Do away with fabled

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by drEvil, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. drEvil Lorekeeper

    First of all thanks for the random burst of useless fabled this summer and making certain zones unplayable to people without level 100 toons. As if that wasn't enough you guys aren't smart enough to despawn the ones that are left up after the fabled event ends. Furthermore you broke coirnav event because the mobs have ridiculous amounts of HP. I'm sure theres more...
  2. Crystilla Augur

    For a few weeks out of 52 each year, the zones' named change. The vast amount of time it's normal.

    Named don't despawn until they're killed; has nothing to do with being 'smart'. It's the way it works.
    complexication likes this.
  3. complexication Kassina

    You'll live, seriously.

    I'm sorry Hardcore Heritage was designed with us all at endgame in mind.
  4. Dre. Altoholic

    Fabled could use an overhaul. A lot of it was obsolete day 1, let alone today with autogrant and HJ rewards.

    Plenty of items that I spent more time camping than the character actually used the items due to the speed at which they leveled past the useful range.
  5. Imak Augur

    Fabled Coirnav isn't broken -- killed it just fine a few times this year. The ridiculous amount of HP is because you're doing it wrong. Kill the mobs in the correct sequence next time.