@devs Please adjust the availability of RC/RGC on Random Loot

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Stormblossom, Oct 24, 2021.

  1. Elite_raider Augur

    We have killed more then 20 mobs in that bucket and we do not have any were near 5 to 6 copies
  2. Loki4567 Lorekeeper

    Splitting raids on TLP's has always been considered the norm for RGC since AoC's debuted and you couldn't research RGC any more. It's an extremely rare item at the best of times. If you don't want to raid for it, then buy it off of the bazaar and stop whining.
  3. Indigo_Quarmite Augur

    Well if you want to 72 man raid a 1 group mob - expect less loot? Using your brain is required.
  4. Indigo_Quarmite Augur

    Unfortunate, good time to use guild bank to buy a few copies. Luckily you only need 1 copy for progression.
  5. Stormblossom Elder

    Thank you for again acknowledging that this is working in a way that it should not. People have required a workaround to approach the raid content since AoCs were introduced because it is the only way to get enough copies of the required spell for progression. You can't acquire it through normal raiding, you have to split-raid and group for it instead of raiding. Stop interpreting requests for fixes to actual problems you are tacitly acknowledging yourself as whining.
    Aeonblade likes this.
  6. Indigo_Quarmite Augur

    Spit raiding is normal raiding. Fact. End of discussion.

    Back on live circa 200-2002 (pre-PoP) most guilds would only be able to mobilize 40 to 60 at best when a target popped, and that was if it popped during play hours. (remember, there was no AOC). I remember my first emp kill in era was 54 people and it was a 3 guild race. When lesser targets popped sometimes we would only get 20 to 25 people depending on time of day.

    So in fact, YOU are doing it wrong. AOC is a gift that is extending this games lifespan since we are too old for that bat phone stuff. HOWEVER, you should still be doing content with appropriate numbers. If YOU are facerolling stuff with full raid forces, YOU are playing the game wrong.

    Stop acting entitled and get yourself some new leadership in your guild or join a better guild who understands what to do.