <@Jehmal> I wasn't thinking that it woudl recast itself but recast a rune absorb of it's own
    [17:13] <EverChanter> he must have had Del Taco for lunch, super cranky haha
    [17:13] <BJ> just a chance to proc a cascading rune when....we'll say mastermind's rune or eldrich rune is broken
    [17:13] <@Jehmal> So when Phantasmic reflex drops you might get a new rune cast on you to absorb 5000 or 10000 more or whatever damage extra to give you time to recast a rune
    [17:14] <EverChanter> 5000 is one round haha
    [17:14] <BJ> or, taking it away from the runes entirely...what about a rune that is proc'd when veil of mindshadow fades?
    [17:14] <@Jehmal> It is indeed, that's why I said "or whatever"
    [17:14] <EverChanter> a moss snake hits you for 5001
    [17:15] <@Asmadeus> they don't hit, they kick!
    [17:15] <EverChanter> d'oh
    [17:15] <@Jehmal> If it were ranked, you could make each rank of cascading rune absorb a little more etc
    [17:15] <EverChanter> ask if we can get an AA to twist auras like bards :p
    [17:16] <@Asmadeus> that might be somewhat complicated :)
    [17:16] <BJ> also, i'd like to suggest an AA that provides calculated insanity for the group: group crit chance buff, not entirely unlike what we were talking about earlier with the echo
    [17:16] <EverChanter> a gnome can dream haha
    [17:16] <@Asmadeus> most casters get calculated insanity already, we won't get a group version of something they already have singles of :/
    [17:16] <Beimeith> mother other versions are inferior to yours though
    [17:16] <Beimeith> most
    [17:16] <@Mykaylla> Well
    [17:16] <@Mykaylla> CI is higher than all of the others
    [17:17] <Beimeith> Mine is, and mine was the first one made, lol
    [17:17] <@Mykaylla> Wizards currently still need assistance to hit 100% crit rate
    [17:17] <Beimeith> you might ask for an AA on a shorter recast that provided crit chance
    [17:17] <Beimeith> ala bard epic
    [17:18] <Beimeith> that would make you more desireable in groups than a bard
    [17:18] <Beimeith> well for me at least
    [17:18] <@Asmadeus> some wizzy friend tells me he's always at 100% during burns, so it doesn't seem -that- hard to reach :p (it's just like our 3rd spire too..)
    [17:18] <Beimeith> during a burn yes
    [17:18] <Beimeith> its when not burning it would hep
    [17:18] <Filatal> we would like something akin to Fierce Eye, just not sure exactly how to put it yet
    [17:19] <@Asmadeus> An activated AA I'd only think using durin' burns, an aura could be cool though but it'd be a spell so not tonight
    [17:19] <@Mykaylla> We were already talking about that
    [17:19] <EverChanter> I understand why one would always want to be at 100% but I think thats too hard to sell
    [17:19] <Filatal> something that gives us some melee and DoT caster desirability, pretty limited to mage/wizard atm
    [17:19] <Beimeith> I'm not saying always be at 100%, lol
    [17:20] <@Asmadeus> neatos love chanters - at least MR an' twincast aura an' 3rd spire.. well the usual :p
    [17:20] <@Mykaylla> Don't ask for auras
    [17:20] <@Jehmal> I'd be ok with you being at 100% all the time as long as you had to group with me to do it ;)
    [17:20] <@Mykaylla> ELidroth hates them enough as is
    [17:20] <@Asmadeus> (neatos = necro)
    [17:20] <EverChanter> Auras are a no go
    [17:20] <Beimeith> fierce eye is 10% crit chance and 10% crit damage as well as other stuff
    [17:20] <@Mykaylla> 2nd spire > 3rd spire in most cases now
    [17:20] <@Mykaylla> And the thing with fierce eye compared to third spire
    [17:20] <@Mykaylla> Apart from the higher crit chance
    [17:21] <@Mykaylla> Is that 3rd does nothing for dots
    [17:21] <@Mykaylla> At all
    [17:21] <@Mykaylla> FE does.
    [17:21] <@Mykaylla> WHich means supporting necros as well.
    [17:21] <BJ> right
    [17:21] <@Asmadeus> hmm gotta parse that, our best necro always asks for chanter's spire as well
    [17:21] <@Mykaylla> He's wrong
    [17:21] <@Mykaylla> It's DD only
    [17:21] <@Mykaylla> It will only work on his compel for blood line
    [17:21] <@Jehmal> Or is he weaving in DDs as well as dots?
    [17:21] <EverChanter> thats what I thought
    [17:21] <BJ> is our turn at bat again it seems lol
    [17:21] <@Asmadeus> he's not weaving DDs in aside of MR
    [17:22] <EverChanter> whats on the plate now?
    [17:22] <@Mykaylla> I'm waiting for him to respond
    [17:22] <@Mykaylla> I mentioned the hastened legion someone asked for
    [17:22] <EverChanter> haha yea their DA got em worked up
    [17:22] <BJ> oh yeah, maybe he missed it with all the mage spam? lol
    [17:22] <@Mykaylla> Yep
    [17:22] <Beimeith> 3rd spire of enchantment is 7% crit chance for DD spells only
    [17:22] <@Mykaylla> ^^^
    [17:23] <Beimeith> fierce eye is 10% and 10% DAMAGE
    [17:23] <EverChanter> they aren't touching spires this time are they?
    [17:23] <Beimeith> as well as other studd
    [17:23] <@Mykaylla> No
    [17:23] <@Mykaylla> Don't bring up spires. ~Laughs~
    [17:23] <EverChanter> haha
    [17:23] <BJ> the only thing we can offer necros (and i know because i'm always with necros on raids for whatever reason is Mana Regen aura, and Abstract Acumen lol...and the mana regen is not even a priority for necros of course
    [17:23] <Filatal> please, no sp* words :)
    [17:23] <Beimeith> bard epic is 12% crit chance for nukes and DoTs
    [17:24] <Filatal> what is recast on epic?
    [17:24] <@Mykaylla> Twincast aura for necros
    [17:24] <EverChanter> 2 or 5 mins?
    [17:24] <@Mykaylla> It works on their dots
    [17:24] <@Asmadeus> BJ: twincast aura works on dots this I'm sure of
    [17:24] <BJ> i think that was fixed
    [17:24] <@Asmadeus> an' MR as well if they don't use RB
    [17:24] <Beimeith> epic click is 3 minute recast
    [17:24] <BJ> at least they say it was fixed, maybe they are mistaken then
    [17:25] <EverChanter> Wonder if we could get a line like wizards have to augment their DD based spells....but ours could be based on types of DoTs
    [17:25] <EverChanter> like, a poison enchancement
    [17:26] <Beimeith> what do you mean?
    [17:26] <EverChanter> but I'm guessing that would go to the aura line
    [17:26] <Beimeith> like Fury of X line?
    [17:26] <EverChanter> like specific enchancements to fire based dots, or corruption
    [17:26] <EverChanter> yea kinda
  14. silku Augur

    [17:26] <Chaldene> husband is saying the mages are getting alot turned down, he says Forcallen must be giving them ideas
    [17:27] <Filatal> well, that immunity to damage thing was just dumb
    [17:27] <BJ> yeah, it was
    [17:27] <EverChanter> yea it pissed them off i think haha
    [17:27] <@Mykaylla> It's embalmer's
    [17:27] <@Mykaylla> ANd it's how it was worded
    [17:27] <@Jehmal> I imagine it'd be easier to get fire, magic, enhanced and avoid poison and disease. That's really not our realm
    [17:28] <BJ> that spell didn't come out lol, it's an upgrade to a long line of spell guard spells! haha
    [17:28] <Chaldene> What about Mana Draw and Gather mana being on same reuse timer ?
    [17:28] <EverChanter> well there would be one for each situation
    [17:29] <EverChanter> I'm just running out of things to be shut down on atm
    [17:29] <Chaldene> or maybe a new mana draw all together
    [17:29] <EverChanter> think they are looking at something they are working on for mana
    [17:29] <@Mykaylla> He's already said they have ideas for mana and didn't want to go into it alot
    [17:29] <Chaldene> lower the reuse timer ?
    [17:29] <Chaldene> yeah, thats right
    [17:29] <Chaldene> I'm sorry
    [17:29] <Chaldene> been in and out of the chat windows all day
    [17:30] <@Asmadeus> anyway gnomie bedtime here, great work Mykaylla keep it up :) i'll read up on what's said tomorrow
    [17:30] <BJ> ok, next i think we should ask about new ranks of forceful banishment, it decreases the liklihook of resistance, and hasn't had new upgrades since UF, and we all know what the resists are like in RoF
    [17:31] <Filatal> Actually, there is a whole nother AA that reduces your resists on banishment
    [17:31] <@Jehmal> Did we ever ask for the cascading rune thing? Or we going to skip that one?
    [17:31] <BJ> hmm, am I forgetting something Fil? lol
    [17:31] <BJ> and no we didn't ever ask for the rune yet
    [17:32] <@Mykaylla> I kept changing it based on the conversation, so I switched. ~Laughs~
    [17:32] <Filatal> sorry, Forceful is the resist reducing one
    [17:32] <Filatal> that reduces Banishment
    [17:32] <BJ> lets see, maybe pitch it as a survivability tactic along the lines of phantismic reflex?
    [17:32] <BJ> i thought so Fil :) np tho
    [17:33] <Filatal> still, not sure I agree that its a priority. I have little resists problems and the blur is 100% even on a resisted punt
    [17:33] <Filatal> now, you have to get out of range so it doesn't auto agro
    [17:35] <BJ> that's true, i'm just taking into account situations that have happened to me using it to CC unmezzable mobs (such as in breeding grounds)
    [17:35] <BJ> those mobs hit hard, and if you get more than a couple, you have little time to deal with a resist and wait on the recast
    [17:35] <Filatal> yea, BG is fun, lol
    [17:35] <Chaldene> Necro pets have that Myk
    [17:36] <Chaldene> cant see why we cant
    [17:36] <Chaldene> rune fade to rune, to rune, etc
    [17:36] <@Mykaylla> We'll see what he says
    [17:37] <@Jehmal> I'd still like to see the dual wield thing addressed somehow as well
    [17:37] <@Mykaylla> Yeah, that was the one I was going to do next
    [17:37] <BJ> wondering if he's gonna answer lol
    [17:37] <@Mykaylla> I'm just afraid that it's going to be a big "Can't even do that."
    [17:37] <EverChanter> he walked away form the PC after the mage thing haha
    [17:37] <BJ> haha no doubt
    [17:37] <BJ> .../sigh
    [17:38] <Filatal> I'm highly doubtful we will get an AA to circumvent a design decision, heh
    [17:38] <@Mykaylla> I just don't think it's possible, honestly
    [17:38] <@Mykaylla> Just like pet AAs don't work on charm pets
    [17:38] <@Jehmal> Are we sure it was a design decision? Has anyone said they sepcifically disabled dual wield in roF as opposed to the models do it?
    [17:38] <Filatal> yea, not sure he has tools to do it either
    [17:38] <BJ> blah, no to rune, but we got a sorry! lol
    [17:39] <EverChanter> Do mages feel underpowered?
    [17:39] <@Jehmal> If it was a design decision, it means they purposely lowered charm dps to below mobs 2 expansions ago
    [17:39] <@Mykaylla> Some mages do
    [17:39] <@Mykaylla> Others know better but want more!
    [17:39] <@Jehmal> I dunno, my mage doesn't seem to do a lot of dps. His pet is powerful tank wise yeah, but his dps feels low and he is always running out of mana *shrug* but he's only 88
    [17:40] <BJ> hmm, wanna pitch group calculated insanity?
    [17:40] <EverChanter> Yea, just looking at the last few things they have been asking for
    [17:40] <EverChanter> wow
    [17:40] <BJ> afk a minute btw
    [17:40] <@Mykaylla> I'd rather try for FE. ~Laughs~
    [17:40] <@Jehmal> FE?
    [17:40] <Filatal> yea, I really think we need to get FE out there
    [17:41] <@Mykaylla> fierce eye
    [17:41] <Filatal> some form of ench version of a bard AA
    [17:41] <@Jehmal> I agree, do FE next then and then go back to the group calculated.
    [17:41] <Chaldene> i think so too
    [17:41] <Chaldene> definetly FE
    [17:41] <BJ> i'm back, and yes, i agree with FE, how to pitch it tho? :)
    [17:42] <Filatal> honestly, I'm fine with asking for a complete copy to help us with group and raid desirability with both melee and DoT casters
    [17:43] <Filatal> but if Myk thinks we should be more subtle, good with that also
    [17:43] <EverChanter> Hey mykaylla do you remember why they are against our pet illusions from FF?
    [17:43] <Beimeith> Because they want to sell them in the marketplace
    [17:43] <BJ> ok, maybe suggest that it would seem initially it was listed as an enchanter ability then changed to a bard aa?
    [17:43] <Chaldene> Myk has been doing a wonderful job
    [17:43] <Beimeith> Whether they said that or not, that is the reason
    [17:43] <Chaldene> im sure can word this correctly
    [17:44] <BJ> which was back in SoF, but with the current game, it would be beneficial to both groups and raids
    [17:46] <BJ> whatever is good with you guys :) maybe even one that outshines FE but geared toward casters only, that'd be pretty sweet :) and on par with their chanter vision :p
    [17:47] <@Mykaylla> 2: Increase Chance to Critical DoT by 10%
    [17:47] <@Mykaylla> 3: Increase Chance to Critical HoT by 10%
    [17:47] <@Mykaylla> 4: Increase Chance to Critical Heal by 10%
    [17:47] <@Mykaylla> 5: Increase Chance to Critical Nuke by 10% and Increase Critical Nuke Damage by 10% of Base Damage
    [17:47] <BJ> I agree beimeith, they're not gonna give away the goods rather than open the store :p
    [17:47] <@Mykaylla> THat is the castery component of it
    [17:47] <Filatal> You guys are giving up to easy on some form of melee usefulness. Unless you want to call for nerfs to aria, FE, QT, bard epic, and one of their spires, we can't be balanced until we have some melee usefullness
    [17:48] <@Jehmal> Well if we go for caster only it kinda loses it's usefullness.. They'll just want a bard instead
    [17:48] <@Jehmal> Unelss we up the values
    [17:48] <BJ> well, how about adding an overhaste to the buff?
    [17:48] <BJ> would that help at all?
    [17:48] <EverChanter> it was stated by SoE that they want chanters to be for casters what bards are to melee
    [17:49] <Filatal> and why should chanters not be to melee what bards are to casters?
    [17:49] <@Jehmal> Exactly
    [17:49] <EverChanter> who knows, but thats who they want to proceeds
    [17:49] <@Jehmal> I'm fine with being to casters what bards are to melee, if visa versa
    [17:49] <BJ> well, might as well ask for the farm first :p
    [17:49] <@Mykaylla> WIth overhaste, group is 8%, raid is 16%. Anything lower than those values does nothing for melee, and 25% is the limit
    [17:49] <@Mykaylla> Also
    [17:50] <EverChanter> I don't agree with it, I think since bards have caster utility we should have melee skills
    [17:50] <Filatal> I don't need/want everything bards have, so not sure there is room in the overhaste to fit that in
    [17:50] <Beimeith> getting your foot in the door is more important than getting everything at once
    [17:50] <Filatal> I just think we need some desirability, less than what bards give
    [17:50] <Beimeith> as mykaylla will tell you
    [17:51] <@Mykaylla> :D
    [17:51] <BJ> well, if it's v3 overhaste like bards, there would be stacking issues anyway i'm sure
    [17:51] * Qadain ( has joined #Enchanter
    [17:51] <@Jehmal> 2: Critical DoT (10%)
    [17:51] <@Jehmal> 3: Critical HP Regen (10)
    [17:51] <@Jehmal> 4: Critical Heal (10%)
    [17:51] <@Jehmal> 5: Increase Spell Critical Direct Damage by 90%
    [17:51] <@Jehmal> 8: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 10%
    [17:51] <@Jehmal> 9: Increase Proc Modifier by 300%
    [17:51] <@Jehmal> 11: Increase Critical Damage by 10% with All Skills
    [17:51] <@Mykaylla> Overhaste is only v3
    [17:51] <Qadain> Oh is this the secret enchanter channel?
    [17:51] <@Mykaylla> It's a really archaic piece of code from Luclin
    [17:51] <@Mykaylla> They nearly had to break things to do it
  15. silku Augur

    [17:51] <Beimeith> You could always look to add melee things into it after you get the caster things
    [17:51] <@Jehmal> That's all of fierce eye. You know what would be interesting
    [17:51] <@Mykaylla> And then they've never upgraded
    [17:51] <EverChanter> whats next for us?
    [17:51] <EverChanter> is it FE time?
    [17:52] <Beimeith> don't use Lucy for infomation
    [17:52] <Beimeith> it is very very outdated
    [17:52] <Beimeith> aka wrong
    [17:52] <Beimeith> [12519] Fierce Eye Effect
    [17:52] <Beimeith> Target: Caster Group
    [17:52] <Beimeith> Range: 200, AE Range: 200
    [17:52] <Beimeith> Beneficial: Blockable
    [17:52] <Beimeith> Casting: 0s
    [17:52] <Beimeith> Duration: 60s (10 ticks), Extend: Yes
    [17:52] <Beimeith> Dispellable: No
    [17:52] <Beimeith> 2: Increase Chance to Critical DoT by 10%
    [17:52] <Beimeith> 3: Increase Chance to Critical HoT by 10%
    [17:52] <Beimeith> 4: Increase Chance to Critical Heal by 10%
    [17:52] <Beimeith> 5: Increase Chance to Critical Nuke by 10% and Increase Critical Nuke Damage by 10% of Base Damage
    [17:52] <@Jehmal> What if instead of ciritcal hp regen (10) we go for mana regen?
    [17:52] <Beimeith> 8: Increase Hit Damage by 10%
    [17:52] <Beimeith> 9: Increase Proc Rate by 300%
    [17:52] <Beimeith> 11: Increase Critical Hit Damage by 10% of Base Damage
    [17:52] <Beimeith> Text: You feel an aura of fierceness come over you.
    [17:53] <@Jehmal> make ours give some kind of intense mana regen for the duration of the effect
    [17:53] ->> g :Unknown command
    [17:53] <EverChanter> mana regen is out due to our auras im sure
    [17:54] <@Mykaylla> Ha
    [17:54] <@Jehmal> In that case I'd just ask for a fierce eye for us
    [17:54] <@Mykaylla> If you mention mana regen again, when he said they have ideas for it
    [17:54] <@Mykaylla> He'll probably get mad
    [17:54] <@Mykaylla> FYI
    [17:54] <EverChanter> and punch a baby
    [17:54] <BJ> i agree with Mykaylla
    [17:54] <Filatal> yea, no spires, no auras, no mana regen, all verboten!
    [17:55] <EverChanter> looks like it's FE time?
    [17:55] <EverChanter> What else havent we touched?
    [17:55] <Filatal> I'm on board with what you guys decide
    [17:55] <@Jehmal> nod, feel free to call it "Illusions of Grandeur" ;)
    [17:55] <@Mykaylla> Hahaha
    [17:56] <Filatal> but I think not putting it out there that we need some melee assistance to remain viable is a mistake, but I would prefer to get something rather than nothing
    [17:56] <EverChanter> anyone interested in selling Phantsmal opponent on anything?
    [17:56] <Qadain> I don't really have any good ideas; we have plenty of good stuff, but they just don't let us use a lot of it on raids
    [17:56] <@Jehmal> I do think we need to mention taht it's about having some sort of melee viability as well.
    [17:56] <Qadain> We have to have some kind of abilities that don't rely on them designing raids to "allow" them
    [17:57] <Filatal> yea, kind of been focusing on the support role at the moment, try to up caster adps ( hasn't gotten far ) and looking at an FE type of ability at the moment
    [17:58] <EverChanter> The problem is that raids were built for us for a long time, and now the skills/content doesn't match those needs
    [17:59] <@Jehmal> they stack fine for bards
    [18:00] <EverChanter> BOOM
    [18:00] <@Mykaylla> Hold your breaths!
    [18:00] <@Mykaylla> (DOn't turn blue)
    [18:00] <BJ> lol
    [18:00] <EverChanter> lol
    [18:01] <@Jehmal> <turning blue>
    [18:01] <BJ> haha yeah
    [18:01] * Mykaylla crosses her fingers
    [18:02] <EverChanter> he's leaving us hanging so breathe haha
    [18:03] <@Jehmal> did he just mistell part of another conversation? hehe
    [18:03] <EverChanter> yea haha
    [18:03] <EverChanter> $$
    [18:03] <BJ> AA 65K nuke? o_O
    [18:03] <BJ> lol
    [18:03] <@Mykaylla> He did. ~Laughs~
    [18:03] <@Mykaylla> And
    [18:03] <@Mykaylla> He hasn't said no
    [18:03] <@Jehmal> lol 65k nuke for who? ;) likely wizards.. but I'd enjoy it for us
    [18:03] <BJ> he hasn't said yes either :(
    [18:04] <EverChanter> was probably talking stacking
    [18:04] <@Mykaylla> Probably necros
    [18:04] <Filatal> it won't be focused and critable though, Beimeith
    [18:04] <EverChanter> he said it made more sense though :p
    [18:04] <@Jehmal> I'm betting they are discussing it.. but haven't realized it's a copy of fierce eye
    [18:04] <@Mykaylla> They get everything!
    [18:04] <@Mykaylla> AE rez will go to them no doubt!
    [18:04] <BJ> and....he just totally sidestepped an answer lol
    [18:04] <EverChanter> hey thats better then a no
    [18:04] <Beimeith> he said "hrm ok that makes more sense"
    [18:04] <@Mykaylla> THe okay might have been a yes, or an I understand
    [18:05] <Beimeith> which sounds like maybe to me
    [18:05] <@Mykaylla> EIther way, t's not no
    [18:05] <EverChanter> and this would be a big deal
    [18:05] <@Mykaylla> Which is better than nothing!
    [18:05] <@Mykaylla> Yes, yes it would
    [18:05] <Filatal> Oh, Q, he's blasted people for days about asking for things to be on the same timer =p
    [18:05] <Beimeith> don't ask for things on the same timer
    [18:05] <Beimeith> he doesn't like that
    [18:05] <EverChanter> use chanter chat holmes
    [18:05] <Beimeith> he doesn't care about lining up timers
    [18:05] <Qadain> Oh
    [18:06] <Beimeith> you can ask for hastened
    [18:06] <Beimeith> but dont say "to line up with this other ability"
    [18:06] <@Jehmal> I was asking if we got an answer on the Illusions of grandeur thing,s ince we've had two more questsions asked since then
    [18:06] <EverChanter> dont ask
    [18:06] <@Mykaylla> Heh
    [18:06] <BJ> lol well, us sidestepping isn't really doing anyone any good
    [18:06] <EverChanter> chances are if he didn't say no and is moving on to other things its best that way
    [18:07] <EverChanter> let him think on it
    [18:07] <BJ> eh, maybe
    [18:07] <@Jehmal> Better if it's asked, never addressed, and then maybe never thought of again? Usually if he's going to think about it he says "maybe yes maybe no"
    [18:07] <EverChanter> no one is sidestepping...we asked and he answered
    [18:07] <Beimeith> its better this way
    [18:07] <Beimeith> if he doesn't do it
    [18:07] <Filatal> yep
    [18:07] <Beimeith> you can ask
    [18:08] <Beimeith> and say what about this?
    [18:08] <@Mykaylla> Anything else you can think of
    [18:08] <Beimeith> you didn't say no before
    [18:08] <BJ> i'd like another rank of forceful banishment introduced to correlate with higher level resists
    [18:08] <@Mykaylla> While he's still alert enough
    [18:08] <Beimeith> did you forget maybe?
    [18:08] <@Mykaylla> Right
    [18:08] <BJ> we didn't mention that Myk
    [18:08] <Beimeith> and he might remember he didn't say no, and do it anyway
    [18:09] <Filatal> Ok, so can we ask for a group v1 melee damage mod buff separately? Anyone opposed to that?
    [18:10] <EverChanter> somewhat
    [18:10] <@Jehmal> I'm not opposed to that personally
    [18:10] <@Jehmal> but if we don't have an answer on the first, I'm not sure we'll get ana nswer on the second
    [18:10] <EverChanter> if he does Grandeur, it's a big thing...let's walk and not leap
    [18:10] <EverChanter> we have an answer
    [18:10] <EverChanter> you can't look at it like that
    [18:10] <@Jehmal> I'd prefer to leap and fall, than to crawl and never get to the destionation.
    [18:10] <BJ> also Coercer's Hightened Senses - An AA that slightly increases the chance for Enchanters to avoid or dodge incoming melee
  16. silku Augur

    damage. not sure how you guys feel about that, but seeing as sometimes we're directly in the line of fire, mez resists, pet breaks, etc, could be useful since we don't really get a decent bonus for worn AC
    [18:11] <Beimeith> jahmal for years ive tried that approach
    [18:11] <Beimeith> he doesn't listen to reasoned arguments
    [18:11] <Beimeith> you gotta play politics
    [18:11] <Beimeith> its stupid and dumb
    [18:11] <Beimeith> but thats how it works
    [18:11] <Filatal> If he does Grandeur, we are half a bard. Still absolutely no reason to from a min/max stand point to take us over a bard
    [18:11] <@Jehmal> Ah, I'm not political
    [18:11] <EverChanter> let him sit on it, if he does it it's a great move for the class. If he doesn't then we bring it up
    [18:12] <Filatal> I disagree, its a decent move, not a great one
    [18:12] <@Jehmal> Fil - I don't want to be to a point where from min/max they'll want me over a bard.. I want it to where they'll want an enchanter or a bard equally
    [18:12] <BJ> yay for banishment!
    [18:12] <EverChanter> nice one My
    [18:13] <Filatal> Jehmal, that's the point I'm trying to get to, we are still so far behind its not funny
    [18:13] <Chaldene> ok back sorry, had my keyboard stolen for a second.
    [18:13] <EverChanter> if he does this, it's a HUGE step
    [18:13] <Filatal> How?
    [18:13] <@Jehmal> I agree 100% with you then, I want us to be there as well.
    [18:13] <EverChanter> How not?
    [18:13] <Beimeith> once you get the spell part
    [18:13] <Beimeith> you can ask for the melee part later
    [18:14] <BJ> not sure how he'd feel about enchanters having more avoidance/dodge, but i think it'd be useful...if you guys wanna pitch it? :)
    [18:14] <EverChanter> This will be giving us something we can use to augment melee, and it's a stepping stone to further enhancements
    [18:14] <Filatal> Ever, if he does exactly what we ask, we will have half of the exact same thing a bard already has
    [18:14] <Chaldene> husband grabbed it
    [18:14] <@Jehmal> I'd be happy if we got movement speed increase too (all the other 'puller' classes have gotten it)
    [18:14] <Beimeith> then you ask for the other half next time
    [18:14] <Chaldene> :p
    [18:14] <Filatal> next year?
    [18:14] <BJ> ah, yeah, good call Jehmal
    [18:14] <EverChanter> This is the start of that process
    [18:15] <BJ> i'd love some run speed since we do pull ALOT of the time lol
    [18:15] <BJ> afk a min
    [18:15] <@Jehmal> I'm an instnat gratification person.. i don't like the idea of waiting an entire year to get closer again.. to be behind desireability for a year just so we don't push it
    [18:15] <@Mykaylla> The thing is
    [18:15] <EverChanter> well if you go for too much you lose it all
    [18:15] <@Mykaylla> If you get something in the spell file
    [18:16] <@Mykaylla> You can get it adjusted in between cycles
    [18:16] <@Mykaylla> It's not guaranteed
    [18:16] <EverChanter> this has been needed for years
    [18:16] <@Mykaylla> But it's there
    [18:16] <@Mykaylla> It's possible
    [18:16] <@Mykaylla> It can be enhanced, split off, hastened, adjusted, it can create whole lines of supporting AAs
    [18:16] <@Mykaylla> Which makes him feel likes he's a) doing more
    [18:16] <@Mykaylla> And b) helping you
    [18:16] <EverChanter> something like this has to be looked at for the long term of things
    [18:17] <@Jehmal> So maybe ask for 3 more ranks of run speed, charmer's enhanced movement or something like that
    [18:17] <Filatal> but there won't be anything there about melee, perpeptuating the illusion that we can be caster only and viable
    [18:18] <EverChanter> guessing run speed would be a global
    [18:18] <@Jehmal> why would it be a global? monks, bards, and rogues already have dedicated run speed aa?
    [18:19] <EverChanter> because monks, bards are the top choice for have to sell him that our pulling is "as desired"...I'm not saying it is or isn't
    [18:19] <@Mykaylla> I still think
    [18:19] <@Mykaylla> Honestly, at this point
    [18:19] <@Mykaylla> Everyone should get run AA
    [18:19] <@Mykaylla> Bards have selos, it's still faster
    [18:20] <@Mykaylla> But the old argument of "the mobs will run faster then!" is dated
    [18:20] <@Mykaylla> It went out the window in TSS
    [18:20] <@Mykaylla> But yes, run AAs would be handy for enchanters.
    [18:20] <@Jehmal> So pitch it that way. Enchanters are often the pullers in their groups, as such we 'd like to ask for XXXXX to increase our run speed for pulling.
    [18:20] <Qadain> Can't we at least get instant cast versions of some of our stuff?
    [18:20] <EverChanter> like?
    [18:20] <Qadain> So we can do some things on the run
    [18:21] <@Jehmal> an instant 'spinstun'w oudl be nice ;)
    [18:21] <EverChanter> What types of things do you have in mind?
    [18:21] <EverChanter> haha
    [18:21] <Qadain> Like pulling type things
    [18:21] <@Mykaylla> Hahaha
    [18:22] <@Mykaylla> Like which?
    [18:22] <EverChanter> like instant tash?
    [18:22] <@Mykaylla> ELidroth loves specifics, and hates making things instant without good reason
    [18:22] <@Mykaylla> So we have to figure out how to sell it
    [18:22] <@Mykaylla> Instant Bite?
    [18:22] <Qadain> Like banish, or like instant beam of slumber
    [18:22] <@Mykaylla> Or a new lower MR debuff single tash or something?
    [18:22] <EverChanter> beam got shot down
    [18:23] <Qadain> Other pullers can do things while they're running
    [18:23] <Qadain> .. I think
    [18:23] <EverChanter> ok?
    [18:23] <EverChanter> That wont sell it though
    [18:23] <EverChanter> are you looking for like instand BDB with a low recast?
    [18:23] <Qadain> But we have to stop and turn around or whatever and puts us at a disadvantage
    [18:24] <Qadain> Not a lower recast
    [18:24] <@Mykaylla> Yes, monks and bards can do things while running
    [18:24] <@Mykaylla> bards not instant, but they don't count, they cast while moving
    [18:24] <Qadain> I think things that are near-instant should be instant instead so we can do them on the run
    [18:24] <Qadain> Like stasis/friendly stasis is obviously instant for that reason
    [18:25] <@Mykaylla> Okay
    [18:25] <@Mykaylla> So
    [18:25] <@Mykaylla> An AA that helps you instantly pull
    [18:25] <@Mykaylla> Hmm
    [18:25] <Qadain> So I'm not really looking for something like instant tash
    [18:25] <EverChanter> umm
    [18:25] <@Jehmal> Hrm that's the second AA that he has asked about then not responded with a yes or no or even maybe =/
    [18:26] <EverChanter> I'm not sure what you are looking for then Qadain
    [18:26] <@Mykaylla> Scintillating is instant, so do you want something with a very small damage component to break your own mez and drag backfaster?
    [18:26] <Qadain> But like instant Fog of Memories, or like instant Banish
    [18:26] <EverChanter> like an agro nuke, with a lurch component to it?
    [18:27] <EverChanter> those have different uses though, not for just pulling
    [18:27] <@Mykaylla> Oh
    [18:27] <@Mykaylla> you wanted single one tick lurch, didn't you
    [18:27] <@Mykaylla> Let me type that up
    [18:27] <Qadain> I did
    [18:27] <@Jehmal> I did yeah
    [18:27] <Qadain> Oh well everyone does
    [18:28] <@Jehmal> Qadain did, I think I'm just on board for it
    [18:28] <EverChanter> like, Evokers Lurch maybe?
    [18:29] <EverChanter> Short Recast, Short Duration mob summon type?
    [18:29] <Qadain> Probably like 1 tick duration, 30s recast or something, so we can move mobs around
    [18:29] <Chaldene> any answer to the dodge / avoidance AA ?
    [18:29] <@Mykaylla> He didn't say no
    [18:30] <@Mykaylla> He wandered off and asked about if it was passive
    [18:30] <@Mykaylla> So I chalk that up as maybe
    [18:30] <EverChanter> 1 tick will make it hard fyi depending on pull type
    [18:30] <@Jehmal> btw, Force Compliance is a rocking name
    [18:30] <@Mykaylla> It's enough like Compliant Lurch to be "nudge nudge, it's lurch!"
    [18:31] <EverChanter> haha yea
    [18:31] <Qadain> We really need some ability to move mobs without the blur component
    [18:31] <BJ> i'm back :)
  17. silku Augur

    [18:31] <BJ> so what was the verdict on the dodge aa?
    [18:31] <EverChanter> we are getting some lurch things Qadain
    [18:31] <@Mykaylla> We alreadt have a yes on the AE lurch
    [18:31] <@Mykaylla> 6 target limit
    [18:31] <Qadain> Oh ok
    [18:31] <Qadain> I joined late
    [18:31] <@Mykaylla> This is to have a single option too
    [18:31] <@Mykaylla> Heh, I know
    [18:31] <@Jehmal> No verdict yet BJ, he asked a question the never mentioned it again
    [18:31] <@Mykaylla> That's why I was filling you in!
    [18:31] <Qadain> Thanks heh
    [18:31] <EverChanter> I'm sure he writes these down for later notation
    [18:31] <BJ> ahh, cool cool
    [18:32] <Qadain> Good to hear we have an AE lurch though
    [18:32] <EverChanter> just gotta wait to see the restrictions on the ae lurch heh
    [18:32] <EverChanter> What other ideas do we have left to pitch?
    [18:33] <BJ> we never brought up deep sleep did we?
    [18:33] <@Mykaylla> Heh
    [18:33] <@Mykaylla> No
    [18:33] <BJ> up to you guys, was just kinda recapping lol
    [18:33] <@Mykaylla> Hopefully he won't hate me
    [18:34] <EverChanter> honestly
    [18:34] <EverChanter> I don't like bringing it's a bug
    [18:34] <EverChanter> the only way to work on it is to split it off, which might mean it gets fixed
    [18:34] <BJ> ahhh
    [18:34] <@Jehmal> Well mana is out, auras or out. Taht means we've gotta be creative with anything left
    [18:35] <BJ> hmm, sec
    [18:35] <BJ> let me ponder :p
    [18:35] <BJ> what about another rank of enhanced root? reduce the percentage that root is broken with incoming damage
    [18:35] <@Jehmal> wondering what he's doing or if he's still thinking about that last one too
    [18:35] <EverChanter> could be looking thinks up
    [18:35] <Qadain> Can we have swam pet AA to make use of our extended swarm AA? :p
    [18:36] <@Jehmal> hehe I still want our pet buffed =P I know most don't use it, but I'd like to
    [18:36] <BJ> oh, the pet thing lol, the pet buff we were talking about earlier....i don't think we ever settled on one way or the other :p
    [18:36] <Qadain> 10 shiny bobs!
    [18:36] <@Jehmal> I don't want 10 shiny bobs! Just one that works!
    [18:36] <EverChanter> damn
    [18:37] <@Mykaylla> Oh dear god
    [18:37] <@Mykaylla> 10 shiny bobs
    [18:37] <@Jehmal> Think he'd get upset if we asked for a gravity well? An AA that pulls target mob to our feet, 30 second recast or more.
    [18:37] <BJ>'s one from a list that was compiled previously on the boards, endurance arbitration: divide groups endurance total evenly amongst the group to any level of efficiency....
    [18:37] <@Jehmal> Since we can't have the single target lurch, just a 'reposition' aa
    [18:37] <BJ> that's intriguing in the very least :p
    [18:38] <@Mykaylla> Jehmal, goober
    [18:38] <BJ> whatcha thing?
    [18:38] <@Jehmal> BJ - I know wizards said they'd be upset if they had a full pool of mana go to someone who had low AA, imagine if you took a 8k aa rogue and gave 1/4 of his endurance to a 1 aa rogue
    [18:39] <BJ> lol, yeah, you have a good point
    [18:39] <EverChanter> no mana talks :p
    [18:39] <@Jehmal> I am a goober sure. But I'm an honest goober.
    [18:39] <Beimeith> no one wants a mana version of arbitrate
    [18:39] <Beimeith> its a terrible, terrible idea
    [18:39] <EverChanter> find a way to take lurch out and add something else for a pull aa
    [18:39] <BJ> ok, one that doesn't involve ANYONE else....give us an AA that gives us a certain % chance to resist mez (kinda like the charm thing earlier)....but you know, sometimes we're just in the wrong place when the mez lands lol
    [18:40] <Beimeith> HP arbitrate only is good because it is immediately followed by a regular group heal and you are back to full hp
    [18:40] <BJ> an innate chance to NOT mez yourself, useful if nothing else :p
    [18:40] <@Mykaylla> Divine Arbitration works because you have two important states
    [18:40] <Qadain> Did we ask for fear, mez, or charm immunity?
    [18:40] <@Jehmal> Very useful, espeically with mobs mezzing now.
    [18:40] <@Mykaylla> Alive or dead
    [18:40] <@Mykaylla> Yes, no charm immunity, yes more resist to it
    [18:40] <EverChanter> ranks added to charm immunity
    [18:40] <@Jehmal> We askedf or charm immunity, he said no, he'd give us up to resists
    [18:40] <BJ> we asked for charm immunity, they are giving us ranks to resist it
    [18:40] <@Mykaylla> And that clerics can constantly top up hp
    [18:40] <@Mykaylla> You would need to be able to top up mana constantly
    [18:40] <@Mykaylla> You would need to "heal" mana
    [18:41] <EverChanter> any ideas on how to remove lurch from the pull request and add something else in?
    [18:41] <Qadain> Sounds like necros 10 years ago
    [18:41] <BJ> i'm good with asking for mez resist ranks, and even fear resist ranks
    [18:41] <EverChanter> necros are getting twitch boosts again, heard they aren't happy haha :p
    [18:41] <Qadain> How about a reverse-banish? Like instead of kicking it away, it kicks toward you
    [18:42] <EverChanter> Lurch? lol
    [18:42] <Qadain> SK and monks have something that pulls directly to where they are
    [18:42] <BJ> yes, they have hate's attraction and moving mountains
    [18:42] <EverChanter> do you really want to put a raid mob right on top of you though? or a named?
    [18:42] <Filatal> that's basically HA, which he stomped on someone yesterday or today saying he wasn't giving that to everyone
    [18:42] <Qadain> We already have the capability to do it
    [18:43] <Qadain> Just face away and cast banish
    [18:43] <BJ> for the Resplendent Temple raid, it was my job to keep the raid mob lurched into a corner.... lol
    [18:43] <EverChanter> maybe if it had a self mez component to it that would work, but you're basically killing yourself
    [18:43] <Qadain> But I'd prefer one without the blur component and one that works when I face the mob
    [18:43] <BJ> so there are uses, i'm guessing it's WHY lurch won't land on mobs over 100 anymore
    [18:43] <EverChanter> people were lurch tanking, thats why it was removed
    [18:43] <@Mykaylla> It makes me so sad
    [18:44] <@Mykaylla> It's a really cool spell, not even thinking about summon tanking everything
    [18:44] <BJ> it is, i use it to pull with sometimes lol
    [18:44] <EverChanter> one of the few "out of the box" ideas they've had in a long time
    [18:44] <BJ> mez it and drag it
    [18:44] <@Mykaylla> So, what do you think about asking for Invis(2)? Was a suggestion someone made
    [18:45] <Qadain> What's invis2?
    [18:45] <EverChanter> umm
    [18:45] <Beimeith> better than invis 1 !
    [18:45] <EverChanter> we have self, and grp do we want to push it?
    [18:45] <Qadain> SoS spell version?
    [18:45] <Qadain> Or is that combo invis?
    [18:45] <Beimeith> don't ever say SoS
    [18:45] <Beimeith> ever
    [18:45] <@Mykaylla> ^^^
    [18:45] <Beimeith> its invis2
    [18:45] <Beimeith> that is what it is
    [18:45] <EverChanter> don't think we have a chance for it
    [18:46] <@Jehmal> I still want run speed ;)
    [18:46] <Beimeith> he said maybe to wizards yesterday
    [18:46] <Beimeith> and enchanters have always been an invis class
    [18:46] <EverChanter> hmm
    [18:46] <BJ> no one liked the innate mez resist idea?
    [18:46] <EverChanter> we can try, worse think is a no
    [18:47] <Qadain> I think we should have innate mez and fear resists
    [18:47] <Qadain> Especially fear heh
    [18:47] <EverChanter> why
    [18:48] <Beimeith> It won't really matter that much
    [18:48] <Beimeith> most raid versions are unresistable
    [18:48] <Beimeith> your immunity means to that
    [18:48] <Beimeith> Unresistable trumps immune
    [18:48] <BJ> yeah, but that is not why I brought it up
    [18:48] <EverChanter> what did you use as a basis for invis v2?
    [18:49] <Beimeith> We asked for an AA version of the spell
    [18:49] <BJ> it is possible for enchanters to mez themselves if they aren't careful, and lets face it...sometimes it's hard to be careful in an "oh crap" situation lol
    [18:49] <BJ> then mezzing yourself just makes it worse!
    [18:49] <EverChanter> thats a risk with mezzing though
    [18:49] <Beimeith> mykaylla knows what to ask for
    [18:49] <EverChanter> you can't always expect risk free mez
  18. silku Augur

    [18:49] <BJ> no one is asking for one EverChanter, but simply having an innate chance to resist your own mez seems more than plausible tome
    [18:49] <@Jehmal> The only time I've been mezzed lately is pulling satyrs in SS
    [18:49] <BJ> *to me even
    [18:50] <EverChanter> Could see aa's that add to the likely hood of not being mezzed, but
    [18:50] <BJ> no one in here should be shooting down ideas as not important, no one dissed on your pet illusion idea
    [18:50] <BJ> we should all be supportive
    [18:50] <BJ> not destructive of each other
    [18:51] <EverChanter> I'm not being destructive, just trying to find the basis for it
    [18:51] <EverChanter> mez risk is like charm
    [18:51] <BJ> that was my whole point, decreases the liklihood you will be mezzed, i mean, we have an aa line for decreasing the liklihood of charm breaking lol
    [18:51] <Qadain> ? I haven't used wave mez in the longest time
    [18:51] <Qadain> Is there any other mez that could mez self?
    [18:52] <BJ> no, just wave
    [18:52] <Filatal> F1 and cast single target
    [18:52] <Qadain> Well mistargeting isn't really a good reason
    [18:52] <EverChanter> I'm guessing that would go back to like lvl 55 and work it's way up the aa food chain
    [18:52] <Qadain> Necros can mistarget and kill themselves heh
    [18:53] <BJ> it's fine guys, I was just throwing out suggestions
    [18:53] <Qadain> But the protecting from one's own wave mez I think is a good reason
    [18:53] <Qadain> even though I don't use wave mez any more
    [18:53] <BJ> i keep wave up because free target is unreliable with a moving target and pbae is just not efficient anymore
    [18:53] <@Mykaylla> I have mez resist AA typed up
    [18:54] <@Mykaylla> Will hit enter as soon as he makes any sign of life
    [18:54] <EverChanter> I'm glad you are BJ, I'm just trying to figure out how it will work...guessing that will be a line of like 50 aa's that work up from lower levels
    [18:54] <EverChanter> guessing at the highest level it would be at like 15%-20%
    [18:55] <BJ> if even that high, i mean, our own natural resists give a chance for it to be resisted obviously, but it would be nice to have a small buffer to enhance that
    [18:55] <Qadain> Did we ask for Hastened Glyph Spray?
    [18:55] <Filatal> yep, denied
    [18:56] <BJ> oh, did we?
    [18:56] <@Jehmal> I still want runspeed ;)
    [18:56] <Chaldene> no answer yet though on increased dodge / avoidance, Hmmm
    [18:56] <@Mykaylla> He was asking questions about it, and didn't say no. Honestly, that's about as good as a "maybe"
    [18:57] <BJ> yeah
    [18:57] <Qadain> Can they "nerf" mind over matter back to like 50%?
    [18:57] <Filatal> ah, think I confused it with another rank of Glyph
    [18:57] <@Mykaylla> That one next.
    [18:57] <@Jehmal> He's getting quite annoyed with the mages
    [18:58] <@Mykaylla> Yeah
    [18:58] <BJ> seems that way
    [18:58] <EverChanter> they wont leave twin proc and that spell alone
    [18:59] <BJ> what exactly do they keep asking for? i'm not familiar with mage abilities/spells
    [18:59] <BJ> other than rods lol
    [18:59] <BJ> and pets :p
    [19:00] * Cener ( has joined #enchanter
    [19:00] <@Mykaylla> Virulent Talon is a new, HUGE proc on their pet
    [19:00] <EverChanter> they wanted damage immune casting, and a boost to twin proc with that spell over and over haha
    [19:00] <BJ> ohhhhh
    [19:00] <BJ> hmm, that's not overpowered AT ALL lol
    [19:00] <@Mykaylla> I've watched a mage shred someone in a duel with it
    [19:00] <@Mykaylla> It's that good
    [19:00] <@Mykaylla> And you know how mages usually are in PVP
    [19:00] * Leninie ( has joined #enchanter
    [19:00] <@Mykaylla> It's on a recast et cetera
    [19:01] <@Mykaylla> But it's significant DPS
    [19:01] <BJ> ahh
    [19:01] <BJ> i see
    [19:01] <@Mykaylla> So they all want it, and he's getting annoyed.
    [19:01] <@Mykaylla> Err,all want it to get boosts
    [19:01] <BJ> they wanna tweak it as far as it can be huh?
    [19:01] <EverChanter> they want #1 spot
    [19:02] <EverChanter> they overshadowed our request, which will probably be no now haha
    [19:02] <Leninie> has anyone seen what enchanter aa's they have said yes to?
    [19:02] <Chaldene> alot :)
    [19:02] <EverChanter> a bunch
    [19:02] <Qadain> Nah, if they ask for unreasonable stuff, it'll make our stuff look more reasonable!
    [19:02] <@Jehmal> weve gotten a lot of yeses, a reasonable amount of nos
    [19:02] <EverChanter> not if he's pissed, he just shuts down
    [19:02] <@Mykaylla> When someone is being unreasonable
    [19:02] <@Mykaylla> it's the best time to be conservative
    [19:02] <EverChanter> see
    [19:03] <BJ> boo lol
    [19:03] <@Jehmal> Yay for choosing someone to interface witht he community who can't handle pressure?
    [19:03] <EverChanter> Do we have anything else to push? Might be best to let mages finish pissing him off
    [19:03] <Qadain> Maybe they don't have anyone else
    [19:03] <Chaldene> lol
    [19:03] <EverChanter> We got a LOT done today
    [19:04] <BJ> hmmm thinking
    [19:04] <Leninie> I was on earlier.. but got here just in time for their lunch break .. I haven't scrolled thru
    [19:04] <BJ> oh, no one brought up runspeed as per Jehmal's request
    [19:04] <BJ> i'm doubtful on that one
    [19:04] <BJ> but it would be nice while pulling, but not necessary
    [19:04] <EverChanter> Don't think that's a good idea at the moment haha
    [19:05] <@Jehmal> shrug, if we mention the fact that we are pullers in the vast majority of grouping it makes sense.
    [19:05] <EverChanter> he's jacked off right now
    [19:05] <BJ> here's something that might be useful to some, it's a spell that gets little use nowadays, but does have it's uses....the old alliance spell, how about an AA version? :)
    [19:05] <Qadain> I don't think they like alliance very much
    [19:05] <BJ> or an upgraded AA version
    [19:06] <EverChanter> what would be the use now?
    [19:06] <BJ> ahh, ok, thinking outside the box :)
    [19:06] <EverChanter> those were big when faction mattered haha
    [19:06] <BJ> woot on glyph spray!
    [19:06] <EverChanter> nice
    [19:06] <Qadain> Yay
    [19:06] <EverChanter> d'oh
    [19:06] <Filatal> lol, could of swore we already asked on that, my mind is losing it
    [19:07] <@Mykaylla> I didn't want to ask for it at the same time as the increase
    [19:07] <BJ> faction matters very little, but it still does have it's uses in some cases
    [19:07] <@Jehmal> Apparently Cener felt he'd go ahead and ask for an out of combat run speed increase. which does no good for pulling
    [19:07] <@Mykaylla> It's a really simple thing to ask for now, when the talon stuff has been annoying him
    [19:07] <EverChanter> that could shoot down your runspeed thoughts
    [19:08] <@Jehmal> It already does. He will think we are just asking the same thing over again in a different way. So no point asking now.
    [19:08] <@Jehmal> <shakes his head>
    [19:08] <EverChanter> Cener you there?
    [19:08] <Leninie> have they mentioned yes or no on another aura slot? last year they shot that down immediately
    [19:08] <EverChanter> no
    [19:08] <Beimeith> he said no
    [19:08] <@Mykaylla> The answer was no
    [19:09] <@Mykaylla> He said two is bad enough. ~Laughs~
    [19:09] <Beimeith> they don't want to do anything with auras
    [19:09] <BJ> hmm, what about an upgraded AA version of feedback DS to use on pets while out charm soloing?
    [19:09] <BJ> think it's worth considering? yeah, i know, i'm revisting old school stuff now lol
    [19:09] <Leninie> I'd like it .. since the charmed pet is so slow .. have any of you done a lot of charm kiting in RoF?
    [19:10] <BJ> i've done a bit in Shards, but that's about it, been busy trying to get progression tasks done working on improving the Stone of the landing aug
    [19:10] <@Jehmal> Ah well, I'm ticked off now. Gonna sit back and read for a while.
    [19:11] <EverChanter> Maybe next year
    [19:11] <Leninie> I charmed a lot for the valley mercenary tasks .. but finding charmable pets are few and far between
    [19:11] <BJ> i had my ticked off moment, i'm good now lol, sorry if i offended anyone, I was trying to be diplomatic
    [19:11] <@Jehmal> Maybe next year is not the answer.
    [19:11] <Qadain> ?
    [19:11] <EverChanter> it appears to be the answer lol
  19. silku Augur

    [19:12] <@Mykaylla> Okay
    [19:12] <Qadain> What's Illusion of Absence? I missed it
    [19:12] <Qadain> Is that the invis 2?
    [19:12] <@Mykaylla> is there anything pressing that hasn't been covered
    [19:12] <@Mykaylla> Yes, it is
    [19:12] <Qadain> Oh heh
    [19:12] <EverChanter> Look, I've been trying to get things for the class for 12 years haha...sometimes you get it, sometimes you don' happens
    [19:12] <Qadain> That's why you phrased it that way
    [19:12] <EverChanter> bah
    [19:12] <@Mykaylla> Because he's probably getting crabby.
    [19:12] <EverChanter> ouch
    [19:13] <Leninie> yes.. I'd like a new aa .. that blocks any developers from messing with banish each expansion .. having bugged roots each and every expansion makes me very grumpy
    [19:13] <BJ> nothing pressing really
    [19:13] <@Mykaylla> Hey, I asked!
    [19:13] <EverChanter> Want to call it at that? We've got a lot of good things done
    [19:13] <@Jehmal> We would have had a much better chance of getting it, if we'd phrased it properly. "Zones are big I wanna get there faster" is not going to get us anything.
    [19:13] <BJ> well, i don't think we should call it until it's over lol
    [19:13] <BJ> we dont' get these opportunities very often
    [19:13] <BJ> i'd like to make the most of it ;)
    [19:13] <@Mykaylla> He has finished early every day, even the day he said he'd go overlong because of a long lunch
    [19:14] <EverChanter> I just don't see much else getting a yes because he's getting more upset...sometimes its best to let someone cool down
    [19:14] <Qadain> Guess I can't discontinue my supplier for Worlu's Windcloaks
    [19:14] <@Jehmal> He'll have till next year to cool down.
    [19:14] <@Mykaylla> Haha
    [19:14] <Qadain> Hey, how do we know he's not some random person listening in here?
    [19:15] <Beimeith> hes not ;p
    [19:15] <EverChanter> He also has time to undo all the yes things he said
    [19:15] <@Jehmal> we don't. but I'd say to his face anything I'd say here
    [19:15] <@Mykaylla> Anyone have anything simple they want to put forth?
    [19:15] <@Mykaylla> I'd like to end on a high note if possible
    [19:15] <EverChanter> not sure why everyone is so upset....we got a lot of good things done for the class
    [19:16] <Qadain> Well, I think the upgrades to Veil of Mindshadow have been good in the last couple expansions, but that's not a request
    [19:16] <@Jehmal> He's calling it 2 hours early?
    [19:16] <EverChanter> appears so
    [19:16] <BJ> well, if it's ending....can throw out the Feedback upgrade for pets
    [19:16] <@Mykaylla> He has every night, finished early.
    [19:16] <BJ> if you think it's worth condieration
    [19:16] <BJ> *consideration
    [19:16] <BJ> if not, then don't bother
    [19:16] <@Jehmal> I like the feedback idea
    [19:16] <Qadain> Saying "No" must be exhausting heh
    [19:16] <@Mykaylla> Oh man
    [19:16] <BJ> lol
    [19:16] <EverChanter> I think we are done haha
    [19:16] <@Mykaylla> That reminds me of a spell I wanted to ask for an AA version of. :(
    [19:17] <@Jehmal> what spell is that Mykaylla?
    [19:17] <EverChanter> Mykaylla, you did an excellent job today
    [19:17] <BJ> well, throw it out there!
    [19:17] <@Jehmal> throw it out there before he leaves.
    [19:17] <BJ> yes, absolutely
    [19:18] <Qadain> Is Mykaylla our class person, or just a volunteer moderator for today?
    [19:18] <@Mykaylla> Ha, Im a Voice.
    [19:18] <@Jehmal> A volunteer who has done an oustanding job
    [19:18] <@Mykaylla> It's the accent
    [19:18] <EverChanter> haha
    [19:18] <@Jehmal> I'm going to post our chat log btw as soon as I can on the boards
  20. Silv Augur

    Thanks a bunch for posting this! I will have to wait to read it till I'm done working and it looks like I'm going to need a good drink to make it through as it appears quite long ;)
    silku likes this.