Did Faceless wake the Sleeper?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by BurningHeart, Nov 10, 2017.

  1. Machentoo Augur

    It is a one shot potion.
  2. Opimo Journeyman


    Here we are funneling ST keys to monks for primal weapons. How dumb are we?
  3. Vioarr New Member

    We didn't key together so I fail to see the relevance of Cabdru's stream. I'm not sure why I have to keep repeating myself but I have a few ideas and none of them would flatter you.

    No, if you actually look at his stream ST ended before the 18 hour mark putting it around 10AM EST.

    Nine of the 21 keys came from Addiction raiding for seven hours, not 20+. I told you exactly what hours we raided, our DKP is public and you can look at the kill times yourself if you have any desire to cure your ignorance.

    We killed Yelinak at 1:35 EST. My Pants killed him 12 hours into Cabdru's stream which started about 45 minutes before Velious launch at 4:00 EST. That means they killed Yelinak about 2 hours after us.

    I'm not taking anything as an insult, the only offensive thing about your posts is your unrepentant ignorance and willingness to spread misinformation.
  4. Vioarr New Member

    I doubt that the vaguely referenced listing is even legit unless shown otherwise. If one is actually listed, it's not ours so that narrows it down a bit.
  5. Protocol Dragon Defender

    Relax Vioarr, literally no one on the planet cares but you and this anontroll you keep responding to.
  6. HoodenShuklak Augur

    If sleeper could read this thread he would fall back asleep.
    Fhiele and RandomStrategy like this.
  7. Vioarr New Member

    Sorry dad, can I go play outside now?
  8. Wowjustwow Elder

    Not if you're going to go try to wake the sleeper again ;)
  9. Gally New Member

    ..woah , such novels . Waited to be super bored to open this thread =) - didn't read it all tho.
    Oh to that person :

    Yeah once he wakes up it's a total adrenaline rush (you can't even imagine by the way you present things hrhr :p ) no time to take pictures, you just run the hell / sneak / dodge his path as you can! so fun =P and yeah watch the full video linked already.

    Again haven't read all the crying ,but ohh new ST = lot of primals , and tons of cool drops for every classes - way better than a single mnk robe.

    Keep the peaaace -
  10. Foaming I Drank Bleach IRL Once

    They don't think that way, Gally. This issue is being championed mostly by RMTers who are salty because they don't get the xl loaded griller at Taco Bell. Just link them their arms.
  11. Gally New Member

    haha dang ok p

    all the RMT's stuff is going way over my head =P
  12. Vedette Journeyman

    You're dismissing a huge portion of the server that has never been to a preawakened ST. You do realize Zaide assigned loot to classes that can't use it to stop you bunch of "Taco Bell RMTers" from selling your accounts? As much trash talk that has gone on, neither gnome mask has been sold. On the other hand, Zaide didn't trust you bunch with no drops. What does that say about FE as a guild, and it's members?

    A better solution would be to make the whole thing instanced, and open world is just for bragging rights. Let guilds wake the sleeper on their own time, and choosing.
  13. Vashnoob Lorekeeper

    All I hear is "zaide" in your post.

  14. Vedette Journeyman

    Dude's twitter handle/youtube is zaidegod.
  15. Jizin New Member

    I've seen worse stuff than this go down and it won't affect the guild one bit. Guilds that size don't care about a couple of angry guild members. As long as people are getting the pixels they are looking for they couldn't care less about what else goes on until it begins to affect them directly.
  16. Foaming I Drank Bleach IRL Once

    I've never been more satisfied with a guild and its leadership in any game, so I'm unsure where the ****show is at.

    I, for one, am looking forward to Luclin and camping a bunch of VT keys!
  17. Ravanta Suffer Augur

    You can go into Sleeper's Tomb and kill everything there whenever you like. Other than what drops, it is all the same.
  18. Vlerg Augur

    I'm amazed at how much drama exist on TLP servers compared to live.
  19. Mwapo Augur

    Its where the special people play. I love the drama. Its the only reason I come back.
  20. Junior00 Elder

    Vuil you still playing on Live? Where?