Dissonant Chord..

Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by Elyssanda, Apr 6, 2018.

  1. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    Has anyone else been having issues with this since last patch? I have recreated my hotkey probably 20 times, and it's still no working appropriately. (IE. at all)
  2. Niloiv Elder

    Given that it cant be used (by far and large) in RoS, I have not attempted to use it. Is there a particular zone/npc/level on which you are using it? Or does it fail in all circumstances?

    I can attempt to recreate your issue so we can have more data for a bug report.
  3. svann Augur

    Thanks for the tip. I hadnt realized it was L110 limited. Wonder why we didnt get an upgrade to it.
  4. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    yep. that would be it.. I'm nearly exclusively in ROS.. I hadn't even looked at the level restriction. it's always worked, so I didn't even think about it NOT working. I still think it was working before patch and not since though.
  5. Dhurgan Augur