Dire Charm

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Spyte, Dec 25, 2013.

  1. Spyte New Member

    I have been reading a lot of posts about charming and getting good at staying alive when charm breaks. Once you get Dire Charm, doesn't that guarantee your pet will not break charm? If it does, does that hold true to L100?
  2. Deckerd Smeckerd Augur

    I think Dire charm only works on level 45 or 46 and below. I know, it is disappointing.
  3. Dandin Augur

    Dire Charm only works on mobs up to level 51, However there is an AA line that gets unlocked by purchasing this AA, That AA is called:

    Edict of Command.

    Edict of Command is an Activated AA that functions as a charm spell, with a fixed duration of 6 minutes and 45 seconds. During that time, Charm will not Break Early, Unless you invis yourself.

    So do we have a "perma Charm?"
    No. But we have 1 fixed duration charm.

    If you are looking to have Charm last longer. Cast Tash, All the time on your Charm pets, And Run the Charm Aura for your level. This will help reduce the frequency of breaks by reducing how many times the mob checks to break (Charm Aura) and How much the pet actually breaks (magic Resist Reduction)
  4. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur


    Correct. The answer is 46.

    Still wondering why people don't take what you say as though it were carried down off the mountain graven in stone tablets, Dandin?
    silku and Silv like this.
  5. Dandin Augur

    Ehh. Cant be right all the time. So. the answer is lvl 46. good to know.

    Besides. I'm sill human.