Disabling Browser pop ups

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by skabe, Oct 12, 2012.

  1. skabe Elder

    WTB instructions on how to stop the Welcome to Everquest browser window from opening during log in and the browser pop up spam for Silver accounts trying to get you to upgrade to gold!!!!
  2. Koneko Augur

    not sure on the welcome to eq screen but it only pops up about once a day and the upgrade thing will only go away once you become a gold member thats kinda the point of them
  3. Ishtass Augur

    can't be disabled
  4. BrandeX Journeyman

    WTB you say? You're in luck. if you buy EQ for 15 bucks a month it will go away.
    Tarrin likes this.
  5. WarSheol Augur

    I think it shows up once every 8 hours upon log in, if im wrong please correct me :cool:
  6. Bernardv Journeyman

    Minimise the welcome screen pop before you close it. Next time it will pop up it will be minimised. You still can close it if you want but its alot less intrusive that way.
    Sinestra likes this.
  7. Geroblue Augur

    Its part of the eula for free and silver accounts. But the in game upgrade popup has been showing up during combat on my free and silver accounts, not good.
  8. Caudyr Augur

    I'd love to figure out how to disable the Welcome screen myself. However, I've looked through several of the files and tweaked some stuff hoping it would do it, and it wouldn't.

    I really wish they'd implement an option in the OPtions menu to disable it. =x

    Not holding my breath, though.
    Dzarn likes this.
  9. Cakvala Augur

    Side question, how about the web browser that pops up when you log in (for gold accounts) can that be turned off? It always lags me when i first log in. heh
  10. doktartp Augur

    My favorite is the Brand New Internet Browser, that automatically opens when i camp a silver account to the character select (even to change to a new character without signing off)

    Thats kinda annoying, I have gold accounts paid for 1-2 years currently, please understand I know the advantages of gold but do not wish to have programs opened on my computer outside of eq.
    Xanathol and Geroblue like this.
  11. Geroblue Augur

    Yeah, if there was some way the game would notice I have 3 paid accounts, and not open the browser or open the popup in-game as I already know what the benefits of gold are. That would be most excellent.
  12. Arpeggio New Member

    I hate the Welcome screen as it causes my accounts to crash about 2/3 of the time it shows up...
  13. Malware New Member

    I finally figured out how to prevent this. I installed a browser I wouldn't use, making it the default browser. Then went to the directory where the executable is and denied access to all.
    Logged into EQ. Then back out.
    Made my original browser default again and SOE couldn't use MY browser.
    This worked for a few months until I went all gold.
  14. Khauruk Augur

    Nice, I think I'll install Lynx tonight and do that.
  15. Draego Augur

    SEND ALL your Platinum payments to Draego care of the Cazic Thule server........ LOL


    Here is what I did to disable that ANNOYING Welcome Screen, and for the last 2 weeks I have not had to see the stupid screen when logging in. There is a file setting in the eqclient.ini that will prevent the window from popping up, see details below:

    Open your EQ file folder and find the eqclient.ini file.


    Look for the following


    Save and start game............... VIOLA!!!

    At least for me, on 3 systems, on 3 accounts........... last 2 weeks = Welcome Screen free
  16. Draego Augur

    I am currently looking into, and trying to find a way to address the issue for the F2P and Silver accts about being able to hide the pop-ups reminding to upgrade.

    Once and IF I find a fix I will post the solution here.