Do you remember the SoE Talking Bot?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Antiok, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. Antiok New Member

    A few years back SOE put bots on all the servers was a testing thing I assume but basically it was a bot that you sent tells to and it responded back. Does anyone remember these or am I jsut getting old and making things up in my mind?.....

    And if a dev sees this what ever happen to them if they did exsist..
  2. Sobeit Journeyman

    I don't remember that. However, the Mage pets used to talk to, about, and tell others about their owners. (That was when they had the old looks).
  3. Nolrog Augur

    The ones I'm aware of were not run by SOE. IIRC, players figured out a way to use EQIM to set up an item bot, where you could send it a /tell with an item name and it would return a link to you of that item (or multiple items with that text; so if you sent defiant, you'd get a bunch of responses, up to whatever the limit as, with links to defiant gear.).