Devs, Please keep breeze in game for Ragefire launch

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by kain200, May 12, 2015.

  1. Dersk Elder

    The more things they can take out of pre-kunark EQ that don't belong in pre-kunark EQ, the better.
    MBear and Jadefox like this.
  2. Behee Augur

    From Aristos post:
    They already gave you a clear answer. What you are asking for is a different answer

    I always play an enchanter as my main (since about 2001). That said, I agree entirely with Silv's post above. As far as spells go, Breeze is nice once it comes out. Clarity was originally a level 29 spell, now it is 26 which is a nice boost. That is the meat&potatoes spell, and even if they put Breeze into the game I probably wouldn't bother going get it. If I happen to be there to buy it, and have spare cash, I might get it but it is pretty low on my list of things to get.

    Is it worth numerous posts on the forums? No. Is it worth dev time? No. Is it worth fixing if it fails to come out with Kunark? Possibly. :p
  3. Brouhaha New Member

    I don't think it's so much that they have a twisted view of the class as much as they just don't have your experience. Most returning players remember sitting down and medding a lot, there was no out of combat regen like there is on live now. That said breeze is a minor buff, sure it helps but I agree it's not class defining to enchanters but others probably see it as that.

    I see many returning players stating the are planning on rolling chanter mains, I believe that's because no other mmo's out there offers a control class like the EQ Enchanter used to be before PoP. I'm not sure i'm going to role enchanter again, i've played them a lot and I don't like how they play past pop (till seeds at least, I'm not familiar with the current live state of Enchanters).

    Breeze was in my opinion intended to be part of the base game experience, it was put at shaddy for a reason. Any other back filled spell line should be also be included. However as long as they are consistent either including them or not i'm fine with, it really couldn't hurt to give warriors some more tools in the early levels.
  4. Behee Augur

    Breeze was Kunark era.
  5. The Badger Lord Augur

    2 days left to code breeze and mana song back into the game!!
  6. Healiez Augur

    There are a TON of quality of life things that could be added back in to make things easier for certain classes, where do you draw the line??

    Berate line for warriors starting at 20, actually makes warrior a very solid group tank.
    Cease line for pallies, so they dont have to wait till the late 30's i believe before they get stun... Tanking on a pally is more miserable then tanking on a warrior until then
    Terror line for SK, (even though they have ZERO issues with agro in classic)
    Breeze for enc
    Low level bard mana song, also the song that makes group weapons magical (this song would be soooo legit)
    Low level rez spells
    Druid/Shaman rez

    The list goes on and on, how can they give one class a QoL change and not others..
  7. Dredlox Elder

    ^^ That was my issue, they seem to be all over the place with what they feel is "classic". Lacking breeze is a classic experience! BUT...we backfilled low level exp rez'es as we feel they were meant to be there or some sorts.
  8. Jaxarale01 Augur

    There is no rhyme or reason to what they allow as "classic" and what they do not.
  9. Brouhaha New Member

    Breeze was released during kunark that's true. However it was put on the on the vendor at Shady unlike most other kunark spells because they were backfilling and allowing everyone, even those without Kunark access to it. It can be locked away till kunark, it's really not that great a spell honestly and as long as all abilities / spells are treated the same way i'm fine with it. I just believe it was intended to be part of the base game is all, however i can also see why some people think it should be locked away till Kunark, that's a perfectly valid point of view.