[DEVS] Intended or not (Mischief)

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Elite_raider, Jan 5, 2022.

  1. Elite_raider Augur

    The way you implemented loot in PoP, hit the mark for the majority/everyone in our guild (and for most others on the server?)

    Every raid day when we work on progressing/backflagging or farming the top zones, we never know what we are going to get, some days we get nothing anyone needs and other days we get 20 bis items, everyone loves the thrill of seeing what the mob will drop this time! :)

    But most importantly, in all my years on TLP's I have never seen so many people online in the guild outside of raid times in PoP as on this server. The main reason for this is because people team up and do the "weekly" missions/raid mobs that can be done with 1 to 3 groups now. This weekly mission/raid mob thing that is now possible with smaller groups, can be both very challenging and risky at times, were all made possible with the random loot implementation in PoP.

    A BIG thank you for doing this, it added so much more relevant content and gave us so much more to do out side of raid days!

    PS: With an average guild clearing all the EP planes every week for 4 months and taking in to account other items that can take the place of an EP quest armor mold, the numbers simply don't add up. If you can individually control the chances of how many loot tables a mob will on average drop, please consider doubling the average number of EP armor molds a mob that can drop them, drops.
  2. Umul Augur

    gets 20 BIS items

    but wants more EP armor.

    Godbless you rerollers lol
    Duder, PatCleric and Gnothappening like this.
  3. Elite_raider Augur

    Bis items include EP armor molds, you fail at trolling.... ;-)
    Nolrog likes this.
  4. Gnothappening Augur

    I think a lot of people are getting nervous that the monthly maintenance patch on the 19th will bring a lot of loot changes. I expect there to be a lot of posts like this hoping to cut off any correcting of the loot tables. Would hate for mobs that can be duo'd to not drop time loot.
  5. verbatim Elder

    Need to add gryme to the quarm table yeah. Huge oversight.
  6. AngryKing Elder

    Unless Ngreth's stance changed over the break I wouldn't hold your breath. He even specifically mentioned Shade when discussing this.
  7. verbatim Elder

    The race to alot of the minis is pretty interesting. The problem with shade in particular is that he can be duod and even if you are watching his spawn people can camp a group of boxes there or worse warp to it and basically remove any semblance of competition from that particular kill. Groupable targets (with time loot) buried deep in trash favor cheaters over people playing legitimately.
  8. Gnothappening Augur

    I mean, if changed it would only hurt me as I 6 box a group and shade is one of the mobs I can kill for good gear. Doesn't mean I think it should be dropping that gear, but yeah.
  9. Strife Lorekeeper

    Let's not assume to speak for the majority. The way loot is implemented right now is a travesty. There's actually no point to kill elemental end bosses. The entire plane of air is worthless. Plane of Earth is 90% worthless (both A and B).

    I'm going to go out on a limb and say you enjoy the way the loot works because you're killing group content and getting time phase 5 gear. Wanting to even further easy mode it. If so good on you...i guess.
    Gnothappening likes this.
  10. Archmanicus New Member

    This again.... If you really want to feel superior doing progression plenty of the other TLP servers are well populated. Let mischief be random.

    I know you are going to come back with the same tired argument about it invalidating progression, but I don't care. You have had 20 years of progression. Ensuring all PoP progression is relevant makes the server not very random at all.

    *Bangs knife and fork on the table* Keep Mischief Random! Keep Mischief Random! Keep Mischief Random!
    Shui likes this.
  11. Gnothappening Augur

    Bingo! Sadly, a portion of the player base would prefer raid loot from groupable mobs to actually doing anything challenging. The worst part is that, no matter how much easier things get, people want them to be even easier. People say I'm being hyperbolic, but people worried they will change one group mobs to not drop time loot. Many of these same people want the exp rate to be increased by at least 50%, though I have also seen some asking for it to be doubled. The very concept of a challenge is anathema for some players.

    Personally, I would like to see the difficulty ramped up and not watered down.
  12. Umul Augur

    No no no no, you said sometimes we get 20 bis! sometimes nothing! we love the thrill! (paraphrasing)

    I was simply passive aggressively making fun of you for goin "all -in" on a temporary server. Its amusing to me.

    Go buy your molds. Normally i'm more responsive but meh. Its a niche topic.
    Treage_Imminent likes this.
  13. Umul Augur

    ^this guy gets it. The easier the challenge, the less satisfaction you will feel.
  14. DeadRagarr Augur

    I mean

    Agnarr still exists.
  15. Gnothappening Augur

    Agnarr is even easier than regular TLPs so not sure where you are going with that. I hope the next TLP they do something like halve player's healing and dps.
  16. Umul Augur

    True random loot. Sometimes literally no loot drops lol.
  17. Gnothappening Augur

    LOL. You can get that already if the RNG is bad and they still have dead space mobs on the list. I remember people saying they got like gems and stuff from raid mobs.
    Umul likes this.
  18. Elite_raider Augur

    Did you skip the most of the content of my post so that you could manufacture your own arguments of the point you so desperately are trying to make? I clearly stated that we are clearing the top end raid targets, but having targets that can be done with 1 to 3 groups and also drop worth while loot in a DZ once a week is significantly increasing peoples engagement with the game, out side of normal raids. Was that clear enough for you?
  19. EQEnzo New Member

    What happens to engagement when those people are fullly BiS with several weeks of PoP remaining? That's the concern, friend. Too much bis loot, too easily obtained = people losing interest while they wait for new content and ways they can progress.
  20. Treage_Imminent Elder

    You could do Time with banded armor or something that halved your raid's power if you wanted to see what it would be like.

    If you do, please post a video. That would actually be pretty cool to see. :)

    Overcast451 likes this.